Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 631

"Mr. Belém is always so gentle." Latier murmured, holding her hands on her thighs tightly, biting her lower lip lightly, enduring the sorrow and pain that had germinated in her heart.

"But, I wanted to say before, Mr. Belém is an idiot! He is so selfish who has never cared about himself! Mr. Belém is hopeless! Only gentle idiots are left!"

La Tier's voice grew louder and louder, and finally she yelled out at last, tears streaming from her eye sockets unstoppable, and she began to choke with tears.

"La...Latier? What's wrong with you?"

After seeing La Tier so excited, there is no doubt that he was very angry, and Belen was also taken aback because of this. He didn't understand what happened, how did it suddenly become like this?

Belen stood up and walked to the girl in a panic and squatted down. He didn't see Latier and the others crying most.

"If I did something wrong, please remind me, because I am a stupid, so I won't notice. If something makes you unhappy, I am extremely sorry!"

Latier also trembled when she heard these words, and she looked haggardly at the panicked white-haired man in front of her.

"Mr. Belén is so kind to us, so good that even he might be dying, he has to support himself, just to make us think why nothing happened." Latier looked at the dark blue eyes, slowly Slowly stretched out her hand and placed it on the snow-white hair, she said again: "How many times I have put myself in danger, I don't know, because I am not even busy in this aspect, so I have always hated powerlessness. Your own."

Hearing this, Belen couldn’t help but interrupted Latier’s words. He shouted: "No, it’s not! Latier has always helped me, no matter what, it’s because everyone is there that I can survive until now. what!"

"Obviously I was rescued by Mr. Belém, but I have not helped much so far. This is my incompetence." Latier muttered to herself in a bit of pain, and she said with great sadness: "But even if it is Incompetent, I have always regarded myself as an important family member of Mr. Belém. I don’t want Mr. Belém to come back with a smile every time after suffering great harm. I don’t want it! I know I’ve been all over. It's hurt."

Hearing the girl's sad words, Belen never expected that La Tier would have been caring about these things all the time. She was guilty, guilty of being a big family for a minute, but she didn't have any strength at all.

She has been under great psychological pressure, but what has happened recently that caused her pressure to erupt?

Just as Belém was puzzled, Latier suddenly said: "Now, Mr. Belém, how long do you want to hide?"


Belen was stunned, but the next moment he suddenly realized something. His pupils gradually widened at this moment. Obviously, he already understood, but ah, he couldn't be frank in this matter anyway.

"Did I hide something? No, no."

Seeing Belen denying it, La Tier's eyes burned with flames. She gritted her teeth and shouted angrily: "It is clear that Mr. Belen has already done this, so we must continue to hide it!"

She... got it.

When did you know it?

Belen stared blankly at the girl who was already crying in front of him. He gradually reduced his mind, then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm his mood.

"Is it the conversation between Swari and I on the balcony that day?"

Ratil nodded.

Knew it…

Belen sighed, then shook his head. Anyway, he had decided not to deliberately conceal it. Since he was discovered, he can only confess.

"I didn't hide it on purpose, but ah, I can't say it frankly anyway. I can't imagine what your expressions will be."

Belen stood up slowly, then reached out and rubbed the crying cat-eared girl. He said softly, "Latier has discovered this. Isn't this very smart?"

"No, no, I just happened to hear it. I'm so stupid, how can I..." Latier wanted to deny that she didn't think she was smart and couldn't do anything. However, before she finished speaking, she was embraced. Into the arms of the person in front of you.

Belem gently embraced the girl, stroked her head with one hand, and said softly: "No, La Tier is actually a very smart and gentle child. He has endured so much, and for so long. Isn't this something to be proud of? Latier is a very strong girl, there is no doubt about it."

"But... I don't want Mr. Belém to leave."

La Tier couldn’t help her tears again. Once again, she cried like spring water. She cried very sad and heart-wrenching. She was scared and afraid that this important person would disappear quietly at some point. What will happen to myself?

"Ah, I won't leave." Belen felt distressed by the trembling person in his arms, and he said softly: "As long as you don't want me to leave, I will never leave."

La Tier was already crying because she knew that no matter how powerful Belen was, she couldn't stop on the path of time and would eventually come to an end.

Chapter six hundred and sixty one: The heart that never loses

"Okay, OK, don't cry."

Holding Latier, Belen rubbed her head with a touch of sadness on her face, but still smiled. Since it has been exposed, then he doesn't need to hide it, it's a little more relaxed.

"Mr. Belen, you can't die."

Hearing the choking sound in his arms, Belen was also silent for a moment. He let himself be as calm as possible, and then said: "I will accompany you to the end."

Finally, is it Mr. Belém your last?

Latier clutched Belen's skirt tightly. She gritted her teeth, her heart full of unwillingness, but she had no choice but to change it.

Feeling the girl trembling in his arms, Belen also had an inspiration in his heart. He joked: "It's still early, now I have all my tears, and I can't cry by then, but I will be very sad."

"That's not it!"

Latier subconsciously yelled out and raised his head, looking at Belem with red eyes, but the next moment he suddenly laughed out loud.

"Mr. Belém! You, your grimace, haha!"

"Finally laughed."

Belen put his hand down, and then said with a smile: "You should endure very hard these days. I haven't been able to see your smile. I'm very worried."

"Yes, sorry."

Lattier lowered her head again, her lips pursed in silence.

Seeing the girl lowered his head again, Belen also shook his head helplessly. He said softly, "Latier doesn't need to apologize. It's me who has never understood your feelings, so I keep taking risks. , It makes you worry, so I should apologize."

"Brother?" Latil lifted up and looked at Belen again.

Belen nodded slightly and said, "As a brother, I have ignored your feelings, sorry."

"No, I don't want my brother, that's right, I don't want Mr. Belém to treat me as a elder brother!" La Tier's eyes are flushed, and her face is flushed at this moment, but she has gathered courage.

"What?" Belen was also stunned after hearing the words.

La Tier gasped quickly, her face flushed red, her eyes amused, and she looked directly at the dark blue eyes, without any intention of retreating.

"Actually, I've always liked..."


After hearing the sound of the door opening, La Tier's voice was interrupted immediately. She and Belen also turned their heads at this moment and saw a silver-haired girl standing there, it was Ilia.


Seeing Ilia standing there, Belen and Latir also became nervous at the same time. They just didn't care about other situations at all. Could it be that Ilia had heard their conversation?

However, Ilia looked at the two with curiosity. When she noticed La Tier's red eyes, the silver-haired girl's long eyelashes were also slightly frivolous, and her silver-black eyes fell on Belen's body.

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