Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 635

"Mr. Belen!"

Hearing La Tier's voice, Belen also jumped over Swari and turned his eyes to the girls who had already packed up. He smiled and said, "If everything is ready, let's go!"

In the mansion, Belen was sitting in a commercial car, Nit was sitting on the left, and La Tier was sitting on the right. Nit was more cheerful, and there were girls in the room, so he was too embarrassed to stay in it.

"Let's go!"

Nite cheered. Obviously, he was also a little eager to go to the Fairy Forest. Those emerald eyes flickered slightly with a look of expectation. He was looking forward to the moment when he reunited with the girl.

"Then, let's go."

After responding, Belen pulled on the reins, and the two old guys activated their feet. They have been in the shed these days and felt their feet are rusty!

Looking at the commercial car that was gradually going away, Swari also sighed with emotion. His eyes were soft and he watched the commercial car gradually disappear from his sight.

Belem, you can't go home forever.

After leaving Silshun, Belén and his party came to the hill where Nit awoke. The latter glanced at the location of the mineral vein, his eyes were reminiscent, and he remembered many, many things. He has no memory loss. He knows how he got in, how he fell asleep, and why he woke up.

Everyone, please wait for me for a while. I have been waiting for more than a thousand years. I probably wouldn't care about it for a while, right?So, give me some time.

According to Antelina, they probably reach the location of the Fairy Forest at this speed, and it will probably take a while, and this time, Belen also asked Antelina to let her Don't run around anymore, the latter also agreed with aggrieved expression, but Belen didn't take this set.

In the evening, everyone had come to a plain, and everyone was resting here. After the meal, Belen and Nit lay on the lawn, looking at the starry sky, the cool breeze was blowing, and they felt very comfortable.

After talking about a lot of things, and getting back to business, Belen asked a question that he cared very much about. He asked: "Nite, if the person you want to meet is no longer there, what are you going to do next?"

"If she's gone..." Nit seemed to be thinking about this issue seriously. Finally, he smiled and said: "Then I will travel the world again, and then leave."

Leaving means...?

Belen didn't ask this question, because even if he didn't ask, he already had an answer in his heart, and this answer from the bottom of his heart reminded him of Snow Grief.

Didn't it choose the last battle just because it has no nostalgia for this world?If not, it is not difficult for it to continue living.

This is a sad thing. Although the two sides don't have too much intersection, whether it is Snow Sorrow or Nit, their feelings can be touched even if they don't need to express it.

If I have lived for a thousand years, but everyone I know has left, what would my mood be?He couldn't help thinking that.

In the end, he shook his head secretly in his heart. The meaning of his life is that there are still people in this world that make him care. If not, there is no fun in living.

In this regard, perhaps most people are like this, how boring it is to live alone in the world?

It is simply unimaginable.

Just as Belen was thinking about it, Nit on the side suddenly said, "You don't have much time? Next, do you continue to travel with those little girls?"

Hearing what he said, Belen was also startled. Although a little surprised, it was not particularly surprising. He smiled and said, "You can see it. Indeed, I also understand that I don't have much time, but I Before reaching the end, I also want to experience more meaningful things with everyone."

"That's it." Nit looked at certain stars in the starry sky, and he couldn't help saying: "Although I don't know what you have experienced, in some ways, Belem is a poor person. "

In response, Belen smiled and shook his head. He said: "It's not pitiful. It's enough to meet everyone and experience so many things."

Hearing these words, Nit asked, "Is it really enough?"

Is it really enough?

Belen was stunned. He looked at the deep starry sky and seemed to be asking himself in silence. Perhaps, it was really enough, because he could spend so many pleasant times, which he had never thought of before. thing.

But ah, he is not satisfied.

He wants to be with everyone forever, never to be separated. There are so many meaningful things that he hasn't seen yet, but he has to take a step first. This is a sad thing.

After a long time, Belen looked at the starry sky, his dark blue eyes were a little moist, he was a bit unwilling, he was not satisfied, obviously enough, but he was very greedy, how could he want such a beautiful day Lost?

"I'm not satisfied."

In the end, the white-haired man muttered to himself with tears in his mouth. Nitt turned his head and glanced at him, then turned his head back, grinning with a big smile.

"Yeah, who is content?"

Chapter 666: Even Trivial

Three days after departure, Belem and his party finally arrived at the first city after Silshun, but when they first approached the city, they noticed something strange.

Because the city wall had collapsed for a large amount, probably because it was hit by a heavy blow, and it seemed that something happened not long ago. You can see the traces nearby.

"Mr. Belém, something seems to be happening here." Latyl on the side also couldn't help but speak.

Belen nodded slightly, he was thoughtful, and then said: "It should be those monsters." His gaze swept across the marks on the land that didn't look like a human stepped on.


Hearing this, Nit, who was sitting aside looking at his surroundings, also turned his head. He looked at Belen curiously and asked, "Are there still beasts?"

Belen was startled when he heard the words, he nodded, and then asked, "Did you have it at that time?"

"Yes, it's a group of crazy guys." Nit also thought of those monsters. Then, he glanced at the footprints and said: "It seems that there are still a lot of monsters attacking this city."

"Let's go in and take a look."

With that said, Belen drove a commercial vehicle into the city. Although I don't know if there are any monsters in it, I can't just ignore it now.

When the commercial vehicle entered the city, Belen suddenly turned his head and looked to the right. There was a huge eight-legged spider gnawing on something. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the corpses of some people. It was completely different, and even the internal organs fell out.

Seeing this scene, La Tier also looked ugly. She turned her head and retched. Such a bloody and disgusting scene is really difficult to adapt.


Upon seeing this, Belen also frowned. He raised his hand and gently patted the girl's back. He didn't expect to see this scene as soon as he came in.

"Ah, these big guys are still the same." Nit smiled after seeing this scene. There was a faint brilliance in those emerald eyes. He raised his hand and the green magic spread. Coming, instantly wrapped the huge eight-legged spider.

"Girls don't look at it."

Hearing Nit’s words, Antelina also covered the eyes of the kitten in front of her, but Ilia and Lumia have experienced many killings, so they don’t have any mentality for the next scene. fluctuation.

The spider beast that felt this magical power also moved. Eight feet moved quickly and turned around. The eight eyes looked at the commercial vehicle strangely, and then quickly rushed over, making a stern voice.

"Vicious beast, let's fall into the abyss forever."

Nit calmly said words like judgment, and the words that he said from his mouth seemed to be true as if the superior was proclaiming death.


The turquoise magic power envelops the giant spider, and the next moment it bursts out a mana of magic. The magic power contained in it is devastating, and it fills and swells the body of the spider in an instant. One is to let the spider beast be blown into blood mist directly, it can't bear that huge magical power.

There is a very contradictory magic in the air, which is obviously gentle and peaceful, but it was so terrible just now.

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