Wonderful trip to another world

Bizarre Travel In Another World Chapter 627

Such mana veins can only be brewed after countless years. Generally speaking, they will be handed over to the top of the empire to deal with them. If they are mined privately like Leonard, if they are discovered, they will also be severely punished. Perhaps he dared to do this because of his father's power to cover the empire's sight.

So, let's find a route.

Belén circled this area and started looking for a route into it. If he had to go through Leonard, he would obviously be obstructed. He didn’t bother to argue with that guy anymore. These days Leonard didn’t. The trouble with Swari again was probably because he had learned of Hill's identity from his father, so that he was admitted. If he was anxious, he would jump over the wall in distress. That would be troublesome.

"Ah, I found it."

Standing on a big tree, Belen's gaze fell on the rock wall, which was the weakest place in relative terms and could be opened directly, but at the next moment, his brow suddenly raised slightly.

How is this going?

Belen frowned, and then opened his five fingers on his right hand, and the snow lion appeared in his hand. He jumped forward and then stuck in the air in front of the rock wall, and he swiped two swords gently in front of him.


The rock wall was split and cracked directly under these two swords, and then fell open under Belen's sword. He discovered that there was a tunnel here?

"How come there are tunnels?"

Belen was puzzled. With this doubt, he stepped into it, then jumped into it, and fell down. After a while, he landed. It is not dark here because of the surrounding crystals. The stones are emitting fluorescence, and there is a stream in front of them, probably water seeping in from the stone wall.

Could it be that the magic crystal is here?

Immediately afterwards, Belen's gaze was to look directly at the other end of the tunnel. The magic wave he could feel became stronger and stronger here. There is no doubt that the source of the magic wave is at the end of the tunnel.

Chapter 656: The mysterious man who wakes up

At this moment, deep below the vein, Belen was walking on the edge of the tunnel. Because of the current, he didn't want to wet his shoes, and he was also looking around.

"This tunnel seems to be made by nature."

There is no trace of excavation here, and looking at the surrounding environment, it is obvious that it is a natural tunnel, so the magic wave inside, the eight achievements are magic crystals.

However, although this is a natural tunnel, the place where he just came in looks like someone else did it. Thinking of this, Belen can't help but frown.

Could it be that anyone has been here before?

Although there are such doubts, it is only the degree of doubt. Even if someone has been there, it does not conflict with what I am doing now.

After walking for a long time, Belen finally came to the end, and there was a round platform at the end of the tunnel, and the beautiful surroundings instantly attracted his attention.

"These... are all magic crystals?"

Belen looked at the surrounding stone walls in surprise, all of them exuding rich purple brilliance, and also exuding faint purple, which was beautiful and amazing.

The next moment, Belen noticed the round table, and his eyes suddenly became round, because he found that the whole round table was actually a magic crystal.


Belen was stunned again, but then again, why is there such a round platform?It can't be made naturally, too, and there is also an emerald-colored...jade on it?

Is that the above thing?

Seeing such a thing, Belen was also stunned for a while, and then slowly walked forward, stepped on the stairs and came to the round platform. At this moment, the dark blue eyes gradually showed shock.

It turned out to be a jade bed, and there was a man lying on this jade bed. It was a man with short chestnut hair. He was wearing a blue and white shirt or clothes like a Taoist suit. His appearance was very delicate. Judging from his appearance, The age is probably just similar to Belém.

Something is wrong.

Belen was shocked and noticed the strangeness. If anyone was here, why didn't he see his magic?Thinking of this, he once again used his "half-god eyes" to observe the man on the jade bed, his eyes squinted slightly.

This person is not dead yet!

But he couldn't see the magic in him.

It was not a dead person, but it made Belém's "eye of the demigod" invalid on his body, which is simply incredible, but this situation is not uncommon.

There were Sisya and Antelina on the mysterious woman, and he couldn't see through the magic power in them with the "eye of the demigod."

Could it be said that this man also has the ability comparable to the "Demi-God Realm", so can he block his prying eyes?

With such doubts, Belen was silent for a while, and he began to doubt the tunnel he had just entered. Could it be that this man opened it?

Who is he?Why is it here?

Just when Belen was filled with doubts, he suddenly felt a huge magical power suddenly shake off, his subconscious defense was still shaken back a few steps, and he stared at the voice on the jade bed.

Ahhh, that magic wave is not emitted from the magic crystal, but this man!

Although I don't know who this person is, the only thing that can be determined now is that this man has very powerful strength, at least in the "Demi-God Realm"!

And that magical fluctuation, does it also mean that this man is about to wake up?

Belen's gaze fell on the mysterious man's face. It seemed that he hadn't come to wake up yet. Maybe that magical fluctuation was just a sign of recovery. I don't know how much time it will take to wake up.

Whether it is good or evil, there is no way to judge, and Belen can't attack this man with such doubts, so he can only leave it alone.

So what should I do now?Leave?

Belen didn't know what to do for a while, he thought, if Antlerina was by his side, she would definitely not be as confused as he is now.


Another wave of magical power suddenly broke out, Belen also raised his hand to block it, then frowned, and just as he was puzzled, another wave of magical power struck, but it would not treat him anymore. There was a shock, and he stared at the man on the jade bed.

The magic fluctuations are emitted so frequently, does this mean that this mysterious man is about to wake up?


A purple magic power suddenly appeared on the mysterious man, and in the end a magic ban was formed, and there were chains constructed by many ancient magic runes, which were sealing the ban.

"That is...?"

Seeing the incomparably mysterious magic runes, Belen was also taken aback. His theoretical knowledge was fairly good when he had mastered them during the academy period, but he was extremely unfamiliar with these magic runes, and few knew them.

These magic runes do not belong to this era!

Could it be that the magic prohibition is to seal this mysterious man?

Not waiting for Belém to think more, the chain made of ancient magic runes suddenly turned into fluorescence and dissipated, and the magic restriction also cracked at this moment. Under Belém's sight, the cracks grew more and more. The bigger it is, it is broken in the end!


All the magical talisman culture floated around as a purple fluorescent light, and finally it turned into a person and stretched out something similar to a palm, gently stroking it on the man’s cheek, and then turned into fluorescent light. Away.

At the same time, the man who had been lying on the jade bed for an unknown amount of time slowly opened his eyes. They were a pair of emerald-like beautiful turquoise eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, it seemed that light was emitting. , Beautiful and immaculate, and as brilliant as a galaxy, profound and moving.

Belen began to guard, the magic in his body began to surge, and he could enter the "Demi-God Realm" at any time. He stared at the mysterious man who opened his eyes.

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