Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 624

"Porgia Corti?"

Hearing this surname, Swari and Yelihua also looked at each other, and then saw the surprise in each other's eyes. The former asked uncertainly: "Could it be that you are the daughter of Grand Duke Giovanni ?"

Poggiacorti is a rare surname, and it also comes from Eloranya. Swari immediately judged the identity of this girl. After all, he is also a duke, and naturally he is not involved in the affairs of the court. Little, as for Grand Duke Giovanni, he has also met and cooperated many times.

"Yes." Hill replied. She still respects the young Lord Duke in front of her. The name of the Duke Rand, she has also heard her father mention, is a very capable and good character. People.

However, I didn't expect to know Belen, and the relationship was so good, thinking of this, Hill glanced at Belen again.

After learning the names of the girls, Swari turned his gaze on Belem again. He smiled and said, "I have nothing to do these days. Why don't you just rest here for a few days? I am I really want to know what has happened to you all these years."

"Well then." Belen also had no reason to reject Swari, after all, Antrina had left now, and he didn't know how to go to the Fairy Forest.

So, under Swari’s arrangement, the group of people stayed here. Yelihua helped the girls sort out a few vacancies, but they didn’t expect them to sleep together and heard the child’s request. , Ye Lihua showed a gentle smile.

After dinner, Belém was standing there looking at the stars on the spacious balcony. He didn't expect that he would be back here again. Now he was feeling emotional.

At this time, Swari walked from behind and came to Belem. He smiled and said, "You have changed so much. You can express your emotions with facial expressions."

"Thanks to them." Belen replied plainly, but with a soft smile.

"So, let's talk about the other side. What's the matter with your hair and eyes?" Swari stared at the friend who was with him, he knew that there must be a deep meaning in this.

The black hair and black eyes at the beginning have now turned into white hair and blue eyes. This is a change that cannot be ignored.

Chapter 652: No courage to say it

Belem didn’t feel strange at all about Swari’s questioning. It would be strange if he didn’t ask, and he didn’t intend to conceal it, and his friendship with Swari is no different. I am inferior to those guys in the school.

So Belem told him everything.

When Swari learned that Belem’s time was coming to an end, he couldn’t help but be shocked. He couldn’t even think that the reason for this result was actually fighting the legendary "brave" For the sake of.

"How much time do you... still have?" Swari couldn't help asking.

Belen shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it should not be far away."

If he had less than five years left when he was in Flozarno Academy, then when he was in Miesnaisen, his time was greatly reduced. After that, although he really stood In the "Demi-God Realm", he was not sure that there were really no sequelae.

Almost two years have passed since then. How can he estimate that he has less than one year left at most?Ah, thinking about it this way, it's really short and pathetic.

Belen couldn’t smile again for a while, and his heart was inexplicably heavier. If someone who has nothing to worry about may be able to maintain a calm mood after learning about it, but he can’t do it, because There are too many things to let go.

Swari was silent for a while and then asked, "Belen, is there nothing else?"

"It should be gone, even the "brave" can't help it.Belen shook his head, and then took a deep breath to dispel the depressed mood, and he smiled again.

"I'm not depressed yet, what are you doing with a bitter face?"

Upon hearing this, Swari glanced at him, and then asked softly: "So, do they know about this?"

Belém was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Except that Lumia knew about this, I didn't tell Latier and the others. However, they should also know that I am not in good health, but they should also I just know this level."

"Don't talk to them?" Swari frowned.

If time is really as urgent as they think, then it means that Belem is likely to leave the world at any time. If it comes too suddenly, can those girls really accept it?

"If they ask, I will tell them everything." Belen said like this, because he didn't have the courage to confess the matter with everyone, just hope they can ask before they can't hold on. Get up, so that you can save yourself a psychological burden.

"You are really gentle."

Swari shook his head helplessly. He understood that Belen didn't want everyone to fall into sorrow and sadness, so he had to bear this matter alone until now.

"What gentle, really numb." Belen gave his friend a blank look, then raised his head to look up at the starry sky, a little melancholy and a little scared, afraid that the end would soon appear in front of his eyes.

For the first time I think time is so important.

Swari looked at his friend's profile, he didn't know what to comfort him, maybe he didn't need comfort at all, because he, a good friend, was probably relieved.

"Is there anything I can help?"

Hearing these words, Belen was also thoughtful. He didn’t be polite to Swari, and said with a smile: "Then after I leave, if they ask you for help, do your best to help. Them."

"You are really welcome." Swari grinned, and then laughed loudly. He nodded and responded with a very serious look and smile: "No problem."

"Ah, then please."

Belén knew very well that he was giving his last words, and he did not shy away from this fact.Swari also knew that his friend had already given his last words. Although he wanted to help, he was powerless. In that case, he wanted to do everything he could to accomplish.

Behind the wall behind the balcony, a figure was covering his mouth, a teardrop fell from his cheek, and there seemed to be a choking sound, and then quietly and quickly left here.

Early the next morning.

After the meal, everyone was enjoying the daylight in the courtyard. Belen was also in a good mood drinking tea and reading a book. Let's just spend the time here and wait for Antrina to return.

Latier, who was sitting on the side, was eating cakes at this moment, but the cat pupils looked at Belem from time to time, and this little movement was also noticed by the latter, he looked at the cat ear girl curiously.

"Latier, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Ah? No, no!" Latier was startled, and then subconsciously denied it.

Hearing that, Belen was also a little puzzled. He blinked and didn't care too much. After all, this was already commonplace, so he turned his gaze back to the book and continued to look at it.

Looking at that side face, La Tier pursed her lips, her eyes trembling slightly, she opened her mouth, but closed it again, her expression a little hesitant.

At this time, a plump and bloated figure suddenly walked slowly from the side path, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Duke Rand! You said in your letter that you would send me fifty people to help me go to the mine. I think it's too few!" A rough voice came from the person's mouth, which made people sound a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this man, Swari also frowned. He stood up from his position and said calmly: "Fifty people is already the limit. I don't have many people here."

It was a middle-aged man with a fat body. Those bean-sized eyes were staring at Swari. After hearing the latter's words, he said with a face of disbelief: "Huh? As a duke, how could you not support Elite soldier? Are you kidding me?"

"Believe it or not, this is the case." Swari responded indifferently, and then said indifferently: "Well, this is my mansion, Leonard, you broke in without my permission. , I don’t care about you, now leave me quickly."

Generally nobles will train a group of private guards for themselves, but Swari is different. His own family is in such a small city, and the security is good, he does not feel the existence of private guards.

"Ha, you thought I would believe..."

Leonard had a look of disbelief, and just when he wanted to refute, those bean-sized eyes suddenly went round at this moment, and his eyes fell on the girl sitting at the small round tables. The whole person was stunned, and then his mouth gradually widened, faintly seeing the crystal liquid flowing down the corner of his mouth.

"Land, Lord Rand, if, if you can give me these beauties, you, you don't need to send soldiers to me."

"What?" Swari frowned, and the doubts gradually turned into anger, his hands were clenched tightly, and an anger was pouring out of his heart.

"Are you joking?"

Leonard drooled and murmured stupidly: "No, no, I'm not kidding, just give me that girl with the silver hair. I will listen to you for everything from now on."

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