Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 620

Belen's heart was agitated, it seemed that things were getting worse now, so he changed his mind quickly.

"In fact, there are many ways to make it bigger!"

Hearing Belen’s words, La Tier’s mouth was flat again. She was obviously not concerned about this, but the next moment, she changed her mind again, if the breasts become bigger, could Mr. Belen care more about it? How about her?

Therefore, La Tier asked noncommittal: "Then, what are the methods?"

There is a play!

Belen's eyes lit up, he sat up, and then looked at the cat-eared girl who was staring at him. He coughed and adjusted his throat. Then he said what the unscrupulous guys in Jianjushe had discussed. Methods.

"Drink milk! A glass a day, you can definitely grow up!"

"I've been drinking it every day." Latier curled his lips, and then said in a disappointed voice: "Sure enough, I won't grow up again."

"Wait, wait! There are more!" Seeing the girl lost again, Belen also said quickly: "Bee, royal jelly! Yes, royal jelly can also increase breasts!"

"Royal jelly?" Ratil looked at Belen suspiciously. It was the first time she heard this term, and then curiously asked: "What is that?"

So, Belen told Ratil what he knew about royal jelly, but at the end he looked ugly.

Seeing that Belen didn't continue speaking, La Tier was also taken aback, so he asked: "Then what? Where are those things?"

Belen grabbed his hair with his hands, his expression was a little embarrassed, and he slowly said, "That... royal jelly, it's probably hard to get it because it's all from the book."


After hearing these words, La Tier's flame of interest that had been ignited at this moment seemed to be extinguished by a basin of water.

"Wait, wait a minute! And there is another way!"

Seeing the dimmed gaze at that moment, Belen also panicked, and then hurriedly called out, he still has a way to press the bottom of the box!

La Tier cast a dim look at Belem, and didn't seem to think that the latter could have any more reliable methods.

Belen swallowed. He felt that it was a bit embarrassing for him to say that method in front of Ratier, but now that Ratier looked desperate, he seemed to have to say it.

"Actually, it's okay to rub it..." Belen turned his head away, his cheeks started to flush, and at the end of the talk, his voice was as light as a mosquito.

"What?" Latier did not hear clearly.

Belen took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. After calming down, he lowered his head subconsciously, and then plucked up the courage to speak again.

"The breasts... it can be enlarged if people are rubbed frequently." Belen blushed and lowered his head, and then added: "This, this is the conclusion my friends came to when they were discussing. It seems very useful!"


La Tier's cheeks were instantly red, and the cat's eyes were instantly moist, and she was even shy and almost exposed!

As if noticed the abnormality, Belen also slowly raised his head, and was shocked when he saw the moist eyes.

"No, no! This is what I heard when my friends were discussing it! I only said it when I found it useful!"

La Tier blushed, her mouth slightly opened but trembling slightly. She couldn't speak, and she froze there. It took a while before she squeezed out a few words.

"Bei, Belen first, sir, we need to knead..."

"No, no, no, no! It's not that I want to knead it! Yes, it's Lattes and the others to help!"

After hearing the words that Latil squeezed out, Belen was also frightened and got goose bumps all over his body, and subconsciously shouted to explain.

This embarrassing atmosphere flooded the room where only two people were present. The two people blushed and lowered their heads, and put their hands on their legs and held them tightly. It was really embarrassing!

"Bei, Mr. Belen."


La Tier blushed and glanced at the white-haired man who was kneeling on the ground, and then asked softly, "Does this method work?"

"Should..." Belen wasn't sure at all, but when he saw La Tier's changing look, he quickly changed his words: "It's super useful! It must be made bigger!"

Hearing that, La Tier's face was even redder, and even the redness was about to bleed. She held her hands tightly on her thighs, and then asked softly: "If you rub it yourself, is it okay?"

Regarding Latier’s question, Belén can be said to have been thinking about it several times in his mind before speaking. He said seriously: "Probably not! You must let others rub it!"

"This, this way..." After hearing the words, La Tier also made a decision in her heart, and must let La Tisi help her in the bath!

If it can be enlarged, Mr. Belém should have more eyes on him, right?

Just when Ratil made a decision in his heart, Belen also cautiously asked: "Then... Then, in this case, can you, forgive me?"

Hearing this, Latier also recovered. She looked at Belem, then was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

"For the moment... forgive Mr. Belen."

That's great!

The big stone in Belen's heart was finally put down. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then cautiously said: "Then, then I go out first?"


After getting La Tier's answer, Belem finally felt forgiven. After being relieved, he quietly retreated and breathed the air of nature again. The whole person was suddenly enlightened.

This is more tiring than anything!

Latil in the room withdrew her gaze from the door, then looked at her chest, she stretched out her hand and rubbed it, then muttered to herself.

"Does it really work?"

Chapter 648: It is necessary to educate it!

According to Antelina, the forest of the elves is generally located in the forest. Because the special space controlled by the elves overlaps the magic circle, it can cover most of the spaces. Not only is it not easy to detect, even if it is detected, it is also difficult. Open the enchantment, so it can be said to be very safe.

At this moment, Belen and his party don't know how far they are from the Fairy Forest, but Belen is a little happy today because he is about to see his old friends.

He might be able to get to Hill tomorrow, and when he thought of this, the corners of Belen's mouth evoked a clever arc.

"Mr. Belen, you seem to be in a good mood?"

Latier, who was sitting aside, also noticed Belen's subtle expression, and was also a little curious at the moment.

Belen smiled and said, "Well, it's pretty good."

After being forgiven by La Tier that day, the two of them returned to their usual atmosphere, and Belen was also moved because of this. Fortunately, he has such a group of unscrupulous friends. I really heard a lot of unscrupulous things from them. , But also saved!

Thinking of this, Belem asked curiously: "By the way, Latier, does the method I told you work?"

If it doesn't work, it will be worse!

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