Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 640

Did you just spend the night like this?

La Tier suddenly remembered the words Antelina said to her last night. It was really the same as what Antelina said. He really only needs to sleep!

Does Mr. Belén really like his outfit?

Although La Tier did not realize how terrible a fact she realized, it was a huge gain and surprise for her!

What a shameful posture...

But despite this, La Tier didn't mean to break free. She moved her body closer. She looked at the two lips close to her, and subconsciously leaned her mouth up. .

A little bit of water.

After doing this, La Tier was instantly hot, and steam started to rise above her head. Her whole body was about to burn out. This was her first kiss, and it was actually handed out at this moment!

However, he was full of joy.

Contentment, contentment!

La Tier was shy and kept chuckling. Maybe even Ilia and Lumia didn't have such a chance?She must be the first one!

I feel a lot ahead!

Still not waking up Mr. Belém, she still wants to sleep in his arms for a while, and when he wakes up, Mr. Belém is also holding her. What kind of expression will he look like?

I don’t know how long he slept. When the sun was high, Belen finally woke up. After opening his eyes, it took a while to clear his brain. After that, he realized that something was wrong!

He, how could he hold Ratil!?

its not right!You obviously fell asleep last night?Sleepwalking??

No way!Never let La Tier find out!

Belen reacted in an instant, and then quietly began to withdraw his arms, but just as he was about to successfully get out, he saw the cat eyes slowly opened, and he also began to stiffen.

The atmosphere was silent for a long time.

"Latier, you must calmly listen to me." Belen looked at the cat-eared girl in front of him very flustered. The current situation is undoubtedly very bad. You must know that Latier is still wearing that kind of underwear!

Seeing Belen so flustered, La Tier was also snickering in her heart. Sure enough, Mr. Belen was too funny, but even though she was snickering, she couldn't really laugh, her face still blank.

"Mr. Belén, you don't need to explain, so be it."

What that's it!?

Latil silently got out of the bedding, then pulled her overcoat to cover her body. She blushed and said, "Can you not look at me yet?"


Belen hurriedly withdrew his head into the quilt, he was very regretful at the moment, how could he sleepwalking when he fell asleep?He actually hit La Tier!?

Latier put on the clothes quickly, and then opened the door and jumped out. She turned her head and glanced at Belén whose head was re-exposed. She blushed and said nothing, but when she turned her head, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Mr. Belem, fool!

Although it was only one night, La Tier was in a good mood and wanted to sing aloud, but at this moment, she wanted to hold back her mood. If Mr. Belen knew about it, she would be ashamed to death!

Seeing the figure who had left, Belen was also sitting there sluggishly, and finally regained consciousness with a tremor. He quickly got up and ran out, wanting to apologize to Latier, but at this time, he touched first. Arrived at Antrina, the elf woman who happened to be passing by.

Antrina also noticed Belen, she smiled and said hello: "Oh, Belen, are you awake?"

"Ahhh, awake, no! You guy, did you give Latier that suit and let her come to my room!" Belen suddenly woke up, he yelled, it must be this guy Using Latier to tease yourself!

Antelina didn't care about what Belen had discovered. She smiled and said, "Oh, oh, I found out for you. How did you go last night? Did you get out of the virgin body?"

"Get away from you ghost!" Belen blushed and vomited.

Hearing this, Antrina also showed contempt, and she sighed: "Poor disciple, how old are you, so you are still a virgin? It's really shameful!"

"Huh!?" Belen looked at each other dumbfounded, and then said viciously: "That's not right! Isn't it the first time for you guy?"

"I, me, that..." Antelina was taken aback, then a little embarrassed, she scratched her delicate face with her index finger, then stepped forward, slapped Belém's head with a slap, showing it Mother's majesty.

"Boy! How can I ask my mother about such an intimate topic? Are you wrong!"

Seeing Antelina who was getting serious, Belen also curled his lips. It really was an old woman, oh, no, it was an old girl, so he muttered softly.

"It's the first time, what's so great!"

"Oh roar?" Antelina grabbed Belen's ear with a smile, and then said with a sly smile: "Could it be that you want to do it with me for the first time?"

"I don't want to be with the old..." Belen just wanted to scold Antelina as an "old woman" when the latter stared back, so he hurriedly replied: "But, I was caught by Latir. I hate it!"

Hearing this, Antelina snorted, and she said confidently: "I hate it? No, the kid won't hate you."

"Why are you so sure?" Belen gave Antelina a weird look.

Antrina glanced at him, then violently grabbed Belen's white hair with her hands. She said displeasedly: "Don't question your mother!"

"old woman!"

"You brat!"

The two immediately scrambled into a ball, in this way, the last time when they were young, every time they had a conflict, Belen and Antelina would not let anyone else, and whoever asked for mercy would lose!

La Tier also changed his clothes and came out. After seeing the two people fighting in a ball, he was shocked, and then curiously asked, "What are you doing?"

Seeing La Tier, Belen also quickly broke free, and then quickly wanted to apologize, but the cat-eared girl remembered something and turned her head blushing and quickly left.

Upon seeing this, Belen also sighed deeply, as expected, he was disliked!

Seeing the loss of her own disciple, Antrina grinned at the side. How dumb is this kid?Does this look like being hated?

What a piece of wood!

Chapter 672: Unmotivated Wood

In these days, Belen kept apologizing to Latier, and finally got the girl's forgiveness, which also made him relieved, but in retrospect he still felt very ashamed.

He actually attacked Ratil!It was obvious that La Tier believed him so much before sleeping with him.

However, Belen didn’t know that La Tier was actually not angry, so she was very happy. Of course, she wouldn’t let Belen know about this. To let Belen know that she didn’t go out on purpose, he wouldn’t... .

This is really a contradiction. I clearly want him to know, but dare not let him know.

On this day, Belen and his party settled down in a small village. Because they have been walking forward, Cat Latis and Hill are very bored. They occasionally want to stop and take a look at the scenery.

"Then, stop here for two days."

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