Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 609

"Go to Hislant first, then go to the Fairy Forest, and then travel elsewhere for a while." Belen explained with a smile.

Hearing the second location, Lin Yi was also stunned for a moment, then tilted his head, and then muttered: "Elves Forest? Can you find that kind of place?"

Belen nodded, and he smiled and said, "I happen to have one here who is also from the Elf race, so don't worry about finding this problem."

Although the Fairy Forest is said to be south of Florence, no one knows its exact location, because the Fairy Forest itself is covered with a special magic circle, which will jump to another area from time to time and then borrow it. The power of another magic circle hides itself.This is what Antelina told him.

So, after receiving the blessing of Lin Yi's "good journey", Belem left the royal city and returned to Poggiacorti. At the gate of the castle, he saw his own commercial car and Antrina.

"Where have you been these days?"

In response to Belem’s question, Antrina said with a smile: “I went to the surrounding cities to take care of it. After all, Eloranya is not doing business well now.”

So I went to another city to eat some food!

Belen sighed helplessly, and then, a few figures walked out of the castle, it was the girls, they still had their luggage in their hands, and they seemed to be ready.

"Mr. Belén! All ready!"

"Well, let's get in the car!" Belen nodded, and then he noticed the girl with brown wavy hair standing aside again. He was stunned, and then asked: "You have to follow. Shall we go together?"

The girl was Hill. After hearing Belen’s words, she snorted and said, “Now Latier and the others are my family. I don’t allow you to do anything excessive to them, so I I will also follow you to monitor you!"

"Huh? Why should I do too much to my family! Also, why should you watch me!" Belen retorted very dissatisfied.

Hill snorted, then shouted brutally: "I don't care!"

"Mr. Belen, let Hill go with him. It's quite lively with a little more people." Latier blinked her beautiful big eyes and begged.

Seeing that Ratil was pleading, Belen had to give up. He glanced at Hill, and then said noncommittal: "Well, it's not impossible to let you go."

Hill's pretty face immediately showed a happy smile, and then he got into the commercial car with a smile while holding his luggage. He seemed a little excited. It's been a long time since he got on the commercial car.

Seeing Hill went straight in, Belen also shouted helplessly: "Before you go, you always have to get the consent of the Lord Duke?"

"Already agreed!"

Belen shook his head helplessly. The Lord Duke was really relieved to let this baby girl follow him and others to such a remote place. Then, he looked towards the clear sky, and his mood suddenly became bright. He smiled slightly.

"Then, let's go."

Volume 8: People from Thousand Years Ago

Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Four: The Return of Hislant

A commercial vehicle was driving on the grassland, and Belen and his party had just left Eloranya and started their journey again. This feeling made Belen a little excited.

After nearly two years, I traveled with everyone again.

"So happy!"

Latier, who was sitting next to Belen, now put her hands on her mouth and cheered like a horn. The cat's ears and tail were swaying, and the smile filled with joy.

This kind of feeling is something that has never been felt since Mr. Belém left. At this moment, La Tier was in a very happy mood. He wanted to hold Mr. Belém and then buried his head in his chest.

Well, I can't do it!What a shame!

If it's Latis or Ilia, it's probably easy to do it, right?

Thinking of this, La Tier's originally happy mood suddenly fell, her hands were entangled, and she was muttering something with her little mouth. It would be nice if she could be as frank as Ilia.

Belen was also puzzled when he saw La Tier's sudden change of mood, but he didn't plan to ask. The mood of girls has always been this way.

At this time, Lumia, who was sitting to the left of Belen, suddenly asked with some worry: "Belen, Master Juggernaut will not get lost, right?"

"No, she left a mark on me, she can find me at any time." Belen smiled and shook his head, and then picked up the necklace hanging around his neck with his fingers. There was a turquoise one on it. The crystal, with magic runes inside, is what Antrina left behind.

As for where Antelina went, she had nothing to do except go to other cities to eat food.

"Master Juggernaut, she...really, freedom?" Lumia couldn't find the vocabulary to describe Antelina, and suffocated such a sentence.

Belen understood what she meant, and he smiled and said: "She is an elves, she is already three hundred and eighty years old. If she doesn't find something to do, she will be bored for nearly four hundred years. of."

"That said..."

Lumia thoughtfully, she couldn't empathize with her. After all, she was just a human being and couldn't live for that long, but she could understand the meaning of this sentence.

Belén looked forward. The place he was going now was Hislant, so it didn’t matter if Antelina was by his side to show the way. He still had someone to meet. Besides, he wanted to take a look. What is going on with the Holy See now?

What is that mysterious man...

Immediately afterwards, Belen shook his head, and now there is no point in thinking about this question, because he has no clues at all, so let's focus on it.

Al, she should be busy now, right?

After learning that Heathland had happened that day, Al hurriedly greeted him and hurried back. After all, the Holy See was her second home to her.

Although Eloranya and Hislant are not far apart, this is only for the plate. When Belen and the others arrived in Hislant, it was already night.


Except for Belém and Lumia, the other girls came to Hislant for the first time, but at this moment, there was no surprise in their eyes, only shocked. Because of the situation here, it is the same as Elorland. Ya is almost no different, just as messy and devastated.

But it wasn't too surprised, because everyone had already known what happened here when they were in Eloranya. Hislant suffered a double blow, and it was already thank God that he hadn't been destroyed.

"Go, go to the Holy See."

Belen's gaze swept around, and then he continued to drive the commercial truck forward, his eyes low, he could already see the Heavenly Elephant Tower, but only half of the wall was left in ruins.

It's really destroyed.

After witnessing it with my own eyes, I really felt shocked in my heart. It was a symbol of the Holy See, standing in this city for hundreds of years, but it collapsed overnight.

Because there are many victims, the door of the Holy See headquarters is also open, so Belén and others can enter without being notified, but he can see a lot of magical powers shrouded nearby with his own eyes, obviously there are many strong people They are all guarded in the dark, and underground, there is a huge magic circle running, which can be activated at any time.

Belen shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he was really scared of being beaten by that mysterious man, and he was already on guard to this point.

Parked the commercial car in a clearing, Belen jumped down, and then looked at the girls who were getting off the commercial car one after another. He smiled and said, "Then let's go in and see Al together."

The girls responded, and then came to the back of the Holy See's main hall with Belen. There was no need to find someone to ask Al's location, because he saw a familiar figure on a avenue.

The black ponytail swayed behind him, wearing a blue, purple and white official uniform. The back of the girl, no, she was 22 years old and looked like a girl, isn't it Al?

I don't know if it felt anything, the figure suddenly turned around, and the blue-purple eyes instantly locked on the white figure after scanning for a week.

At this time, I saw Al suddenly stepped forward, then pointed his finger at Belen's nose, and asked very seriously: "Did you just say bad things about me!"

Belen's heart jumped, and then quickly shook his head to deny: "No no, absolutely no!" He didn't speak just now, and he certainly didn't think about it!

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