Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 639

Chapter six hundred and seventieth: Nothing will happen!

At night, the temperature in this forest also dropped, and Belém and his party stayed overnight.

Because the open space in the second carriage was very narrow, only one person could sleep. Belen wanted to give the second carriage to Nit, but the latter declined, and finally took a small tent and slept outside.

Belém will spread the blankets, then take off his clothes, put on a white short sleeve and five-quarter pants. After getting into the bed, Belén leaned against the bedside and read a book for a while, then turned off the light. want to sleep.

But at this moment, the door was knocked gently, and Belen’s eyes, which had just been closed, slowly opened again. He was a little confused, and then stood up and opened the door. When he saw the person coming, he was also Startled.


Then the girl was wrapped in a brown coat and stood outside the door with a blushing face. The moist cat eyes stared at Belen. Her body seemed to be trembling, and she did not know if it was frozen by the cold wind.

"Me, can I come in?" Ratil asked softly, blushing, holding her coat tightly with her hands, looking very nervous.

"Come in!" Belen quickly reached out and pulled Latier in, then closed the door, the room was much warmer, and the girl could not be allowed to freeze.

In the room, Belen used magical power to light up the lamp, making the dark room much brighter. He looked at the girl who was standing there shivering, startled slightly, and couldn't help but speak.

"Latier, how about going to the bed to warm up?"

Hearing this, La Tier lowered her head and responded softly. She got into the bed and leaned against the wall, holding the bed with both hands to cover her body.

Immediately afterwards, Belen sat down. He also blinked, feeling a little nervous in his heart. He always felt that the atmosphere was strange now, and what's the matter with La Tier's delicate appearance?Is it his illusion?But it is too cute!

After that, Belen was the first to speak out, and he asked: "What happened? Why don't you rest in the room?"

"I..." Latier said, she raised her eyes from time to time to look at the white-haired man in front of her. Even in the dim light, the crimson face was still very clear, and she covered her in front of her with a bedding. There was the sound of fine mosquitoes.

"I, I want to sleep with Mr. Belém..."


Belen was stunned. He thought he had misheard, but looking at the blushing girl in front of him, a strange atmosphere enveloped the room.

Seeing the man in front of him was stunned, La Tier was so nervous that his heartbeat was out of control, but despite this, she still mustered the courage to ask.

"Yes, can you?"

Belen, who was questioned, also recovered immediately. He swallowed, and for a while, his brain was disturbed, but ah, maybe Latier was upset and needed his help, so he came to him. , Then, as an elder, you must maintain your own image, and you can't think about it!

Ratil is the younger sister!Ratil is a daughter!Can't think wrong!

Reminding himself in this way, Belen was also calmer. He scratched his cheek with his index finger, and then said softly: "If you don't mind, then go to sleep together."

It's not the first time anyway, he is perfectly fine!

"Well, then I..."

After getting consent, La Tier's face seemed to be redder, but she didn't seem to want to change her mind, her eyes were very firm.

Immediately afterwards, La Tier pulled down the zipper of the coat he was wearing, and the snow-white skin was clearly evident under Belen's vision, and the dark blue eyes gradually widened.


Latier didn't say anything to the stunned Belem. His eyes became extremely moisturized and very charming. When he took off his coat, he was only wearing black charming silk underwear.

Belen's mouth moved slightly, and then subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands. At this moment, the only sound that could be heard was the heartbeat, his or her cat-eared girl.

That kind of underwear... isn't it sexy underwear?

Even if I haven't seen it, there is still some common sense. As for the source of knowledge, of course it was transmitted by those who had no good friends during the school period.

Why does La Tier wear this kind of underwear?Ah, not right!It should be said, why are there such underwear?

According to the scenes he had just seen in his memory, Belen realized that the bra seemed to be a bit bigger, so in other words, it was not La Tier's underwear!

Whose can it be?

Judging by the size, Belen's mind flashed, ah, he knows who it is, there is no doubt that it is the overgrown woman!

"Bei, Mr. Belen, it's time to sleep, it's time to sleep."

Hearing what Latier said, Belen's heart was also an excitement. Is Latier serious?Do you really want to sleep together like this?

"No problem? This, this way..."

Latier, who was hiding in the bed, was also very shy after hearing Belen's question, but he has reached this point, how can he give up?

"Well, no problem."

Hearing what Latier said, Belem was also silent for a while. If so, that’s all. Even Latier didn’t care about it. Obviously he thought too much. It’s just underwear. It's full, but for someone like his sister, how could he think of going elsewhere?

Immediately afterwards, Belen took off his hands and got into the bed naturally. He pretended to be calm and said, "Then I will turn off the lights."


After getting the answer, Belen dissipated the magic power from the lamp, and then the carriage went into darkness again, and at this moment, the whole world was left with the heartbeat that only he could hear and the inexplicable loudness of each other. Breathing.

This, this is not good!?

Belen realized a strong sense of crisis, and it was not that he had not slept with the girls, but it was never before in a situation like this!

At this moment, La Tier’s mental activity was the most active in history. She turned her head and looked at the side face with her eyes closed. She didn’t realize how loud her gasping sound was. Belen next to him is also very clear.

The sound of breathing close to his ears fell into his ears, and Belen was also inexplicably itchy, and his whole body began to get fever, obviously the temperature in the car was just right?

Latier tried to turn around, facing Belem, and at this time a drowsy feeling came to her heart. She remembered what Antelina had said to her when she came back. Just get close to him and sleep. That's it, she doesn't need to take care of the next thing.

What will happen?

Just when Belen was itchy and panicked, he also turned around, just to face Latier. He didn't realize when the girl turned around, but looked at Latier who was breathing gently. He realized that La Tier was already asleep.

"You girl...what do you want to do?"

Belen whispered softly, he stretched out his hand to lift the hair that was covering the girl, and then let out a silent sigh. He shook his head secretly, stopped speaking, closed his eyes, and gradually fell asleep.

As a result, nothing was done.

Chapter 671: Where does it look angry?

Early in the morning, in the second carriage, the girl woke up first. When the brown cat pupils slowly opened, the beautiful face that came into view made the girl's eyes widen.


Latier finally stopped her voice. She didn't want to disturb Belém who was still asleep. She found that she was very ambiguous with Belém. She actually fits Belén perfectly, even the not full breasts. On Belem's chest.

She... is being held by Mr. Belém?

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