Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 646

"Ah! Belen, do you want to do something interesting tonight? I wear the same underwear I wore for La Tier that day?" Antelina chuckles with a sly smile.

"Be your big-headed ghost! Go and dream for yourself! Old woman!"

Regarding this old and disrespectful fellow, Belen also cursed back unceremoniously. He was obviously such a bold person, but he was still single in his 380s. There is definitely a reason for this!


When Belen refused, Antrina also showed a pity.

For Antrina, who showed a pitiful expression again, Belen did not sympathize at all, but asked: "How long are we from the Fairy Forest?"

"Um... not far, I should be there in a few days." Antelina thought for a while, and then gave this answer, because she didn't know the specific location of the Fairy Forest, just based on her sense of energy Know the approximate direction and distance.

"It's finally here."

After hearing the words, Belen also sighed, and the excitement in his heart gradually emerged, becoming more and more clear. It has been a long time since I saw the child, and I don't know how she's going.

It's almost here, Laya's hometown.

For a time, Belén's mind came up with countless pictures of Laya. From the first meeting to the last difference, he took a deep breath and calmed the restless mood in his heart.

Laiya, waiting for us.

Antrina looked at her disciple. She was thoughtful and suddenly widened her eyes. She looked surprised and said, "Could it be that Belem, do you like Laya?"

"What's the matter?" Belen gave Antelina a blank look, then curled his lips and said, "Obviously, you are still single, so how can you care about my affairs?"

"I don't want to hug my grandson!" Antelina sat up straight, then put her hands on her hips righteously.

Hearing this, Belen immediately cursed: "I call you a big-headed ghost! Go and have one yourself!"

"Are you born with me?" Antelina flashed beautiful eyes.

In this regard, Belen exclaimed: "There is indeed a reason for not being able to find an object."

At this moment in Florentine’s capital, Eloranya, countless officials are busy and devastated. After all, the casualties and losses caused by the attacks of those monsters are very huge, and they have to deal with things up and down. It's too much.

As long as the war is still on, they won't be free for a day.

In the Special Armament Department of the Royal City of Eloranya, as one of the three military ministers, Flotti has to deal with many things in recent days, not only dealing with foreign affairs, but also dealing with internal affairs. Yi's work ability is very strong, but she doesn't want that young girl to be overworked and hurt, so let herself share a little pressure.

At this moment, Flotti was frowning and looking at the documents on the table, feeling a sense of anxiety in her heart. So many monsters infiltrated the empire and launched an attack, she must not just want to attack on both sides, but have other purposes.

At this time, the female secretary standing by the side suddenly said: "Chief, those monsters sneaked in from the Black Canyon, do you need to send an army to destroy them?"

For this question, Flotti was silent for a moment. She did not answer directly, but asked: "Did the other two empires encounter this situation?"

The female secretary handed a copy of the information in her hand to Flotti, and then said: "For the time being, only we were attacked by Warcraft, and the other two empires did not encounter this situation."

Flotti looked at the information in the file, and then nodded slightly. She said, "Give this information to General Morpheus in the military department and let him take the troops to the Black Canyon."

"I understand."

The female secretary nodded, then gathered up the files and put them in the folder, and after a slight salute to Flori, she turned and left the office.

Florty sitting on the office chair turned her gaze to the right, where is the area map of the entire Florentine. She looked at it for a while and then retracted her gaze, and then looked at the pile of unprocessed documents on the table. After sighing, her expression returned to her calmness. She stretched her waist and stood up, turned and looked at the night sky outside, her eyes deep and a flash of cold light.

"What do you want to do?"

Chapter 677: Fairy Forest

On this day, Belén and others came to a deserted city, and the city was already in a mess. It was obviously an unnatural disaster, but there was no trace of anyone here, and even the figure of Warcraft was not there. see.

"Here... is it also destroyed by those monsters?"

La Tier sat next to Belen, looked around, and grabbed the corner of the latter's clothes a little nervously. She had always felt a sense of fear for those terrifying beasts.

The commercial vehicle was moving very slowly, and Belém's deep blue eyes were looking around, indeed he did not see any signs of magical power from creatures, and he probably had already left.

But... there is still a lot of magic power left here, not just those monsters, there are some other magic powers, and there are a lot of blood stains on the ground and on the walls. Probably there was a big battle here, some of them were strong. Those who came to expel those monsters.

"Maybe our elves did it."

At the top of the room, Antelina put away the wings of the wind, she stood there, the blue and white dress was rippling with the wind, her gaze looked into the distance.

"Elves?" Belen was stunned when he heard the words, and then he thought of something. He asked: "We shouldn't be far from the Fairy Forest, right?"

Antelina nodded, and she said, "It's very close, I should be there today."

"No wonder, maybe those elves expelled those monsters."

Belen came to this conclusion. After all, there are no other cities in this city for dozens of miles. It is not possible to get support. Since the Forest of Elves is not far away, it is very easy to expel Warcraft It might be them.

"Then, speed it up."

Since there are no creatures here, it doesn't make sense to stay here. Compared to those monsters, Belen still cares more about the Fairy Forest.

After letting the two old guys work harder, the speed of the commercial vehicle was a bit faster. As for the monsters, let the guys in the Empire headache.

When the commercial vehicle came to the big forest, Belen could indeed vaguely see some hidden magic runes with his "half-god eyes".

Illiya's eyes flickered too, and she could see it too, because she also had "half-god eyes". Although she did not stand in the "half-god realm", her eyes were no longer the eyes of the world. , Has the ability to see the magic latitude.

"That's it."

Antelina jumped out of the commercial car, she walked forward with a smile, and it seemed that returning to her hometown made her feel good, so she raised her right hand, carved a magic pattern with her finger print, and then palm With one wave, it flew into the air.


A faint ripple appeared in the space, and a space door was opened in front of it. The scene was out of step with the surroundings. The space door leading to the place was the Fairy Forest.

"Let's go!"

Antrina turned her head and greeted Belen, and then walked in first. Belen also drove a commercial car to follow.

After entering the space door, all the scenes are completely new, everyone's eyes light up, and a surging emotion emerges from the bottom of my heart.

Such a beautiful place!

Turquoise is the only hue in this world. The air is very fresh and refreshing.

You can hear the melodious sounds of birds and wind, and there are small animals everywhere, and it seems more flexible and gentle than the outside world.

There are many huge blue trees around, they are as high as a hill, and there has never been such a big tree outside.

"Is this the Fairy Forest?"

Belen also widened his eyes. Although he was Antelina’s disciple, he had never been to the Fairy Forest. The first time he came, he felt like a "wonderland outside the world". The beauty made people feel unreal. .

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