Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 622

Belen also reacted immediately, his face was instantly red, only to realize how bold his vision was, it was terrible!

However, Belem said cautiously: "Latier... If this method doesn't work, I will find another method. Don't worry."

Hearing this, La Tier also glanced at Belen, then lowered her arms slightly, she looked at the slightly raised clothes on her chest, and slowly spoke.

"No, no, it seems to be useful, I feel that it is growing up."

Belen was also happy after hearing the words, but he still asked: "Really, really?"

"Hmm..." Latier replied softly, then blushed and looked at Belem. She whispered, "Well, that, do you want to rub it? Really, it's bigger!"


Belen was stunned.

Latier blushed and lowered her head, not daring to face Belen's gaze, and then muttered, "Although

The front is Hill Shun.

Belen pulled the reins and drove the commercial car. He looked at the small town not far away, with a smile of joy on his face.

Is Swari in town?

After all, that was the first friend I made after graduation. When I thought of the upcoming reunion, I instantly became happy.

When Belem arrived in this town in a commercial car, the girls also looked out the streets through the windows.

"here is…"

La Tier's gaze swept over the people coming and going and the shops on the street. She was inexplicably familiar, so familiar, and feeling so familiar. She seemed to be here?

Belen had only talked about returning to Hillshun, so La Tier didn't know where it was, but he still had a familiar feeling.

After parking the commercial car in a specially-parked place, Belem greeted the girl to get off the car, and he found that Antelina didn’t know where to go. She was a little helpless at the moment, but she didn’t care much. Will be back.

When Belen took the girls down the street, he suddenly felt countless weird sights. He was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes swept around and found that both men and women were looking at him.


Belen suddenly remembered something. Although he was used to it, La Tier and the others are very cute and beautiful. Besides, there are super beautiful girls like Illia, it is normal to be so attractive. Thing.

However, the five girls walked together, which made him feel a lot of pressure in the front, and he always felt that there were a lot of malicious sights in those sights.

Although this is indeed a bit uncomfortable for him, but after thinking about it, he is like an elder, why should he have a guilty conscience?Just walk forward with your head high!

La Tier's gaze swept around, and there was still a slight sense of familiarity in her heart, and at the side, La Tisi suddenly pulled La Tier's sleeve.

"Sister, I seem to have been here."

"Does Lattes feel the same way?" La Tier was also startled when she heard the words. Since Lattes felt the same way, then it means that her feelings are not wrong.

They have indeed been here.

Immediately afterwards, the girls followed the happy Belen to the iron gate of a mansion, and when Latier and Latis stood in front of the iron gate, their long-lasting memories were no longer at this moment. Welled out.

This mansion...

The picture of her second encounter with Belem suddenly appeared in La Tier’s mind. She was unbearably wearing bracelets, shackles and collars. As slaves, she and La Tisi were almost sold here. Is the owner of this mansion?

Turns out... it's here.

Returning to this place again, La Tier gradually felt a strange feeling in his heart, unable to tell if it was fear or something else.

Latis also stood silently on the spot, her gaze fell on Belen, she did not speak, but obviously her mood was a little complicated.

Belen just wanted to inform the guard that he noticed the line of sight from Latis, he was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed Latier who looked unnatural, and his heart suddenly shook.

Anyway, at that time...

Belen also remembered what happened here at the time, and now he feels a little regretful, but he forgot to tell Latier and Latis that he was going to see Swari, so suddenly it reminded them of their sadness. I'm so sorry for the past.

Therefore, Belen apologized very guiltily: "I'm sorry."

Hearing his apology, Latier also recovered. She looked at Belém in a daze, and then smiled. She shook her head and said, "Mr. Belém doesn't need to apologize to us."

"No, it's my fault to remind you of bad past." Belen said like this. He actually forgot such an important thing, and he blamed himself.

La Tier shook her head, then took La Tis's hand, and said softly: "Mr. Belém, what happened here is not the bad past, but the most beautiful past. If it weren't for meeting Bei Mr. Lun, Latis and I may no longer be in this world."

It turns out that the complicated feeling in my heart is actually just sighing, feeling that what happened at that time was just as if it happened yesterday, but it was nothing but a different one, feeling that the embarrassed self could meet the gentle him.

Perhaps this is the gentlest side of the world.

Six hundred and fiftieth chapters: Reunion with Swari

When Belen heard what Latte said, his heart was also warm, and then after seeing Latte's happy smile, his heart was also relaxed, it seemed that he was worried too much.

The two of them were relieved long ago.

Hill and the others did not shy away from this topic. They already knew each other’s secrets, but even if La Tier and La Tis were once slaves, the fact that they are now family members will never change because of this. .

At this time, Hill couldn't stand it anymore, and helplessly interrupted the weird atmosphere, she said: "Okay, okay, what does it look like standing here!"

"Ah, yes!"

Belen recovered, and then walked to the iron door, his eyes fell on one of the guards, and then said: "Hello, I'm here to see Duke S...Rand, please ask him Are you there?"

The guard glanced at the white-haired man, then nodded and said, "Your Lord Duke has just returned today. Do you need me to inform you?"

"Trouble you." Belen nodded, very polite.

After the doorman went in and notified him for a while, he came back. After opening the door, Belen walked into the mansion with everyone, and he really hadn't been here for a while.

Under the guidance of the maid of the mansion, Belen and the girls came to the living room on the second floor of the mansion. The furnishings were still in the impression, but they seemed to have replaced some new style sofas.

No familiar figure was seen in the living room, but Latis and Ilia sat on the sofa for themselves, and Hill, she also sat down after a glance, which made Belen a little bit Helpless, but it's up to them. Who makes him spoil them so much?As for Hill, this girl is the daughter of Grand Duke Giovanni, and naturally has her own temper.

"Sit down, too." Belen looked at Latier and Rumia. Since everyone is seated, just sit down. Swari wouldn't care about such things anyway.

After a while, Belen sat on the sofa and heard the sound of opening the door, and immediately smiled with joy. He stood up and looked at the door. When he saw the person coming, he was taken aback.

Because the visitor is not Swari, but a dignified and beautiful woman, probably not yet thirty years old, very well maintained, with a delicate face, her black eyes gleaming with wisdom and she is wearing a suit The brown-yellow robe that is not gorgeous but is enough to show her noble temperament.

The woman's gaze swept across a group of girls, and finally fell on the white-haired man. She calmly said: "Since it is a visitor, the host is so casual before he arrives, is it impolite?"

"Hug, sorry!"

Belen stood up quickly, and he gave Latis and the others a look, but they looked at the woman curiously and didn't notice the signal he gave, which made him a little helpless.

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