Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 632

"Brother, don't bully Sister Latier."

Hearing these words, Belen and La Tilton were relieved. It seems that Ilia did not hear their conversation. Although everyone will know it sooner or later, even if it is Rachel who has already learned about it. Tiel didn't dare to tell Ilia the facts at this moment, she knew just how much this taciturn girl relied on Belen.

"I'm sorry." Belen scratched his hair with a look a little embarrassed. At this moment, he had nothing to explain except this sentence.

Ilya stepped forward, and then stood beside La Tier and faced Belen. Obviously, she was going to be on La Tier's side at this time.

Upon seeing this, Latier also quickly explained: "No, it's not Mr. Belém's fault. It was Mr. Belém and I chatting about the past, so I couldn't help crying."

Hearing this, Illiya also blinked, and then looked at Belem who was aside. Although she was a little confused, it seemed that she believed Latier's words, so she didn't continue to question.

"Ah, yes! Latier, what did you just say?" Belen suddenly remembered what Latier had just been interrupted. Although he didn't hear clearly, he didn't seem to finish it.

Regarding this, La Tier shook her head while pursing her lips. She said, "It's nothing, let's talk about it next time." She finally mustered up the courage to confess, but she still didn't say it.

Perhaps it is because the timing is not yet ripe?

When Latil and Ilia walked out of the hall together, they came to the corridor. The former was still thinking about the previous dialogue in his mind, but at this time, the latter suddenly spoke.

"Sister Latier, do you like your brother?"

Hearing her words, La Tier also recovered in an instant. She was stunned for a moment, and then stared blankly at the silver-haired girl who turned to face her. There was a rare seriousness in her silver-black eyes. color.


Seeing Latier's embarrassed look, Illia's eyes flickered, and she said seriously: "I like my brother, so even if it's sister Latier, I won't give in!"

"Ilia, you..."

When Latir heard what Ilia said, her eyes widened. She didn't expect that Ilia would tell her clearly that she liked Belem. Moreover, in the past, she just thought that Ilia was just treating Bei Lun has a feeling of dependence, but he didn't expect it to have turned into a liking.

Latier was silent for a moment. Now that Ilia said these things, it means that she knows her feelings for Mr. Belen, although she thinks everyone should already know this, probably only Bei Mr. Lun’s wood didn’t understand what he wanted, right?

"Yes, I like Mr. Belen. I have liked it a long time ago. I can give everything to Elia, but with this alone, I may not be able to compete with Elia, but I will never let go easily. !"

Her mind is very firm. Although she is a girl, it is undeniable that Illia is too beautiful, coupled with her indifference on the surface, but in fact the character of Xiaoniao Yiren, in La Tier's opinion, too An extremely attractive point, besides, she herself is also a very powerful magister, no matter from which aspect, Illya is perfect.

But in spite of this, her mood for liking Belen is definitely not worse than that of Ilia!

Therefore, even if the opponent is Ilia, she will never let go easily!

"What is it?"

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the rear, which attracted the attention of Latir and Ilia, and broke the quiet atmosphere. The two turned their heads and looked at them. They were all startled when they saw Latiz.

Latis looked at the two with a smile, her big eyes flashing, and she shouted, "I like my brother too! I want to be a bride for my brother!"

"No way!"

The two girls rejected Kitty in unison, which made Kitty look suspicious.

Chapter six hundred and sixty second: So, I'm still a fellow

In the study room of this mansion, a man who was buried in the pile of books almost all day except eating was sitting on the ground reading a book, and the book had turned to the last page, and finally, slowly Slowly close.

This man is Nit Meldius who has fallen asleep thousands of years ago.

Nit put the book down in silence, and then a smile appeared on his face. He slowly lay down on his back, looking at the chandelier hanging above, he let out a long sigh and muttered to himself.

"Time flies so fast. A hundred years and a thousand years are no more than a blink of an eye. The world after a thousand years...Finke, the world after a thousand years, the world that everyone guards is beautiful."

More than one thousand and two hundred years have passed, and time has taken on a new look. Although there is still war, there are also "brave men," brave people like them who stood up to fight against the enemy.

In short, they no longer need to worry about people in the past.

In the new era, there are new stories.

When Nitt walked out of the study, Belen smiled when he met him. He said: "It's not time to eat yet. It seems that you have read all the books you should read."

"Yes, I'm finished." Nit also smiled and nodded. Then, he looked at the empty hall around and asked curiously: "Where are the little girls?"

"I don't know, I probably went out to play." Belen also shook his head. He didn't care about the girls strictly. After all, everyone has grown up and has the ability to protect themselves, so he let Let them have a good time.

After the confession with La Tier yesterday, Belen's mood was also much better. After all, the psychological pressure he was under was one point less. Thinking of this incident, his face couldn't help but smile again.

Seeing Belen laugh inexplicably, Nit also asked curiously: "Belen, you look very happy. Have you encountered any good things?"

"It's okay." Belen smiled and said perfunctorily, but then, he glanced at Nit curiously, can he see his physical condition?

"What's the matter?" Perceiving his suspicious look, Nit also asked suspiciously.

Belen shook his head and smiled: "Nothing."

Soon, at noon, the girls also returned to the mansion together, and today's cooking was also made by Belen himself, because Nit yelled for him to do it, saying that it was to commemorate his coming out of the study. Belem was also very helpless, but did not refuse.

Hill was also taken aback when she saw the Lifa man in the seat. She asked curiously: "Nite, what have you been watching in the study?"

These days, Nit has also become one with everyone, and his pretending to be old-fashioned tone makes Latis feel very funny. He looks so young, but he has to pretend to be an old man and call them " Little girl".

"I've seen a lot of things, about empires, wars, and many other changes." Nit couldn't tell what he saw, but in short, these were correct.

Hearing this, Hill was very speechless and said: "It's really boring, have you never gone to school? I don't know this!"

"I haven't been to school. At that time, I didn't have the opportunity to go to school." Nit replied melanly, then smiled and shook his head, seeming to think of something.

No chance to go to school?

Hearing Nit's words, the girls were all startled, and then showed sympathetic eyes. It seems that Nit's previous family situation was not good, so even the college could not be hurt.

"Eh? Why are you looking at me with such pity?" Nett also noticed everyone's gaze, he was stunned, and then said silently: "Please don't look at me like this! I want to read those books and It's not because of the school I can't go to!"

After all, this is not his time. Even if you have been to school, you can't know what the situation is now, although the girls don't know this.

After chewing the food, Belem suddenly remembered something. He looked at Nit and asked: "By the way, Nit, have you figured out where you are going next?"

"Ah, I just want to talk about this." Nit looked at Belem with a smile, and then said: "I will be leaving soon. Thank you for your care these days. Next, I will go to the Fairy Forest. But I don’t know how to get there anymore, can you get rid of Belem, can you help me find my way?"

Nit was still very reluctant to part with Belen and the others. After all, he was the first friend he made after a thousand years, but he had a reason to go to the Fairy Forest, so he could only part here.

"Elves Forest?"

Hearing that Nit was going to the Fairy Forest, everyone was stunned, and then looked at each other. This situation also fell in Nit's eyes. He was slightly startled, and then showed an unbelievable expression, and a little panic and Afraid.

"Difficult...Is the Fairy Forest already...?"

As if seeing what he was thinking, Belem quickly said: "No, no, no, you are wrong, just because we are going to the same place, so we are a little surprised!"

Hearing this, Nit was taken aback, he cautiously asked: "Is the Fairy Forest all right?"

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