Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 644

This level has at least reached the realm of "mantra".

Well, forget it, just stay alive.

Seeing Belen's open smile, Nit frowned and said, "Your body may not last long." There were beads of sweat on his forehead, and obviously the seal took a lot of effort.

"I know." Belen grinned, he squeezed his fists, he stood up again and walked out of the carriage. He looked at the girls playing with a mixed mood.


A voice came from the side, the silver-haired beautiful girl was standing there, and Belen also noticed him, and was startled, probably because the magic power he had just released had attracted Ilia's attention.

"Ilia, don't you go and play with everyone?"

In response, Illiya just shook her head, looking at the white-haired man with her silver-black eyes, and she asked, "Brother, did something happen just now?"

"Ah? No!" Belen's heart jumped, he didn't dare to admit it, when Nit pulled down and just got off the commercial truck, he smiled and said: "The magic fluctuations just now, Nit and I are studying some Magic, nothing special happened."

However, this explanation made Elia wonder. She stared at Belem. After a while, she said: "Brother's lies have always been bad."

Then, the silver-haired girl turned and left.

Chapter 677: Before the end, smile strong!

After Nit helped Belen temporarily stabilize his physical condition, he left here at noon that day. According to Antelina, they are not very far from the Fairy Forest, so let's step up the progress.

at dusk.

Belen and Nit lie on the lawn, enjoying the blowing of the night breeze, and looking at the beautiful starry sky. This is the most unsatisfactory scenery in the travel and one of the most beautiful scenery.

"Nite, is there any way to solve this problem for me?"

In the end, Belen asked this question. He hoped to find a way from Nit. The era a thousand years ago was very different from theirs today, and the magic of that era was also very different from this era.

"It should be... No, even the current seal is only temporary." Nit was thoughtful, and then he said: "Now you can't use magic power. If you use magic power, the seal is It will be relieved naturally, so you have to be careful. If you cast the seal the second time, the effect will not be so great."

Hearing that, Belen also responded. Although it is temporary, he can indeed guarantee his own time extension, but the inability to mobilize the magic power means that he cannot use the "amplification magic", so he can only rely on " Qi" fought with the sword. If he encounters a strong opponent, he can only abandon the seal.

Forget it, let's just do it.

At this time, a girl with cat ears jumped out of the commercial car. It was La Tier. She looked around and found two figures lying on the lawn in front. She blinked and walked forward. , She wanted to talk to Belem, but at this moment, she heard the voice and stopped.

"It seems that there is a way."

When he heard Nit's words, Belen was also shocked, he quickly sat up, and this also shocked Latil at the back, and quickly hid aside and listened.

"what way?"

Nit also sat up slowly, and he calmly said: "This method is very bad, maybe you will not choose to use it, but I think it is better to say it."

In this regard, Belen also looked at Nit with some doubts.

"At that time, there was a taboo magic called "Life Traction", which was a magic that needed to be used by people who possessed the magic of life." Nit said like this, then turned his head to look at Belem. He said, "divide a part of the time of that person with life magic to you, so that we can solve the problem."


Belén was stunned, then frowned and shook his head. He said, "It really is a terrible method. Forget it. I can't do it with someone else's life to support myself."

"I know that too." Nit shrugged. He knew it would be such an answer. Then he said again: "But, those little girls won't want you to leave, so you might as well consider this. method."

Hearing that, Belen was silent. He refused this method from the bottom of his heart, so he would never consider it. The reason for his silence at this moment was because he thought of the fact that everyone would be sad.

"My words, probably you also know my situation, and it doesn't work if I give it to you." Nit knows his situation very well, so he said again: "This magic can only be used if it is willing. Life, so ah, I think Latis..."

"Needless to say, it is impossible for me to fight Latis's idea." Belen interrupted Nit's words, and he shook his head and said, "Even if I die, I won't let Latis be hurt. "

Let Latis give him life force, how could he do such a thing?

Therefore, this method is invalid.

"I think this method is feasible. The little girls don't want you to leave, and you don't want to leave everyone. Latiz also definitely wants you to stay, so..." Nith said that After he stopped, he knew his answer by looking at the calm profile face, so he smiled and shook his head.

"Well, then forget it, you know you won't use it."

His method of mentioning is that it is better for both parties, but the things that will hurt the little cat also make him a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, Belen is a kind and gentle person.

Belén lay down again, with his arms folded as a pillow, he looked at the starry sky, and then said with a smile: "Death is not terrible at all, but at least I have to leave you with more memories before I leave. ."

This is his current obsession to create happy memories that belong to everyone. Only in this way can he leave this world without regret.

"That's it." Nitt laughed.

But Nit knew very well in his heart that only when he left would he feel unwilling, dissatisfied with only a little memory, wanted more and more, but he was already helpless. This was his personal experience.

"Then do your best to create more memories."

"Ah! Of course."

Behind the big rock, La Tier was sitting on her knees with tears on her cheeks. She held her hands tightly and forced herself to make no sound, but still made a slight choking sound.

If you don’t know it, it’s better. A momentary painful blow is better than painful repression. Knowing that the most dependent is about to come to the end of life, this time is extremely tormenting for her, even though she smiles every day , Although every day as nothing happened, that kind of pain is still faintly haunting my heart.

Mr. Belen...

This world is gentle and cruel. This is an extremely intuitive perception for La Tier. When she and La Tisi lived in such a peaceful and peaceful life in their hometown, they were hit by destruction and pain. He was marked as a slave until he met Belem and felt that the world was not so dark again.

But now, why does this world want to plunge itself into darkness again?

It's not fair, but she knows that this world has never been fair, and no one can be happy forever, just walked through a long life over and over again.

However, La Tier knew that what Belen wanted most was for everyone to be happy, so he said, "I have to leave more memories for everyone." He didn't see them sad the most. They also don't want such a gentle person to be sad.

If you make a bitter face and cry and watch him leave, he will definitely feel sad, so, whether for yourself or for him, you must be strong.

The end has not yet arrived, and there are still many scenery along the way.

Chapter 677: Believe in yourself

After passing large and small cities, Belen and others entered the forest again. There were no ferocious beasts in this forest. Recently, the empire also carried out large-scale killing operations against those beasts, so after that city I haven't seen Warcraft anymore, maybe it has been wiped out.

Because of the seal problem, Belen wouldn’t be able to do anything before he encountered a big danger. Besides, there is probably no danger in having Ilia and Antrina, both of them are super The strong one.

However, compared to these two, Belen and Nit, who also have powerful strengths, can’t take action anytime. They can be regarded as the disabled among the strong. Although Belen doesn’t know what Nit’s situation is, but for thousands of years It's impossible for him to fall asleep without harm and sequelae.

In addition, Belen had one thing that he cared very much about. He looked at the cat-eared girl who was holding his arm beside him. These days, Latier didn't know why he was so sticky.

"Then what...Latier, do you have something you want to buy?"


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