Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 623

The woman's gaze stopped for a moment on the silver-haired girl, her eyes flickered slightly, and her heart was a little surprised by the beauty of the girl, but she did not show it, but stared at Belem coldly, because the white-haired man is The oldest in this group.

"Forget it, tell me who you are and what to do with Swari."

Hearing the woman's words, Belen also raised his brow slightly. He was also a little surprised at the woman who called his friend by name, but he probably guessed who this was.

He remembered that when he separated from Swari again, he also mentioned that he was married and had a wife. If he guessed correctly, the woman in front of him should be Swari's wife.

Belem bowed slightly to salute the woman, both courtesy and apologetic, and then smiled and said, "Hello, I am Swari’s friend, Belen Grean, if I guess right, you should be him. Your wife?"

Hearing the white-haired man's words, the woman was also a little surprised, then looked at him curiously, and finally nodded and said: "Yes, I am Swari's wife, and my name is Yelihua Bognaby."

So it really is!

Seeing the other party confessed, Belem was also surprised. He smiled and said: "When he parted with Swari, he also mentioned you to me, but you were not there at the time, and I left in a hurry, so we I’ve never met, and I’ve never been to your wedding. I’m really sorry."

Seeing the white-haired man talking so excitedly, Ye Lihua also raised her eyebrows slightly, and then calmly said, "There is nothing to apologize for."

"Ah! By the way, where is Swarri?" Belen suddenly remembered this.

Yelihua calmly replied, "He just came back and was still taking a bath, but I heard that someone was looking for him, so I let me come first. Now he should be coming soon."

Sure enough, the door opened in the next moment.

I saw a handsome man wearing ordinary casual clothes walk in. He noticed Ye Lihua, and the next moment he set his eyes on the white-haired man. His pupils slowly widened at this moment, unbelievable. Colors.

"You...you are Belém!?"

After seeing his old friend who had not changed much, Belen also showed a happy smile, he strode forward, and then stood in front of Swari.

"Ah, long time no see, Swari!"

Although the hair color and the eye color have completely changed, and the temperament is somewhat different, this face is undoubtedly the face of Swari’s best friend Belen Grean!


Swari laughed, hugged Belen with a bear, and laughed happily, "I didn't expect it to be you! I haven't seen you in years!"

"Yes." Belen was also full of emotion.

After a while, the two separated, Swari asked Belen to sit down first, and he also sat on a sofa, and his wife Yelihua sat beside him very dignifiedly.

Swari was obviously very happy. He smiled and said, "Belen, tell you about this. This is my wife I mentioned to you. Isn't it super beautiful?"

"Yeah." Belen smiled and nodded.

Ye Lihua on the side also looked at her husband curiously, and then at Belem, very surprised. She had never seen her husband so happy when she met a friend.

Swari looked at the old friend in front of him again. He nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "You have changed a lot compared to the beginning. If I guess it is correct, the famous empire "White-haired Sword Saint", should it refer to you, Belen?"

When he first met Belen, he already knew that this teenager who was about ten years younger than his own was an extraordinary "swordsman."

Belen smiled and nodded. From his good friend, he wouldn't even hide such things.

When Ye Lihua heard the conversation between the two of them, her heart was shocked, and her beautiful eyes looked at the white-haired man in disbelief.

This, this person is...

Is the legendary "white-haired sword saint" who reversed the Northwest campaign and defeated the "natural disaster"?

What an incredible good friend did my husband make?

Chapter 651: Changes that cannot be ignored

"Master Juggernaut, I am very sorry, and please forgive me for being rude."

Yelihua suddenly stood up and bowed to Belen and apologized. She was worried that the "white-haired swordsman" might affect the relationship with Swari because of her behavior.

If this is the case, then she is really going to die of guilt.

Seeing that the duchess actually apologized to him, Belen was also taken aback for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, he smiled and said: "Don't be so polite, besides, I am the one who made them sit down so rudely , I should apologize, and since you are Swari’s wife, you are naturally my friend."

Ye Lihua was also very surprised by the friendly attitude of this "white-haired swordsman". She thought that such a stunning powerhouse must have a higher self-esteem, but now it seems that It's not like that.

"I underestimated your temperament." Ye Lihua said like this, and she saluted again, and then sat down again.

Hearing this, Belen also said helplessly: "Please don't use honorifics anymore. I am just Belen Grean in front of Swa, not that "white-haired swordsman"."

After hearing the words, Yi Liya looked at her husband beside her, her bright eyes were inquiring. Obviously, she still cared a bit about the attitude she should use to treat this "white-haired sword master."

Swari smiled slightly at the question in his wife’s eyes. He said, “Belen is a good friend of mine. You don’t need to be so restrained. This kid has a good temper. If you scold him, he won’t It's back."

"This... forget it, I don't want to be scolded in vain." Belen replied with some helplessness, and then he looked at Yelihua and said with a smile: "Don't think of me as Whatever big people, just treat them like normal."

In response, Ye Lihua blinked, then nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Swari looked at the girls. In the end, his gaze was fixed on La Tier and La Tisi, his brows were raised slightly, as if thinking of something.

"you guys..."

Seeing the Lord Duke put his gaze on her, Latil's heart jumped too. She stood up and bowed slightly to Swari.

"Hi, Lord Duke, my name is Ratil."

Seeing this pretty girl with cat ears, Swari also blinked, and then glanced at the smaller cat ear girl who was sitting on the sofa eating fructose. He seemed to understand something, and then he smiled sharply. .

"I have grown up healthy, congratulations."

Hearing what he said, La Tier knew that the lord duke had recognized her. Although it was only in a hurry, she did not expect the latter to have an impression of her, which surprised her a little, but the lord duke The kind attitude also surprised her a bit.

"Thank you, Lord Duke, if it weren't for Lord Duke willing to let go of our sisters, maybe..." Latier saluted Swari very sincerely.

"You don't need to thank me, this is the arrangement of fate." Swari shook his head, then said with a smile: "Since you have found your home, go on living happily."


La Tier smiled. She was very happy. She always felt like she was in a different mood. Her mood suddenly became bright. Then she sat down again, and the cat's tail behind her was still shaking. Obviously she was in a very good mood now. Of pleasure.

Immediately afterwards, Swari swept his gaze over the other girls, and then looked at Belém with a weird look. He first said: "Belen, don't you introduce these beautiful girls you brought ?"

"Ah! Sorry, sorry." Belen also forgot that he hadn't introduced everyone yet, and immediately introduced his family to Swari and Yelihua.

When Belen introduced Ilia, both Swari and Yelihua stopped their gazes on the silver-haired girl. The latter’s face was truly amazing, even more impressive than the famous paintings. It's incredible, just like a doll made by the world's hands.

Yi Liya nodded slightly to the two of them, and then said calmly: "My name is Yi Liya."

"Hello." Both Swari and Yelihua replied, and the two blinked, still surprised by the appearance of the silver-haired girl.

Belen looked at Hill, but when she was about to introduce her, the girl snorted and said first: "My name is Hill Borgiacorti, from Eloranya."

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