Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 626


Leonard's eyes lit up suddenly, and he stared at the girl who was walking slowly, with an idiotic smile on his face, just like when he saw the silver-haired girl that day.

Hill also felt disgusted by the sight of this guy, and she said coldly: "Don't look at me with your disgusting eyes. Believe it or not, I let people beat you into a real pig?"

"Ha, the little girl has a stubborn temper, I like it!" Leonard laughed.

Hill looked at each other indifferently, then illuminated the ring on his left index finger, and said calmly: "Do you recognize this? Of course, if you are an ignorant pig, then I have nothing to say."

"The ring?"

Seeing the shiny silver-black ring, Leonard also frowned. Although he could see that it was not an ordinary ring, he really didn't know what it was.

"Ha! He is really an ignorant guy, only because his father is a Duke, so he dare to go everywhere?" Hill also retracted his hand when he saw it, and said sarcastically.

"You are wrong. In fact, I am also a baron!" Leonard retorted proudly.

In this regard, Hill saw through the facts at a glance, she said sarcastically: "Isn't it because of her father's power to become it?"


Leonard was said to be flushed after the middle and late, but he couldn't see it through because of his dark skin, but he was obviously very angry at the moment. He stared at the girl in front of him with shame and very dirty eyes.

Being stared at with unbridled gaze, Hill was also uncomfortable. Her face became colder and colder. She didn't really have any good feelings for this guy in front of her, so it was disgusting!

"My name is Hill Borgiacorti. If you understand this, you'd better take it back to your father to listen to it, otherwise you will regret it."

After speaking, Hill turned and left. She didn't even want to look at this ignorant and disgusting guy. Compared to this guy, Belem was better.


Why do you think of him!

Thinking of this, Hill couldn't help cursing himself secretly, then snorted embarrassedly, and walked into the mansion under Swari's helpless gaze.

"The girls around him are really diverse." Swari couldn't help but laugh. Although the scene just now was a good use of the situation, the eldest lady of Poggiacorti didn't have anything on weekdays. The high-profile performance makes him appreciate it, no wonder, after all, it is Belém's friend.

Belen, who had been standing in the second-floor corridor, also naturally saw this scene. Although he didn't hear anything underneath them, it seemed that Hill was helpful.

Immediately afterwards, Belen walked to the first floor and just met Hill who was coming. He smiled and said, "You don't say anything too much to that guy? That person will always hate you. ."

Seeing Belen, Hill also snorted, she said disdainfully: "I don't care about that kind of stuff! Compared to that guy, you are more..."

"Compared to what?" Belen asked curiously.

Hill's face turned red for an instant, then he stuck out his tongue, and snorted very playfully, "It's nothing! Just treat it as if you haven't heard anything!"

As a result, Hill quickly bypassed Belen and walked up the stairs, without even looking back, as if he didn't want to spend more time with Belen.

Seeing this scene, Belen was also a little confused, but he didn't care. This is Hill's character, and such inexplicable appearance is already everyday.


At this time Swari also came here. He glanced at the figure walking up the stairs, and then said with a smile: "Hill did me a great favor. Maybe Leonard learned about her after returning. The identity doesn’t dare to say anything to me."

Belen smiled when she heard the words, and then said: "Although she usually looks arrogant, she is actually a very kind girl."

He believed in this, and even if it was the trouble that happened at the beginning, Belen knew very well that Hill was doing it for the sake of Katir and the others.

Standing behind the wall by the stairs, Hill was blushing at this moment. She heard Belen's words very clearly, and her face was red as if she was about to bleed.

"Don't tell me if you are so numb!"

After a while, Hill curled his lips, snorted and walked to the other side, but seeing the brisk pace under her feet, it seemed that she was in a good mood.

Chapter 655: Mineral Veins

On this day, a strange wave of magic power suddenly spread from the mine vein, and the activities of the beasts became more and more frequent. This phenomenon also caused Leonard who had been watching over there to have doubts, so he immediately sent someone Go to the vein.

Even Swari got the news. Although he has no interest in mineral veins, because he is not far away, and because there are so many beasts there, he is also worried that beasts will suddenly attack here, so he is always paying attention. With.

"Did something happen to the mineral vein?" Swari was a little concerned about this.

Belem, who was sitting aside, also heard the news that the servant told Swari, and he was still thinking about it. He knew that Swari was worried that the beasts would come to Silshun. After all, if there are frequent activities, it means that he is in the forest. The movement phenomenon on the outside is also extraordinary, so it will be observed.

"Do you need me to take a look at the forest?" Belen suggested.

Hearing that, Swari hesitated for a while, and then said: "Forget it, I will send some people to investigate the situation." He didn't want to trouble Belen.

"If you encounter some fierce beasts, those people will be very dangerous?" Belen understood Swari's kindness, he smiled and stood up, then reached out and patted Swari on the shoulder, he said: "It's okay, just leave it to me."

Seeing his friend's smile, Swari was also stunned. He curiously said: "You seem to be very motivated? Do you care about mineral veins too?"

As a good friend who has fought with him, Swari also noticed that Belen was very motivated, so he was a little concerned.

"Well, I really care about it." Belen's gaze looked into the distance, his dark blue pupils flickered slightly, and he said: "The magical fluctuations that emanated from there, passed far away, and passed by here, I am a little concerned about that one. Is there something special in the vein?"

"That's it."

Only then did Swari understand the source of his best friend's motivation, so he nodded, then smiled and said, "Then you can help me investigate."

Just as Belen said, if the person sent out by himself encounters a ferocious beast, it will be very dangerous, but if it is handed over to Belen, it will be different. He doesn't think any beast can beat this one. "White-haired Sword Saint", besides, since Belen also cares about that vein, let him go and watch it.

"Okay, remember to tell everyone for me." Belen told Swari, and then turned and walked away. There is no need for someone to lead the way, because the magical fluctuations can still be felt now.

Seeing the white-haired figure leaving, Swari was also thoughtful, and he was also a little curious. After all, the mine veins made the "White-haired Sword Saint" a little concerned.

Outside the city.

Belen increased his body to about forty so that he would not be so slow on his way, and when he approached the forest, he could feel a lot of magical power.

With his "eye of the demigod", Belen can roughly understand the situation outside the forest. There is not too many wild beasts that Swari was worried about. At this moment, there are also many humans around here, probably around. Soldiers sent by the city, obviously Swari is not the only one who is worried about the wild beast riots.

"Then, take a closer look."

Belén leaped to the branch, and then accelerated a little bit toward the inside of the forest. The closer he got to the inside, the stronger the wave of magic he felt. Of course, this was for him, for ordinary magic. As far as the instructor is concerned, this magical power is still very slight, not even easy to detect.

Could it be that there is a huge magic crystal in that vein?After all, only magic crystals of that level can emit such huge magic power fluctuations, which are generally used as energy for the empire's military, and the number is very small, probably the empire may not have a few.

Having said that, he has never seen a real magic crystal, so let's take this opportunity to check it out.

Belen had already roughly determined in the bottom of his heart what it was that exuded magic power. After all, such a huge magic power could not be imagined to be anything other than magic crystals.

When approaching the mineral vein, Belen noticed the big fat Leonard whose magic power was sealed by him. The latter was commanding the troops he brought to open the tunnel.

Standing on the treetops, Belen looked at the huge mountain range in front of him. He could indeed see the huge magic power surging in it, and it was in the shape of a long, winding and rugged strip. There really is one here. What an incredible vein.

Does it really mature in these years?

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