Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 645

Belén blinked his eyes, still completely puzzled by the situation, so he asked in confusion: "Then what's wrong with you lately? It seems something is wrong."

"Is there?" Latier also flashed his big eyes, and then said with a smile: "There is nothing, I just want to get closer to Mr. Belém."


Hearing this sentence, Belen was also flushed, but after looking at those innocent eyes, he was also startled, probably because he had misunderstood. This is just like a confession, not a confession!

La Tier's cheeks are also slightly red, and she feels that her meaning is already very clear, but it seems that Mr. Wood in front of her does not understand her meaning, so she is also a little annoyed.

She also wants to leave happy memories with Belen!

At this moment, the window suddenly opened, and the beautiful silver-haired girl was looking at Latier through the window, and she called to the latter: "Sister Latier."

"Woo, I see."

Hearing Ilia's call, La Tier also understood what she meant, and stood up with a grumbling mouth, and then got into the room through the window.

Seeing this scene, Belen was also a little helpless. When the commercial vehicle did not stop, these girls really developed a completely unnecessary skill.

After that, Ilia came out again and sat beside Belen, then naturally took up the latter's arm and looked forward calmly.

With this exact same behavior, Belen was also a little helpless. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "Ilia, are you playing any game?"

This behavior has been going on for several days. If the order is correct, it should be Lumia and Lattes. Even Antrina came to join in the fun, and Hill did not participate in the event, just He always stared at himself with very ferocious eyes.

"No, I just want to do it after watching Sister Latier do this." The silver-haired girl shook her head, and then explained very calmly.

Was it just messing around?

Belen also twitched the corners of his mouth, and then he sighed, but since it was what everyone wanted to do, he would stay with him to the end, and there was nothing to hinder him anyway.

"By the way, Ilia." Belen suddenly remembered something.

Hearing Belen's call, Illya also looked at him suspiciously.

"Want to go back to... Ai Luo Ruins?" Belen hesitated for a while and asked. Although Ilia is relieved now, he thinks Ai Luo Ruins is still very important to her. The place.

Hearing this, Illiya's eyes flickered slightly. She lowered her head and remained silent for a long time, and then raised her head to look at Belem. She asked, "Can you?"

"Of course, I also want to see where Ilia used to live." Belen said with a smile.

Although the Ailuo site is a scar-like existence for Ilia, Belen believes that today Ilia has accepted all her memories, and now she can face the past directly.

"Well, I see." Illiya nodded, her mood fluctuated.

Seeing the silver-haired girl with a somewhat unnatural look, Belen could also understand. He raised his hand and rubbed her head, returning to his destroyed hometown, his mood must be very complicated.

Nit, who was sitting on the side, glanced at the two of them. Although I could hear what Iliad seemed to have, he did not pursue other people's past preferences.

"Can you stop flirting and yelling in front of me? I feel very uncomfortable." Nit curled his lips. In fact, he was more concerned about this. He was obviously only a lonely person, but he always looked at the man next to him. Hug right, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

"What flirting..." Belen gave Nit a blank look.

Nit snorted, and then said righteously: "There must be a lot of people who say that you have a good relationship with women. This kind of person is generally the most scolded, and it has been like this throughout the ages!"


Hearing what he said, Belen also froze for a moment, and then said silently: "Did you think something wrong? Illia is my sister, everyone is the same."


Nit slapped his mouth, then stuck out his tongue in disdain, put his hands on his chest and turned his head away. As an outsider, he saw very thoroughly. In that case, he would only say it from Belen’s mouth. I don't think Ilia and others think so.

After hearing Belen's words, Illya also glanced at Belen, and then her sword arms tightened, even if she encountered something, she didn't care.

However, after encountering the softness, Belen was taken aback. The whole person was an agitated spirit, and his whole body was beginning to get hot. His expression suddenly became unnatural, and he couldn't help shouting.


"Brother, what's the matter?"

Belen looked at the silver-haired girl, but today Ilia's dress was able to make people look at the snow-white skin, and his head suddenly became confused. He tried his best to look away from him, and then swallowed. After swallowing, his mouth trembles a little.

"Too, too close, no, no, I met!"

Regarding this, Yiliya looked as calm as ever. She was very calm and serious and said: "If it's your brother, it doesn't matter."

No, no, it's a big deal!

Just when Belen was fiercely resisting, Illya leaned her whole body on him, and his whole body was almost cooked through.

Nit on the side glanced at the white-haired man beside him, then closed his eyes and tilted Erlang's legs, leaning his hands on the pillows, and then curled his lips.

So, who would take you seriously brother?

Chapter 678: I want to hold my grandson!

On a commercial vehicle that is not traveling fast, Belen is holding the rein with his left hand, and can only put his right hand aside, because there is a woman beside him holding his arm and her head resting on his shoulder, but this is for him It wasn't a Yanfu, but it made him a little tired.

"I said, how long do you have to rely on?"

The woman holding Belem’s arm is Antrina. She is sleeping with her eyes closed and leaning on Belen’s shoulder. When she heard the former, she opened her eyes, and then sat up straight and looked at Bei eagerly. Lun, the beautiful face is sad, as if he is about to cry.

"Why, can't you just rely on the mother? It's okay for Ilia and others, why can't I? It really hurts me to raise such a white-eyed wolf, oooooooo."

Seeing this scene, Belen got goosebumps all over his body, and he quickly shouted: "Stop! I'm wrong! You can rely on it! You can rely on it for as long as you want!"


The pitiful expression disappeared in an instant, Antelina smiled again, and then held Belen's arm against his shoulder again.

The appearance of such a child in Belen's eyes also made him very helpless. He sighed, and then said: "You are so old, but you are still such a child."

"Don't you just like this? Maybe you will like me like this!" Antelina said with a smile.

"Who would like you!" Belen was also suffering from a headache. He put his left hand on his forehead, and then sighed: "I said it was a mother.

"Oh, oh, admit it?" Antelina looked at that profile face in surprise.

In response, Belem pursed his lips, and then said noncommittal: "There is nothing to admit."

Seeing such an unfrank disciple, Antelina smiled and said in a very soft voice: "It really touches me." She pulled her arm tighter.

"Yes, what can be touched." Belen scratched his cheek with his left index finger, his face was reddish, facing Antelina, he was always so frank, but his meaning should be very clear.

"What a lovely disciple." Antelina said with a smile.

Belen didn't want to say anything. He looked ahead. Fortunately, Nit was reading in the back today. Otherwise, he would be ridiculed for seeing such a child of himself.

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