Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 619

on purpose!

Thinking of what he had said before, Belem also shuddered suddenly. This is all right. He has completely offended everyone. What can I do?

Hill was looking at Belem with a depressed look at the moment. The latter hadn't commented on her before, which made her unable to say anything, and this fact also made her a little depressed.

There is nothing to say...

So, Hill was sulking and staring at Belen sullenly, and in this manner falling into Belen's eyes, it was no different from being angry.

La Tier was also looking at Belem with a frustrated expression, and finally let out a deep sigh. She said in a sense of loss, "I'm so sorry for the chest like a racecourse."

"No, it's not!" Belen was also shocked when he heard the words. He hurriedly stepped forward and saw the girl with a look of loss. He was also very regretful. What nonsense he said!

"Latier! Don't be angry! Even if the chest is not big, it doesn't matter!"

At this moment, Belen was in a panic. In his evaluation of the girls, La Tier was said to be the most excessive, but in fact, he didn't mean to ridicule!It's just a simple talk about my views as a man!

"No, boys like big ones, I already understand." La Tier sighed in disappointment. It was obvious that he had been drinking milk all the time, and he had used some other methods, but he couldn't grow up. , What can she do?She is also desperate!

Hearing that, Belen is also a wise man, and quickly said: "Even if it is true, but ah, if you really like La Tier, you will definitely not care about it!"

"Anyone who likes me..." Ratier raised his head and looked at Belém after hearing the words, then gritted his teeth and asked with a blushing face: "Then, does Mr. Belém care?"


Belen was stunned. He didn't know how to answer for a moment. If he said he didn't mind, it would be like saying that he liked Latier. Isn't that wrong?

"Sure enough, I'm not welcome."

Seeing that Belen didn't answer immediately, La Tier felt lost again. She sighed and turned around. Before entering the room, she didn't forget to say something.

"I'm full, I'll go back to sleep."


Belen couldn't help but call out. He blinked and stood in a daze. How accidentally happened to this kind of thing, so he turned his head to look at Antrina, and threw one. Complaining eyes, but the latter had already eaten at the table as if he hadn't seen it.


Little cat Lattes tugged at the corner of Belen's clothes, then fluttered with her big eyes, and finally muttered with her small mouth: "Brother is a big satyr!" After that, she ran to Latier.


Belen also opened his mouth wide, he wanted to refute, but the kitten had already got into the house.


Hill also snorted unhappily, as if she was planning to go back to the room, but before that, she chose to take back the plates with rice balls and milk, after all, she couldn't make Latier and Lattes hungry. belly.

Immediately afterwards, Lumia patted Belém on the shoulder, her black eyes blinked and her face was a little red. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she showed an open smile and ran away. Having breakfast with Antrina, it looks like a good mood.

However, Belém was taken by her for a while. Although she didn’t quite understand what Lumia meant, it’s great to look lifeless. If you think about it carefully, it’s probably because she didn’t have What's wrong with Lumia?

Ah, it's so good to be merciful!

When Belen was so emotional, the silver-haired girl on the side also walked up to Belen, her silver-black eyes were as beautiful as stars twinkling.


Seeing Ilia, Belen also became a little nervous unconsciously. After all, didn't the words he said before indicate his mate selection criteria?

But ah, that's all true!

Iliya looked at the man in front of her, with a flush of red on her cheeks. She raised her hands, put them on her chest, and then pressed her lips to look at the person in front of her.

"Already, is it enough?"

Hearing the words of the silver-haired girl, Belen also slowly moved his gaze down. When he saw where the hands were placed, his face instantly turned red and the top of his head began to heat up.

"Yi, Illya! What are you doing?!"

Seeing Belen in such a panic, Ilia tilted her head and asked suspiciously: "I haven't done anything, brother."

Belen's gaze swept over, and she couldn't help swallowing, which was a little different from before. After all, Illya has grown up and has grown into a girl who can appeal to any man, even though she is only fifteen years old. , But it is indeed a beautiful girl who is all over the country.

As Belen said before, Elia is extremely perfect in his heart, but even so, the criteria for choosing a spouse is only for people outside the family. He knew that Elia was an extremely important family member. It's my sister!

If you make everyone mistakenly think that you are the same as those homeless people, then you will lose face.

Belen took a deep breath and calmed down, then put his hands on Ilia's shoulders, with a very serious and serious expression.

"Illiya, don't worry! Brother will never have any abnormal thoughts towards you, so please believe that your brother is upright!"

When Ilia heard these words, she raised her head slightly, her silver-black eyes and the dark blue pupils looked at each other for a while, and finally opened her lips slightly.

"Brother, you are a hopeless fool."

Eh!?Why were you scolded instead!?

Just when Belem was puzzled and was in a daze, Illia bit her lower lip and looked at Belem. She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn’t say anything, just turned around and went to eat breakfast. Up.

Belen was stunned when he saw this. He always felt that Ilia seemed a little angry, but on the surface she didn't seem to be angry, so she went to breakfast with a calm look.

I really don't understand...

Antrina glanced at Belem, then smiled silently, she muttered to herself: "What a foolish disciple."

Chapter 647: Does this method work?

Traveling like this is a very relaxing and pleasant day for Belem, but occasionally things that make him a headache happen, that is, what is happening now.

"Latier! Just forgive me! I was wrong!"

Belen was kneeling on the side of the bed, folded his hands on the ground, leaned his forehead on the back of his hands, apologizing very sincerely.

And there was a cat-eared girl sitting on the bed, her head tilted, her mouth pouting, obviously still angry.

"Mr. Belén doesn't need to apologize to me! After all, I'm just an unwelcome person who only has a racetrack!"

Hearing what Latier said, Belen also sighed helplessly. He didn't expect Latier to be so angry, although he did say too much.

Now it seems that girls are very concerned about their breast size...

Belen hesitated for a moment, and then said cautiously: "That, in fact, La Tier's one can still grow, don't be so discouraged!"

After hearing this, La Tier had a gray face, and she muttered to herself: "It's been so many years, it hasn't become bigger, will it not grow anymore..."

Ruined!Seems to poke the pain!

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