Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 641

Upon hearing Belen's words, Cat Latis and Hill both cheered, and the latter quickly realized that something was wrong, and then coughed dryly and suppressed his laughter.

Seeing the joy of the two girls, Belen also smiled helplessly. Afterwards, he greeted the village chief. He did not live in the village, but parked a commercial vehicle on the edge of the village. With a house, you don’t need to worry about nowhere to sleep.

Belen called the girls together, and then said very seriously: "Don't run far away alone, well, let's go play!"

"Go exploring in the forest!"

At the moment when Belem disbanded everyone, Latis took Ilia's hand and ran towards the forest, which also made Belem very speechless. This little girl really took what he just said. There is wind in the ear, can it be said that she is also in this state in school?

Well, forget it, I didn't see any dangerous animals in the forest, besides, with Ilia following, Latis would not be dangerous.

Having said that, after studying in Flozarno Academy for so long, although I know that Latis seems to be learning very well, but I don’t know how her magic is learning, and I have the opportunity to show the little girl to herself. .

That little girl should know some life magic, right?That's all hard magic.

Thinking of this, Belen suddenly stunned. He remembered another thing. He turned his head and looked at Nit, who was looking around him. By the way, the magic of this man seemed...

"Ah, yes! Nit, is your magic power a life?"

Hearing that, Nit also nodded and said: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"That kid's magic is also life, can I ask you to point her to it?" Belen asked very seriously, after all, this is a good thing for Latis.

"This, of course it's okay!" Nit didn't mind, he smiled and grabbed his hair, and said, "But I don't seem to be a good teacher."

In this regard, Belen also said happily: "There is no need to teach those particularly difficult magic, I just hope she can learn more, the more the better."

At this time, La Tier on the side came over, and she looked at the white-haired man helplessly, and said: "Mr. Belen, you are too biased towards La Tis."

"Huh? Is there?" Belen was startled when he heard the words.

"Yes! You didn't even let Senior Antelina teach me magic!" Latier fluttered with her big eyes, and she muttered, "I want to be amazing too."

Although Antelina is good at gravity magic, wind magic is not bad, not to mention her teaching skills, after all, she has been teaching as Belen's teacher for so many years.

"This one..."

Belen scratched his cheeks in embarrassment. He hadn't thought of this before, but he knew that Ratil had loved magic a long time ago.

"Latier wants to learn style magic? I teach you!"

Just when Belen didn't know how to explain, Antelina suddenly walked over to help the former solve the dilemma. She glanced at her disciple, as if she didn't know how to make girls happy anymore.

Regarding this, Belen could only sigh helplessly, while Nit on the side raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, giving an "I know you" look, as if he had experienced something like this.

"May I?"

Hearing Antelina’s words, La Tier’s eyes lit up. Although she wanted to talk to Ant Lena a long time ago, she never spoke. She was always worried that it would be too troublesome for her. Lena is a "sword saint"!

"Of course!" Antelina responded with a smile, and then turned her head to look at her disciple. She also grumbled and looked like a little girl angry. She said, "I also restricted my disciple all day long. If you have personal freedom, you can’t go out to play, you can only read a book and sleep in a commercial car. It’s so boring!"

Hearing this, Belen was also embarrassed. Although he felt that it was a bit wrong to say that it was personal freedom, he seemed to be right, and he did not dare to refute anything at the moment.

But, if you don't restrict this guy, it might take the first half of the year to reach the Fairy Forest!This is no joke!With this woman's temperament, this is very possible!

In order to prevent this possibility, Belen is willing to be this bad guy!

Immediately afterwards, Belen remembered something again. He looked at Nit beside him. He was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Nit, it may take a long time for us to reach the Fairy Forest. Don’t you Will you be in a hurry?"

"It doesn't matter, just follow your pace, after all, I can't find the Fairy Forest by myself." Nit smiled and shook his head, saying like this.

"That's good."

Belen nodded, and then under Antelina’s contemptuous gaze, he turned around. At this time, he couldn't face Antelina. This woman has been suffocated by her own restrictions these days. Maybe he would drew his sword and cut him out of anger.

So, Belen looked at Nit, and he said, "Nit, accompany me to move something? It's too early, it's time to cook."

"Okay, then." Nite smiled and shrugged, knowing that Belen was just leaving here with an excuse.

And at this point, La Tier and Antlerina also saw it. The former blinked and didn't say anything, while the latter snorted, it is hard to imagine that he lived for more than three hundred and eighty years. The elves are still so young children.

"It's a piece of wood! You think you are right? Ratil."


La Tier was taken aback, and then looked at the white figure. She chuckled and responded, "Yes, it's just a piece of wood."

And it's still useless wood.

Chapter 673: I don't want to practice swords!

When Belen and Latis said that Nit was going to teach her magic, the kitten’s big eyes immediately showed an amazing brilliance, which made Belen startled. It turns out that this kid is so interested. ?

"Brother Nit will teach me magic?"

Seeing the kitten asked, Nit also smiled and nodded and said, "Yeah, yes, I have the same magic power as Latis, do you want to learn Latis? I'm very good!"

"to learn!"

Latis screamed immediately, her long tail swaying constantly, her two small fists clenched, her small face full of excitement.

"Okay, come here with me, let's start right away!" Nit also raised an arm and said with a smile, looking very interested.

Ever since, a big devil and a little devil ran to practice magic like this, and Belem thought of Selika inexplicably, is that guy still working in the office now?I really hope she can go out and play well, she must be bored in the office all the time.

"Hey, dull disciple!"

Just when Belém was in a daze, Antelina's voice came from the side, he turned his head curiously, and then realized that the latter was actually holding a sword in his hand, he was stunned.

"What are you doing?"

Antrina shook the sword in her hand, and then gave him a blank look. She calmly said, "It's been a long time since I practiced the sword, so I'm going to practice it."

"Well, then you practice, don't make too much noise, but there is a village next to it." Belen blinked his eyes, realized it was not good, blurted out, and waved his hand to leave.

But at this moment, Belen's footsteps suddenly stopped, because his collar was suddenly pulled, he swallowed, and stiffly turned his head to look at the elf woman beside him.


"Sword practice."

"Then, then go and practice..."

Hearing his words, Antelina's eyes flashed with a sharp light, her expression was calm, but invisibly exuded a pressure, she said indifferently: "You practice with me."


Belen widened his eyes, he was afraid of this, so he shook his head and refused: "No, no, no, I don't practice, I don't practice, you can do it alone, don't bring me!"

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