Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 630

Regarding Nit, Belen’s explanation to Swari was also very comprehensive, and the latter was surprised when he heard that, but since it was what Belen said, then he believed it. Maybe he thought he was a lunatic. Where is anyone who has lived for thousands of years?

Even the elves rarely live so long, right?Besides, this man doesn't look like an elf.

"It's better not to talk about this matter." Swari gave such an answer after thinking about it.

Belen also nodded slightly, and Nit on the side was completely indifferent to the conversation between the two of him. He ate the cakes on the table with a surprised expression from time to time.

"There are such delicious things in this era! The craftsmanship must be extraordinary if he can make him!"

When he heard Nit’s words, Swarri smiled and said, “Speaking of craftsmanship, Belém is the current “cooking god”. When it comes to cooking, he dares to be number one. second."

I have already heard from Belém about his many deeds over the years, and the "God of Cooking" matters are naturally among them. Even he was a little surprised. He didn't expect Belém to have time to get it during these days Got a title of "God of Cooking".

"This... I dare not be it."

Hearing Swari’s evaluation, Belen also twitched his mouth. When it comes to cooking, the "eternal cook god" Rex, the genius girl, and his good friend may not be weaker than him, or even possible. Better than him.

""The God of Cooking"!?"

Hearing Swari's words, Nit also opened his eyes abruptly, and then abruptly stood up from the sofa, stiffly came to Belen and held his hands.

"Please let me taste the dishes made by "God of Cooking"!"

With such a look full of expectation, Belen was not easy to refuse, anyway, it was nothing, he glanced at the darkness that had enveloped the sky outside and then nodded.

"Tonight, leave it to me."

As a result, Belen showed his skills tonight to show his "God of Cooking" abilities to the fullest, and made a table full of super dishes. The richness made the chefs stunned. This is what "God of Cooking" did. Cooking!You can smell these dishes just by sniffing them!

"Mr. Belen!"

After seeing the snow-white figure, La Tier also smiled. He hadn't seen Belem for a day, but the next moment he remembered something. The bright eyes dimmed again, and at this time, She noticed another person on the side.

"Ah, Latier, you are here." Belen also noticed the girls' arrival. He smiled and introduced Nit, a lost person, and brought him back by the way.

Seeing the girls, Nit also greeted everyone, but when he saw Ilia, he gave a stunned voice, and then said to himself: "The eyes..."

Iliya also felt Nit's sight, and those silver-black eyes also looked towards the latter, with a faint silver light radiating from them, and glanced at the emerald color.

Hearing Nit’s murmur beside him, Belen was also startled. He glanced at Nit. He knew that this man was not amazed by Ilia’s beauty, but because he was aware of Ilia’s "demigod" Eye".

After a while, Nit looked at Belém and asked curiously: "This kid is Belém's sister? It looks like everything, and so are the eyes."

"All aspects?" Belen was startled.

Niji nodded, and then thought: "Hair color is so similar, temperament is also like, or something?"

"Not too much!" Belen gave him a blank look, then looked at the girls, he smiled and said: "I did all the cooking today. Sit down and eat!"

Lattes was the fastest, and she was the first to jump into position and start picking up the dishes, and began to eat with a smile. Hill, Ilia and Rumia didn’t rush, but Latte stood still watching. Belen, she seemed to be hesitating, but she did not say anything for a long time, and this strangeness was also noticed by Belen, and he was a little confused.

"Latier, what's the matter with you? Is something uncomfortable?"

Hearing what Belen said, La Tier seemed to be frightened, the cat's pupils opened slightly, then he shook his head quickly, and said in some panic: "No, nothing! Just in a daze!"

"Ah...that's good."

Although he noticed that La Tier seemed to want to say something, Belen didn't care too much, because girls would have some little secrets of their own.

During the meal time, Nit was the most exaggerated one. Although thin, the appetite was amazing. Fortunately, Belém prepared a lot of large dishes at the beginning, and I didn’t think it would be eaten. , But I didn’t expect Nit to be so edible, could it be said that this is the belly of a person who has slept for thousands of years?

"Great food! A thousand years from now, there will be someone as good as Belém, you!" Nit, who was gobbled up, sat down on his chair and exclaimed.

Thousand years later?

Except for Belem and Swari, the girls looked at Nit curiously, but the latter didn't care about their sights. Belem didn't explain anything. Maybe the girls would think this person is strange, right?After all, it is hard to think that someone will live for a thousand years.

After the meal was over, the girls went to the bath together. Latil hesitated for a while when looking at Belem, and then left.

On the balcony, it was already night, the stars in the sky were shining, but Nit broke the atmosphere with a full hiccup. With a satisfied expression on his face, he patted Belem on the shoulder beside him.

"Belen, your cooking is the second best I have ever tasted!"

Hearing what he said, Belen also asked curiously: "Who is the first?"

"First..." Nitt's emerald eyes looked at the night sky, and a faint smile appeared on his handsome face. He said, "Before, there was a girl whose craftsmanship was something I have seen. The best! Even Belém is not as good as it is!"

Seeing the man with the reminiscence in his eyes, Belen also stunned for a moment, then showed a soft smile, he responded, and said: "That must be a very good girl."

"Hmm, super awesome girl!"

Nith spoke in agreement, then took a long sigh of relief and looked into the distance, muttering to himself in a very melancholy tone: "Time flies so fast."

"Ah, it's very fast."

Belen also replied in agreement, his eyes flowed with a faint sadness, time passed too fast, and he was a little caught off guard. How much time is left now?

Chapter six hundred and sixtieth: In fact, she knows very well

These days, Nit has been buried in Swari's study, and he needs to understand how this era has changed compared with his own.

This is purposeful in Belém's view, so he will understand, but Nit is happily integrated into it, seeming to just want to understand it.

Although Belen thought so, he didn't care about Nit, and for some reason, he didn't think Nit would do anything bad.

Belen, who was sitting on the sofa with nothing to do, was about to read the daily newspaper. He didn't know when Antelina would return. At this moment, a figure suddenly walked in from the gate, and Belen also turned his head and looked away.

Seeing the girl with cat ears, Belen was also startled, he curiously asked: "La Tier? Don't you go out with everyone?"

Because Ye Lihua happened to be going outside to buy things, the girls also asked to go with them. They hadn't walked around the city properly. Ye Lihua didn't refuse this, and she also had a good impression of these girls.

La Tier walked up to Belen and shook his head after hearing what he said. He pursed his lips and was silent for a while, and Belen also noticed La Tier's hands clenched on the waist.

"Mr. Belén, I have something to say."

Hearing this, Belen also looked at Latier again. He nodded and said, "Sit down, and just talk to me if you want to."

These days, La Tier's status is very offline, and his smile is much less. He also cares if something happened.

Latier sat on the sofa in front of Belem, her expression a little gloomy, and she still seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Mr. Belen."


Latier lowered his head and whispered softly: "If I only have one year left, but there is no way to save, then if I conceal this thing, in the end I leave, will you be sad? ?"

"What nonsense?" Belen was also startled when he heard the words, and then showed a very serious expression. He said, "I will never let Latier encounter this situation, absolutely!"

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