Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 628

The reason why he is so alert is because the opponent is very powerful, although this is just his feeling, but secondly, because he doesn't know what kind of person the opponent is!

After a while, the man sat up slowly. He raised his head and glanced at the dissipating purple color. Then he exhaled, as if sighing. Then, he stretched his waist and turned his head to look at Bai The hair man, this man showed a bright smile and used magic to convey his words.

"Hello, can you tell me when it is now?"

Chapter 659: Nit Meldius

The turquoise emerald-like eyes and the blue roughly-like eyes were staring at each other at this moment, but compared to the vigilant deep blue, the turquoise looked very peaceful.

What did he just ask?

Belen suddenly recovered, and he frowned slightly. Although he felt that the person in front of him seemed to have no malice towards him, the mystery and power of the other party had to keep him vigilant.

The man sitting on the jade bed put his feet on the ground, then looked at Belem again. He blinked, and then asked again: "That... can you hear me?"

Why use magic to convey words?

Belen was a little weird. He tried to open his mouth and said, "Hello, I have to hear."

Hearing what Belen said, the man was silent again, then closed his eyes, and opened them slowly after a while, with a smile on his face.

"I can say it, but it's a bit blunt."

I spoke with my mouth...

Belen looked at each other curiously, and then thought for a while, he asked: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"You answer me first, and I will tell you later." The man showed a very sunny smile, and then added: "I mean, what year is it now?"

Although a little puzzled, Belen answered the other party's question, and then looked at the other party carefully, but did not use the "half-god eye" because he would be noticed by the other party.

"Ah... it's all gone, has it been so long?" There was an inexplicable look in the man's eyes, with emotion and sadness.

"Then you should answer my question."

"Ah, sorry." The man came back to his senses and rubbed the back of his neck with a smile. He replied: "My name is Nit Meldius. You can call me Nit."

Hearing this name, Belem didn't have any impression, and then he asked: "Why are you here? What are you going to do here?"

"I was brought in by a friend. As for what I wanted to do... I didn't do anything. I just slept."

Nitt explained with a smile and then stood up. He stretched his waist and looked at the white-haired man in front of him.

"Okay, is there anything else you want to ask? If not, change me. Where's your name? I told you all."

Seeing how friendly the other person looked, Belen also relaxed a little. He blinked and then replied: "My name is Belen Grean. You can also call me Belen."

Hearing this, Nit also smiled and said, "Well, Belen, can you take me out? I have slept long enough."

For this sentence, Belen still has a very curious question. He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "How long have you slept?"

"How long have you slept?" Nit rubbed the dough, and then thought for a while. He looked at Belen and said with a smile: "It's probably more than a thousand years, right? One thousand two or one thousand three? I am not confirmed."

More, how much?More than a thousand years?!

Belen stayed where he was, and his brain was instantly chaotic. Although this value was incredible, it was very convincing to speak from a mysterious powerhouse.

In the end, Belen shook his head again and again after he came back to his senses: "No, impossible! Even the elves may not live that long!"

"So, I slept, how could I live for so long." Nit also shrugged helplessly.

Belen looked at the man in front of him. From the latter, he didn't see any joking or lying.

If it's not a joke, this lie is not necessary at all.

People from a thousand years ago?

This reminds Belen of Ice Sorrow, isn't that one who existed a thousand years ago?

"Do you know, Snow Sorrow?" Bella couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Nit was also stunned for a while, and then showed a surprised look. He quickly asked: "Yes, there is that big guy, is it still there?"

"No, it's already... to find an old friend." Belen was also taken aback when he saw the surprise of the other party, then shook his head, and then asked: "Do you know him?"

"Already, have you gone?" After hearing the news, Nit was obviously depressed, and then replied with a smile: "Yes, I know."

"Okay, okay, take me out!" Nit's mood turned, and he immediately became a little impatient.

Seeing the look of the other party's desire and expectation, Belen also gradually believed that the other party had been sleeping for more than a thousand years, although it was a bit unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at the magic crystals around him. If this kind of mineral vein falls into Leonard's hands, it would be bad, right?So, let's inform Lin Yi later.

"Then follow me."

Although he was a strange stranger, Belen couldn't leave him alone, so he first walked off the round platform and walked along the path he had come.

So Belen led Nit to the tunnel leading to the outside world above. He jumped up first and then landed on the ground.


After a while, Belen didn't see Nit coming out, and he was still a little confused at the moment, wouldn't that person fail to come out?

At this time, a figure suddenly came out from the upper opening. It was Nit, who covered the sunshade with his hand, and then showed a bright smile on his face.

"What a great world!"

Belem was a little strange when he saw the other person coming out, but he still asked: "Why are you so slow?"

Nit jumped down from above, and then explained with a smile: "It's been a long time since I didn't exert any strength. I adjusted my body and made you wait for so long, sorry."

In this regard, Belen also shook his head. He was just curious and didn't mind the matter too much. However, he was also quite curious about Nit's previous exclamation.

"Before, is it different from now?"

Regarding this question, Nit also said with a smile: "No, it's just that the air in this world is much more peaceful than in the past, so I was a little surprised."

"Yeah... it's quite peaceful here." Belen also glanced at the surrounding environment, and then said: "But the border is not very peaceful, if it weren't for the "Braves" and the others, it would be a disaster."

""The Brave"?"Nite is also a little curious, obviously he hasn't heard of this, so he asked curiously: "Is there a war now?""

Belen nodded and said, "The coalition forces of the three major empires and many small countries are fighting the Demon King's army. A war broke out a few days ago, but fortunately, they are all at the border. The empire will not suffer disaster.

"So, sure enough, there will be war in any era." Nit suddenly realized, and then said with a smile: "Is that "brave" a character like "savior"?"

"Are you in the era when the "Savior" was alive?Belen was also thoughtful after hearing the words, and then seemed to think of something, he asked in a little surprise: "Could it be that you are a companion of the "Savior"?"

There is no doubt that the person in front of you is very strong, and he also knows Ice Sorrow. It is very likely that he is in the era of the legendary "savior" and may be his partner, just like "the brave" and "the great sage The relationship between them.

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