Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 621

Hearing his words, La Tier's face instantly turned red. She lowered her head slightly, rubbing her fingers with her hands, very shy.

"That...that, um, it feels useful."

Belen was stunned when he heard the words. He wanted to say that there were no major changes in a short period of time, but he didn't expect it would work in a short period of time. Is that method really effective?

Ever since, Belen put his gaze on Ratier's chest, and he stared suspiciously, as if nothing had changed?

After feeling the line of sight, La Tier immediately began to smoke like a steam engine, and then raised her arms to cover her chest, her face flushed, and her eyes moistened at the people around her.

"Mr. Belen... the pervert!"

"Eh eh eh!? Yes, I'm sorry!"

Belen also reacted immediately, his face was instantly red, only to realize how bold his vision was, it was terrible!

However, Belem said cautiously: "Latier... If this method doesn't work, I will find another method. Don't worry."

Hearing this, La Tier also glanced at Belen, then lowered her arms slightly, she looked at the slightly raised clothes on her chest, and slowly spoke.

"No, no, it seems to be useful, I feel that it is growing up."

Belen was also happy after hearing the words, but he still asked: "Really, really?"

"Hmm..." Latier replied softly, then blushed and looked at Belem. She whispered, "Well, that, do you want to rub it? Really, it's bigger!"


Belen was stunned.

Latil blushed and lowered her head, not daring to face Belen's gaze, and then muttered: "Although it is not as full as Illia, it is still possible, I think so. "

At the end of the talk, La Tier felt that his heartbeat was about to explode, his face was burning hot, and the whole person was very wrong, and he couldn't help regretting why he had to say such a thing.

Too, too shameful!

At this moment, Belem's brain is in chaos, which is clearly understandable, but it has become incomprehensible to him, probably this is the thinking of a demigod.


After an unknown period of time, Belen finally uttered the first word. He swallowed, his eyes refocused, and he scratched his cheek with his fingers a little embarrassed.

"Um, Latier, although we are talking about a family, there are some things that we can't do. For this... let Ilia and others do it!"

Hearing Belen's words, La Tier also blushed and nodded, she whispered: "I think so too."

But having said that, the atmosphere between the two of them at this moment is extremely embarrassing, which makes Belém somewhat difficult to decipher.

At this moment, the rear window suddenly opened, and both Belem and Lattier turned their heads subconsciously and saw a silver-haired girl standing inside.

"Ilia?" Belen was startled.

The silver-haired girl blinked, and then her arm lifted the breast that was not too big or small, her delicate face was very calm, and then she said something that made both of them blush.

"Brother, do you want to rub it?"

"Just don't!"

After Ilia came out, the awkward atmosphere between Belen and La Tier was reduced.

When the two lay in the bed, they both buried their heads in the pillows very embarrassedly, and the night passed quietly in such an atmosphere.

After the second day arrived, Belen got up early, because he was going to have breakfast, but he found that someone got up earlier than him, so he looked at him, isn’t the cat-eared girl in the apron just La Tier? ?


Hearing Belen’s call, La Tier, who was making omelette, trembled all over, and her cheeks turned red, but fortunately she could keep her calm. She took a deep breath to calm her emotions, and then turned around very naturally. Facing Belen, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Belém, good morning, will you leave the breakfast to me for today? I want to exercise my craft again!"

Seeing that La Tier had returned to normal, Belem was also relieved, and then smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll rest for a few days and leave it to you."

Seeing that Belen wanted to be lazy, Latier also had no objection. She smiled and nodded, and then turned around. She held her hot cheeks with her hands. She didn't expect to be like that if she was right. tension!

No, no, you must cheer up. Mr. Belém must not be aware of any strangeness in him. Now he cannot reveal his feelings. You must let him grow up first!

But Belen didn't know the current situation of La Tier, and thought she was back to normal, so he was relieved.

It's great to be back to normal!

Immediately afterwards, Belen suddenly remembered something when he was sorting the tableware. He felt that he had to go and teach Ilia about that aspect, and he needed to personally counsel him, because he found this It's not reliable to leave things to Antrina and the others!

Compared to Latier's ignorance, Illya can be said to be too unrestrained, she can say those things without changing her face.

Having said that, it seems that the academy really doesn't teach this.

Chapter 649: The most gentle side of the world

According to Antelina, the forest of the elves is generally located in the forest. Because the special space controlled by the elves overlaps the magic circle, it can cover most of the spaces. Not only is it not easy to detect, even if it is detected, it is also difficult. Open the enchantment, so it can be said to be very safe.

At this moment, Belen and his party don't know how far they are from the Fairy Forest, but Belen is a little happy today because he is about to see his old friends.

He might be able to get to Hill tomorrow, and when he thought of this, the corners of Belen's mouth evoked a clever arc.

"Mr. Belen, you seem to be in a good mood?"

Latier, who was sitting aside, also noticed Belen's subtle expression, and was also a little curious at the moment.

Belen smiled and said, "Well, it's pretty good."

After being forgiven by La Tier that day, the two of them returned to their usual atmosphere, and Belen was also moved because of this. Fortunately, he has such a group of unscrupulous friends. I really heard a lot of unscrupulous things from them. , But also saved!

Thinking of this, Belem asked curiously: "By the way, Latier, does the method I told you work?"

If it doesn't work, it will be worse!

Hearing his words, La Tier's face instantly turned red. She lowered her head slightly, rubbing her fingers with her hands, very shy.

"That...that, um, it feels useful."

Belen was stunned when he heard the words. He wanted to say that there were no major changes in a short period of time, but he didn't expect it would work in a short period of time. Is that method really effective?

Ever since, Belen put his gaze on Ratier's chest, and he stared suspiciously, as if nothing had changed?

After feeling the line of sight, La Tier immediately began to smoke like a steam engine, and then raised her arms to cover her chest, her face flushed, and her eyes moistened at the people around her.

"Mr. Belen... the pervert!"

"Eh eh eh!? Yes, I'm sorry!"

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