Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 636

"That magic..."

Seeing this scene, Belen's brows were also slightly raised, and his dark blue eyes could see through the essence of all magic, and Nit's hands this time also let him know what the man's magic is.

The magic of life.

Nit’s magic power is life, the same as Latis’ and Selika’s magic power, but Latis’s power is obviously inferior to Nit, and Selika may also be able to do the same.

The other side of life is death, the transition from life to death. So far, Belen only knows that Selika can do it, but now there is one more nit.

After doing this, Nit suddenly frowned. He looked at his right hand, then exhaled and smiled at Belem beside him.

"I couldn't help but move my hand once and found that my current body doesn't seem to be enough to support my use of magic."

Hearing what he said, Belen also stunned for a moment. He looked at Nit, and then said: "Leave it to me afterwards."

Thousands of years of sleep, even if it is magically sealed with time, it is impossible to have no effect at all, after all, Nit is only a human being.

Hearing this, Nit also smiled and nodded. He said, "Then, the previous ones will be handed over to you."

"Well, since I have encountered it, I can't assume that I haven't seen it." Belen nodded, using his "half-god eyes" to see the magic power emanating from the front.

There are many warcrafts in this city, and there are still people!

"Then go ahead."

Belen pulled the reins, and the commercial car moved forward again, but then he handed the reins to Ratil, because he was in trouble soon.


The five fingers spread out, the blue fluorescence condensed, and then the brilliance flickered, the silver-white long sword appeared in his hand, Belen held the snow lion in his hand, and his eyes moved to the right.


Accompanied by this roar, a woman who looked very vicious and large in size suddenly flew over, opened her mouth in her blood basin, and exuded an extremely bloody stench.

But just as it flew into the air, a blue crescent sword light suddenly passed in front of it, passed through its body without stagnation, and then disappeared into the void, and the monster fell. On the ground, its body has been perfectly divided, and the cut surface is so neat that it has not even become two halves.

"So, Belen, you are a swordsman?"

When Nitt saw the sword that Belen had cut with his hand, he was also amazed. He muttered to himself, and then said with a little surprise: "So you are so amazing!"

"It turns out that you underestimated me." Belen smiled helplessly after hearing the words, but because he kept looking up at Nit repeatedly, the latter actually underestimated himself.

Nit shook his head. He said, "No, I just didn't expect you to be so powerful as a swordsman, and your magic..." He didn't say anything further.

It turned out that this white-haired man did not possess magic attributes, which made him feel extremely shocked. How did Belen, who does not possess magic attributes, step into this inhuman comprehension?

Belen didn't explain anything, his gaze swept over the places where people existed, and before he could move, Antrina flew in one of them.

Upon seeing this, Belen also smiled, and then jumped out of the commercial vehicle. The breath on his body suddenly rose like a leap, and then the magic of his whole body turned into blue fluorescence, and the breath was surprisingly quiet. Shuttle away as a blue streamer.

"It's really someone you'll encounter as soon as you come out."

Nit looked at the direction Belen was leaving with a little surprise. Although he had never asked Belen's origin and identity, he knew from his own eyes and feelings that this white-haired man was not simple.

After that, Nit showed a gratified smile again. Although this is just a handy help when the road is uneven, any small act of kindness can be said to be saving the world. Everyone is the guardian of the world.

Chapter 667: Anger


Cyan and blue sword lights crossed the sky from two directions in the city, Belen and Antrina were helping those who were still alive.


Belen stood in front of a monster and cut it with a sword, and then walked to the side of the blocked factory. He could see the magic inside. There were many people here.

Immediately afterwards, Belem knocked on the door, and he shouted: "It's okay, open the door! I'll take you out!"

But even if Belen shouted like this, there was still no movement behind the door. He was a little puzzled. Could it be that the people inside have no strength to open the door?

Thinking of this, Belen lifted the sword in his hand and slashed in front of him, and directly split the door open. It was a little dark inside, but there seemed to be a faint light.

Belen was worried that the people who were still alive had something wrong, so he quickly stepped into it, but as soon as he stepped into it, he smelled a stench, a stench that only occurs after incontinence, and it is extremely rich!

what happened?

Belen frowned. He used magic to dilute his sense of smell, and then his gaze swept across the right side, where many people were sitting with their knees sitting against the wall, and someone would look at him from time to time.

Something is wrong...

Realizing this, Belen’s eyes flickered, and he found that many people were still dead here. No wonder it was mixed with the smell of blood. Then he noticed the girls with disheveled clothes and dim eyes. All were blue and purple, none of them were uninjured.

When the feeling of anxiety surged into his heart, Belen looked towards the left corner. There were still many men trembling his body, and on those tool tables, there were several The naked girl who will no longer call.

When Belen saw this scene, his pupils slowly widened, and then an unnamed fire surged into his heart, and finally burned like a raging fire, scorching his heart, and he released the sword in his right hand. , And then slowly clenched his hands into fists, and blue veins appeared on the back of his hands.

Beast... Beast... Damn it!

Negative emotions continued to emerge in his mind, and the dark blue magic power was shining amazingly because of the riot.


Belén let out an angry cry, he was so angry now, the majestic magic power swept away like a storm, shaking the earth!

And this roar and movement also caused the naked men to stop their movements. They turned their heads and looked at the white-haired man who was standing at the door with a blue glow.

Who is he?

This doubt only flashed in my mind for a moment, and the next moment was replaced by an emotion called fear, because the white-haired man came to them with a blue afterimage in the blink of an eye.

Those dark blue eyes are as blue as the sea, and they should have a gentleness that embraces everything, but at this moment they turn into a tsunami, an anger that wants to swallow everything!

"Evil... Devil!"

The man closest to Belem let out a horrified scream, his mental defense was defeated in an instant, just because of that look, as if he was about to die!

Belen's left hand grabbed the man's neck, and then slammed it to the left. He hit the wall directly, and the wall broke at this moment. This dark factory did not know how long it took to see the sky again.

Bang bang bang!

The wall collapsed, but the men were frightened and incontinent, because they felt that the sight that seemed to symbolize death seemed to fall on themselves.

"No, no! Don't kill me! These women are all for you!"

One of the men's legs trembled violently. It was probably not because of the cold wind that made his legs weak, but he was trembling with fear.

But when these words were spoken, those dark blue eyes swept towards him, and those dark blue eyes were full of violence. The next moment, Belen appeared in front of him and grabbed him with his right hand. Slowly raised his neck.

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