Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 650

When entering the cave, there are two circular stairs leading to the bottom. There are not many decorations. Below is a large turquoise bed and the surrounding walls are surrounded by many vines. The whole room looks very fresh.

"Wow! What a beautiful room!"

Latil let out such an admiration, she rushed to the bottom eagerly, and then looked around.

"It is very beautiful."

Even Poggiacorti’s eldest lady Hill was so amazed, because this is not a human society, and the elves have to live closer to nature, which makes it particularly amazing.

"Can we live here?" Lumia also asked excitedly with her big eyes flashing.

"Of course! You can live as long as you want!"

In response to Lumia’s question, Antrina also smiled and nodded. Then, she looked at her disciple beside her. This was the first time she brought Belen to the Fairy Forest. She also cared very much. The feeling of the latter.

"My dear son, how is it? Mother goes to the adult's room."

Hearing Antelina's address to him, Belem also twitched the corners of his mouth, but it was not too serious. He looked around and then also exclaimed.

"It's a great room."

"Humph!" Antlena raised her head proudly, she said proudly: "Moreover, it is wrapped in a magic circle, so the voice will not be heard outside! You can do shy things unscrupulously!"


The corner of Belen's mouth twitched again, and he said silently: "What are you thinking about all day? Who would have such sloppy thoughts about family members?"

Hearing these words, Antelina also curled her lips, she couldn't help muttering: "How come I have such a dumb disciple?"

"what did you say?"

Gazing at the cheerful girls below, Belen was also distracted, and for a while did not hear what Antelina had just said.

"I call you a fool!"

"You old woman!"

As a result, Antlena walked out of the room by pulling Belen's ears, and she pulled her hands to the observation deck outside, and Belen also rubbed her ears quickly, feeling that she was about to be torn off.

"You stay here for the time being. I'm going to talk to that person about your arrival. After all, I brought you here privately." Antelina stood on the observation deck and looked into the turquoise green distance. Said.


Belen thoughtfully, probably this "one" refers to the king of the elves, that is, the legendary "king of elves", the leader of the elven royal family and all the elves.

"Then we have to wait a while to find Laya?" Belen frowned and asked. He has now reached the Fairy Forest. The longing is on the verge of exploding, but he still needs to be suppressed at this moment.

Antelina also knew that Belem was a little eager. She understood the latter's feelings, so she turned around and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Don't worry, if I meet Laiya, I will definitely bring her over."

Belen had no choice but to nod when he heard this. He made such a thing right after he arrived. Maybe he would be hated by the elves, so don't make any other things now, and stay calm for the time being.

"I understand."

Antelina nodded slightly, just when she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something, and then smiled and said, "The fairy forest at night will be beautiful beyond your imagination."

After saying this, Antrina patted Belem’s shoulder again, and then the wings of the wind gathered behind her and flew towards the giant tree in the sky. Obviously, there was the "Elven King". "The palace.

Seeing Antelina moving away, Belen also turned his gaze in other directions. I have to say that the Fairy Forest is so beautiful. Recalling what Antelina said just now, he couldn't help but look forward to it. The night falls.

Having said that, I always feel that I have forgotten something...

Belen frowned slightly. He thought about it and suddenly remembered it, but he was startled again. He turned around and walked into the room, looking at the girls playing below, and blinked.

"Did everyone see Nit?"

Hearing the voice from Belen, the girls also raised their heads. They thought to no avail, but Hill was thoughtful. She seemed to think of something, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ah! He seemed to go in another direction at the time!"

Hearing this, Belen was stunned for a moment, and then curiously asked: "Where did he go?"

Hill shook her head. She said, "Nitt just said to leave, but didn't say where he was going."

In this regard, Belen is also a little helpless, but he probably knows what that guy is going to do, after all, his purpose in coming to the Fairy Forest can be just that.

Where did that guy Nit go?

Maybe someone ran to find the person he was looking for?

Among the hills with fragrant flowers, the Li-haired man was walking in it. It was Nit. After entering the Fairy Forest, when he saw everyone rushing in the direction of Belem, he followed what he remembered. The route came here.

He remembered that it was in this direction at the beginning, but because of the many changes in the terrain in the Fairy Forest over the past thousand years, he was a little uncertain, but his instinct told him that it was right here.

Walking into a remote path and taking a bend, Nit came to a place with a small pond and a small waterfall with water flowing. The picture in his mind overlapped with the scene in front of him at the moment.

That's right, this is it.

Nit's hands clasped subconsciously. He remembered that there was a small garden, a swing, and the blue-haired girl.

Immediately afterwards, Nit turned around, his eyes fell on the two girls on the swing for an instant, and there were faint ripples in these emerald eyes, he pursed his mouth, and then Taking a heavy step, he slowly walked over.

On that swing, the blonde girl was chatting with a gray-haired woman. The two of them had faint smiles. It seemed to be a very pleasant topic. It was Laya and Emily. At this time, Ai Millie suddenly felt something, she slowly turned her head and looked at it. When she saw the figure, her blue eyes slowly opened.

The heart that has been silent for a thousand years seems to have renewed vitality at this moment.

Laya also followed Emily’s gaze. When she saw the young man walking slowly, she was also slightly startled, and then she looked at the woman beside her, stood up and walked out, Some hurried.

The white-haired woman and the chestnut-haired man stood face to face, and the two pairs of eyes with almost no difference in color met at this moment, and only the person in front of each other's eyes.

Crystal tears flowed down Emily’s eyes. She opened her mouth, but made a choking sound. Finally, she couldn’t help crying. She raised her right hand and kept wiping the unstoppable tears, sending out faint tears. Voice of grievance again.

"I have been waiting for a long time, and I can't wait any longer."

Nit also shed tears. He smiled and cried, took a step forward, then raised his hand and placed it on the head of Emily, who was almost the same as himself. He made a hoarse voice.

"I'm here for an appointment."

Just like that year, the boy comforted the girl who was only up to his chest, and both he and her cried when they were separated.

At this moment in the dawn of the dynasty, a thousand-two-hundred-year-long agreement was completed, and when he met her again, he was crying, and a flower of the promise was blooming at his feet.

Chapter 684: Night in the Fairy Forest

"Mr. Belén! The scenery here is amazing! Come and see!"

Hearing Ratil's exclamation, Belen also turned around and walked into the tree hole. He found the girls surrounding that end and didn't know what they were doing.

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