Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 647

"This is just the periphery, but there are no elves." Antelina explained to everyone, and then looked at Belem with a smile.

"The girls of our elves are all very beautiful, don't you look dumbfounded?"

"No!" Belen also retorted immediately, and he could not help but shudder as he felt several lines of sight coming from behind him.

What, what's the situation?

At this time, Latier came to Belém's side, and she said very seriously: "Mr. Belém can't keep staring at other girls, it's very rude!"

But... haven't you seen this yet?

Belen was helpless, is he really like a horny person?Besides, there are super beautiful girls like Illiya, and La Tier, their immunity will not be bad anyway!

Hill sighed as he walked: "Laiya, she, it turns out that she lives in such a beautiful place. It's really enviable."

Lumia also nodded in agreement. A little wolf pup who had grown a lot followed her feet, and it was also looking around curiously.

Nit beside Belen is relatively calm, but there is a touch of tension in his eyes, because he doesn't know whether the person is still living here, so he is a little nervous.

"I want to see Sister Laiya!"

Little cat Latis yelled out excitedly, and then dashed forward, obviously she also missed Laya very much.

Seeing this, Belen was also taken aback, and hurriedly shouted: "Slow down! Don't get lost alone!"

However, the kitten has disappeared in a hurry.

Antelina patted Belen, who was a little worried, and she smiled and said, "Go and chase, the Fairy Forest is still very big. If you get lost, you will definitely regret it."

Hearing that, Belen also nodded, and then immediately ran to chase Latis. After all, people are unfamiliar with the place here. If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome.

In a residential street, countless elves are walking in the streets, and this street has not been set foot by races other than elves for many years, and on this day, it welcomed new guests.

"The same person as Sister Laiya!"

The pretty girl's figure stood on the street, the pair of brown cats staring straight ahead, and the long tail behind her was constantly swaying, she looked extremely excited.

Latis walked forward happily, and the elven pedestrians around also noticed the cat, showing curious eyes.

"That is?"

Many elves have noticed the cheerful cat-eared girl here. They looked at this rare visitor curiously. How could there be a demi-race?

"Oh? It's so new, there will be a demi-race coming to our Fairy Forest, or such a lovely girl."

At this time, a few male elves came from the side, with surprised smiles on their faces, and then they walked towards Latis with a deep smile.

"Little sister, do you want to go to some fun places with your brother?"

Chapter six hundred and eighty: That's my heart

When the male elves came to Latis and blocked her way, she also stopped and raised her head to look at the male elves who were higher than herself. The next moment she was surprised. look.


Hearing this little cat actually greet himself and others, the elf was stunned, then he laughed, and said, "Hello, where are you from?"

Latis blinked her beautiful big eyes, and said with a smile, "I came with my brothers and sisters!"

Sure enough, who came in with?

The leading male elf thoughtfully, then with a kind smile on his face, he asked: "Could you tell me what your brother does?"

"Brother? He is a vagrant businessman! And the cooking is delicious!" Latis thought for a while, and then gave such a reply, which is indeed what she remembered.

Wandering businessman?

Although he was curious as to why there were wandering merchants entering the Fairy Forest, he was not a powerful person, so there was no threat to him.

Thinking of this, the male elf smiled even more. He said, "My name is Zelet, where is my little sister?"

"My name is Lattes!" The kitten blinked.

The rest of the elves around were frowning at Zelet and the others, their eyes were disgusting, and they seemed to hate this Zelet and the few people around him.

"This Zelet must be the idea of ​​hitting that little girl."

"Asshole, take advantage of your own power to act recklessly!"

"Stop talking! He's over here!"

The few whispering elves all noticed Zelet's cold gaze at this moment, and immediately left the place in shock, not daring to stay here any longer.

Retracting his gaze, Zelet showed a sly smile again. He reached out and put his hand on Lattes’ shoulder, and then said, "Shall I go to play with my brother for a while?"

Looking at this smiling face, Latis's lovely brows frowned slightly. She hesitated, then shook her head and said, "I'm not going, I'm going to find my brother and them."

These smiles in front of her reminded her of some bad memories in the past. Their smiles were exactly the same as those who saw her and her sister at the beginning.

"No? Go! Just play for a while."

Although it was an invitation, Zellette took Latis by the arm and began to forcibly pull her away, which made the kitten immediately resist.

"I'm not going! Let go of me!"

Latis screamed, she was very resistant and wanted to break free, but how could her strength be compared with Zelet, and she also puffed up her cheeks, was very angry, and began to emit green magic power all over .


The turquoise magic power suddenly oscillated, shook Zellett directly, and controlled the substantial release of magic power, which she learned in the academy.

After breaking free from the restraints, the kitten turned around without hesitation and ran away. She was a little scared, so she wanted to go back to Belen and Latier.


Zelet looked at his numb and trembling right hand with a sluggish look, and then turned into anger. He shouted in a deep voice, "Hurry up and grab her for me!"

The few male elves who were in a daze immediately reacted under the loud roar, and then dashed in the direction where Latis was. Compared with the speed, the kitten is not as fast as the adult elves. Just chased behind her.

Ratis turned her head slightly, she was shocked when she saw that the elves had chased her. When she was terribly scared, a white streamer suddenly shuttled over, and she seemed to be at this moment. I was still, and saw the white-haired man standing beside her.

Bang bang bang!

No one saw what was going on, they saw all the male elves flying upside down, flying a full ten meters before falling to the ground, but they still slipped out on the ground. At a long distance, he stopped after Zellett and began to wailing.


Countless onlookers hiding on the edge of the street were stunned. They didn't know what was going on. They seemed to see a faint white light just now, and then they saw the elves flying out.

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