Wonderful trip to another world

Bizarre Travel In Another World Chapter 633

"Of course, how can the Elf Forest be so easy to perish?" Belen smiled helplessly. After all, the life span of the Elf race is very long. Although the number is scarce, every elder of the Elf race has it. Very powerful, they are not so easy to disappear.

Besides, the concealment of the Fairy Forest can be said to be the best in the world, right?Even if they were, they had to rely on Antelina, the elf sword master, to get there, otherwise they didn't know where to go.

"That's good, that's good." Nit let out a long breath, obviously frightened, and then thinking of something, he looked at Belem again and blinked.

"Are you also going to the Fairy Forest?"

Belen nodded when he heard this. He said, "Yes, we have a friend in the Fairy Forest. We have to meet her, so we just stay here for now."

"That's it."

Nit suddenly realized it, and then he showed a happy smile. He smiled and looked at everyone. It is great that there are people who can believe in this millennium era.

"Then, please enlighten me on the way forward!"

"To each other."

For this man from a thousand years ago, Belem still has many curiosities. Nit’s personality is very outgoing and he is a very easy person to get along with, so this makes him very relieved. Secondly, Nit also wants to go to the wizard. The matter of the forest also made him very concerned.

What is he going to do?

Chapter 663: The people they are waiting for

It was an extremely magnificent and fluorescent-shrouded forest. The freshness of the air was far from the outside world, and this piece of air contained incomparably rich magic power, and it was as pure as it was just born.

In this big forest, there are countless big trees in the sky, standing everywhere like towers, and the trunks of those big trees are wrapped with huge vines, turning them into walkable ones. Winding road.

There are many houses on those big trees, just like the outside world, the houses are big and small, and there are many figures with different hair colors walking on the vines, but the only thing in common is their pointed ears.

These figures are the elves.

There is no doubt that this is the world of elves, the forest of elves.

There is a long street below, and at this moment, a noble and beautiful blond girl is slowly walking by. She is the fairy girl Laiya who has been separated from Latir for half a year.

"your Highness."

When the ordinary elves saw Laiya, they immediately bowed to her, which was a necessary etiquette for the royal family.


Seeing this, Laya seemed to be used to it. She smiled and greeted those people kindly, and then nodded slightly before moving on.

Looking at the pretty back, the elves around them all showed envy. They all respected the princess.

"His Royal Highness is so kind and so beautiful, it's really rare to be an elf!"

Hearing what his partner said, the other elves nodded in agreement, but sighed again, looking at the figure with a pity.

"But even so, as a royal girl, she doesn't have the right to choose her own life... This is also very sad!"

The elves around were silent when they heard the words. For the princess, probably

Everyone feels sorry for their fate, right?

Laya, who was walking in the front, also heard the discussion around her. She pressed her lips and kept walking forward, but her hands were slowly squeezed, the blue eyes with golden patterns. There is a sad color in it.

After walking through these long streets, Laya came to a stone forest. She walked a rugged path and detoured to a place with a pool. There was water falling above the pool, and on the bank, there was a small stone forest. In the small garden, there is a swing, on which a gray-haired woman is sitting gently swaying on the swing.

The woman seemed to be in middle age, but she did not match the pale hair, but she had a beautiful face, and she was still charming despite her advanced age. She wore a blue robe with blue eyes. Looking at the small waterfall in the distance, he seemed to be in a daze.

Although she is middle-aged, Laya is very clear that this is the longest-lived elves of their elves, and is more than 1,300 years old, unprecedented.

Laiya walked slowly to the woman. She was not here for the first time, and she had known the oldest person for a long time.

Perceiving someone's arrival, the woman also looked at her. After seeing that it was Laiya, she also showed the kindly elderly smile.

"Laiya, you are here."

"Elder Emily." Laya also greeted with a smile.

Emily Seinas, this is the name of the eldest person in front of the elves. Although her status is an elder, she does not care about things in the family, but despite this, she still has The ability to change the will of the "elven king".

After Laya came to Emily, the oldest person who didn't look old gave up a position on the swing. She stretched out her hand and patted it, and she smiled kindly: "Sit here. "


Laya didn't refuse either, and naturally sat beside Emily. This was not the first time, and she was used to it.

Although I wanted to chat with Elder Emily, Laya also remembered the unpleasant things because of this, and looked a little lost.

Realizing this, Emily also understood why, she said: "It seems that your father has talked with you."

"Well, he wants me to marry my cousin." Laiya nodded, her heart was very weak, she couldn't resist the father who could feel the tremendous pressure even she.

Upon hearing this, Emily asked: "How did you answer?"

"I didn't answer, but he said that he would give me time to calm down. The wedding will be held in a few days, and the people will know about it." Laiya said like this, and she bit her lower lip.

"It's really stubborn as always, that person, who has been so stubborn and pedantic since childhood." Emily also shook her head, she sighed, and said, "Do you need me to help you out? But probably it can only help. You are stalling for time."

"Thank you Elder Emily, I need this time." Laya did not refuse Emily's kindness, and was extremely grateful.

Hearing this, Emily also asked curiously: "I need this time? Do you still want to run out?"

"No... probably this time, I can't run." Laiya responded with a wry smile, then raised her head and looked at the sky, as if she saw something, she smiled, beautiful and moving.

"But, I think before that, I can wait for some good friends to come, and I still want to meet you."

Emily was startled when she heard the words, and then laughed. She said, "These are the people you mentioned earlier, right?"

"Yeah!" Laiya smiled brightly.

Upon seeing this, Emily also nodded. She smiled and said: "Liya, you are the same as me, waiting, and believing that the other person will come."

"Is Elder Emily waiting for someone?" Laiya asked curiously, she had never heard Emily mention it.

Reminiscence appeared in Emily’s eyes, and she couldn’t help showing a soft smile. She said: “Yes, I have made an agreement with him. I will wait for him to come, and he will come to look for him. Me, so before that, I can’t leave this world."

Hearing these words, Laiya blinked, and she asked curiously: "Could it be that Elder Emily has been waiting for that person for a long time?"

"It's been a long time. I've been waiting a long, long time ago. Now I'm old." Emily smiled and stroked her face, and couldn't help muttering to herself: "I'm like this. After meeting, he can still recognize me. me?"

"Definitely!" Laiya answered Emily's words very firmly, and she said seriously: "Since Elder Emily is the person that Elder Emily is thinking of, then that person will never fail to recognize Elder Emily. of!"

Hearing this, Emily was also stunned, and then tenderly stretched out her hand and rubbed the girl's head. She smiled and raised her head to look at the blue sky.

"Yeah, he must recognize me, just like that time."

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