Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 629

Nit was also taken aback when he heard the words, and then he laughed. He nodded and said, "Yes, I guessed it for you."

Chapter 658: The person who just woke up

After learning that Nit was the companion of the "Savior", Belen was also surprised, even more surprised than when he first saw the "Great Sage", because this man was a thousand years ago.

"Ah, by the way, let's go to the other side." Belen suddenly remembered that Leonard was still building a tunnel on the other side. If he met him, it might be a little troublesome.

Nit had no objection, after all, he was unfamiliar with the place.

As soon as Belen and Nit walked some distance away, they happened to run into the patrol team coming around the corner.


Belen was stunned, can this happen again?

Even the people on the patrol team were stunned. The guards at the head recovered and immediately shouted, "Who are you?!"


After Belen yelled, he turned and ran away without hesitation. He didn't want to pester these guys.


Seeing Belen escaped directly, Nit didn't expect it at all, and then immediately followed, he just woke up, but he can't be caught here!

But before Belen and Nit ran far, they ran into another group of people. What appeared in front of them was a big fat man with a fat body. Yes, it was Leonard, with big eyes to small eyes at the moment.



The two locked each other in an instant, and then made the same bewildered sound. Finally, Leonard was the first to react.

"You you you?! Why are you here?!" Leonard exclaimed, his face full of fear, obviously after that incident, he had been frightened.

Belen scratched his hair, sighed secretly, and then said calmly: "I just come for a walk."

take a walk?


This kind of nonsense, even Leonard could not believe it. He just wanted to have an attack, but he held it back. He swallowed, and then saw his men walking behind Belém, he suddenly remembered one thing.

That is, there are so many people on his side!

No matter how powerful this is, he can't beat the hundreds of elite soldiers he brought, right?As long as these elite soldiers are there, you will definitely be ashamed!

"Damn it! Even if you are killed now! Swari and the eldest lady will definitely think you died under the hand of the beast!" Leonard couldn't help laughing. He felt that the reason was very appropriate.

No... they would think you did it.

Belen shook his head helplessly. Of course, this wouldn't happen. He also knew that the opponent brought a lot of elite soldiers, but some people could not win by numbers.

For example, he.

"Fuck me! Beat him down!" Leonard couldn't wait to see the white-haired man urinating his pants in front of him. Thinking of this, a proud smile appeared on his fat face.

Seeing those people rushing up and flanking back and forth, Belen also sighed. It seemed that he could only do something.

Just when Belen was about to fight with his fist, he suddenly patted his shoulder with one hand. He was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the man from a thousand years ago.

"Come on?" Nit smiled, and then slowly walked forward. He glanced at the people who rushed up, his smile did not change, his blue and white shirt like a robes rippled away with the invisible air current. Come.

The turquoise magic wave spread, and dozens of people touched immediately fell to the ground and fainted.

"Fat, what happened?"

Seeing this horrifying scene, Leonard's eyes widened in shock, staring dumbfounded at his countless elite soldiers who had fallen in front of him.

He obviously didn't do anything, didn't see the magic, just felt the fluctuation of magic power?!

This is potential!

And Belen also looked at that figure unexpectedly. Generally, the warriors who use momentum are good at using magic power. Could it be that this is also?

If he could, he really wanted to go back to Flozarno Academy to find ancient books about the previous era, perhaps he could find out about this Nit Meldius.

However, this should be difficult. After all, there are too few ancient books about things from the previous era. After all, the time is too long, and there are not many ancient books remaining.

Furthermore, even the "Savior" matter was only replaced by the title "Savior" in Belen's impression, and his name was not mentioned. Perhaps, he needed to ask Vernie to get some clues.

Nit turned his head, he looked at Belem, smiled and said, "Okay, we can go now."


Belen responded, and then glanced at the Leonard who had already turned and fled. He shook his head. It is estimated that this guy would not make trouble anymore. In general, the result was better than leaving beforehand.

It was a bit of a surprise, and sure enough, sometimes it is better to use power to solve problems, especially against people like Leonard.

"Let's go, come to me before you decide where you are going." Belen said like this.

Niji nodded and responded with a "OK".

For this man who probably came from a thousand years ago, Belem still has many uncertain things, especially what he wants to do in this era. Besides, all the things he said, although in He intuitively didn't feel like lying, but he still had to pay attention.

Because this man has incomparably powerful strength, this is definitely not to be ignored.

On the way out of this forest, Belen was surprised to find that the beasts had an affinity for Nit, but he was relieved after thinking about it carefully.

Because of the magic power emanating from that mineral vein, so many animals have gathered, because absorbing magic power is also good for them, and the source of those magic power is Nit, therefore, those animals will be so close to him.

It was already twilight when I arrived at Silshun, and Nit, who came to this small city, also made a surprised voice. He looked around and said in surprise: "I didn't expect it to be not much worse than in the past. Well!"

"So, what are you surprised about?" Belen gave him a helpless look.

Nit responded with a smile: "But ah, some tools are also very novel. I didn't have it at that time. If the times are not advancing, I will be disappointed."

"I will too." Belen also nodded after hearing the words.

Soon, Belen returned to Swari’s mansion with Nit, and he was a little sorry to bring someone back without consent, but this was also a very helpless thing. Besides, Swari certainly didn’t Would mind.

After Belen brought Nit to the second floor, he saw Swari who was reading the daily newspaper. The latter also noticed the arrival of the two. He stood up and looked curiously at the emerald color. The man with eyes.

"Who is this?"

Nit smiled and stepped forward. He said, "Just call me Nit. I'm a person who just woke up."

Chapter six hundred and fifty-ninth: time flies so fast

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