Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 651

So, Belen walked down the stairs, and then walked to the side of the girls, he found that there is actually a balcony here, just like in the observation deck, overlooking a large area of ​​the fairy forest.

At this moment, the sky has gradually dimmed, but a faint glow of fluorescence began to emerge in the entire fairy forest, adding a mysterious black veil to this beautiful forest, which makes people very much looking forward to what it will be at night Scene of the scene.

Although something very unpleasant happened before, Belen didn’t take it too much. After all, it was all over. Although she was angry because Latis was bullied, it was not easy to make Antelie. What Na and Laiya hate, after all, this is their hometown, and that person is their tribe.

Furthermore, Belen was not too surprised to have such a domineering elves, after all, even elves must have a heart of good and evil, and it is impossible for them to be as kind as Antrina and Laiya.

"Mr. Belém, when shall we go to Laya?"

At this time, La Tier asked her the most concerned question, which was the biggest purpose of their trip. They came here for Laiya.

Hearing this, Belen explained: "It's not working for the time being. You will have to wait for Antrina to come back to find Laya, but Antrina said that if she meets Laya, she will bring her here. "

In this case, there is no way. Although their group was brought in by Antrina, the Fairy Forest obviously also has its rules, so they can't move freely here temporarily.

The night came soon, Antrina and Nit have not yet returned, but the scenery of the Fairy Forest has also been completely renewed, Belen and the girls also came to the balcony again, and then they widened in unison. Eyes.

So beautiful…

The entire Fairy Forest is surrounded by turquoise fluorescence. Are those fireflies?Probably not ordinary fireflies, the light they emit is exceptionally bright, and the number is astonishing, and they fly in groups in an orderly manner, like a night patrol.

The leaves of the big trees in the sky are also blooming with their brilliance. There is a hazy beauty in the dark night. The fairy forest at night is not as bright and beautiful as the day, but the secluded beauty of the night is vividly expressed. This is the world of elves, a paradise that is far from the human world.

"This is the beauty Antelina said..." Belen also remembered what Antelina said to him before, and couldn't help smiling.

No wonder she wanted to introduce her hometown to him so much. It was so beautiful that she couldn't be disgusted. Although the beginning was unsatisfactory, the follow-up was enough to make up for the lack of happiness.

"Hmm, how is it? Isn't it beautiful?"

At this time, Antelina also came back. She stood on the top and smiled and looked at the people standing on the balcony. She was still very confident about the night view of her hometown, and she was called the number one in the world. It.

Hearing Antelina's voice, Belen and the others all turned and looked up to the former above. They looked at Antelina's empty back. It was obvious that she had not brought Laya back.

Belen couldn't help asking: "Have you not met Laiya?"

"No, that girl seems to have run out to play, she doesn't know what to do." Antelina explained, and then said with a smile: "But, you are now legal visitors."

After hearing this, La Tier's eyes lit up, and she immediately asked: "Then can we walk in the forest at will? Can we go to Laya?"

"Of course you can, but you can't go to some remote places. Be careful you get lost." Antelina nodded, and then reminded her: "The biggest tree is where the royal family is, Laya It's not in it, it should be somewhere else, so don't go near the big tree where the royal family is. There will always be some bad people."

"I understand!" Latier nodded, then turned to look at everyone. She smiled and said, "Then we should go to Laya now?"


Lumia and Hill spoke in unison, and Latis and Ilia were also by their side. They also missed Laiya very much, and now they can't wait to see her.

"Then, let's go!" Ratil cheered.

Belen on the side also couldn't help laughing: "You can't just disperse easily. It will be very troublesome to get lost." He would be very worried.


The girls smiled and nodded, while Hill greeted him and said, "Hurry up!" Although it is night, the night in the Fairy Forest is different from the outside world, which also makes the girls very interested at this moment.

"Let's go!"

The five girls happily ran out of the tree hole, and Belen also walked out of the tree hole, he looked at the girls back with a smile.

Antelina came to him and asked curiously: "Aren't you going?"

"Of course I went." Belen blinked, then looked at the woman beside him, he was silent for a moment, and then said, "Don't you go together?"

"Why? Are you afraid that your mother will be lonely?" Antelina stunned for a moment and then smiled, and then blinked her beautiful eyes charmingly, and said with a charming look: "Now everyone has gone out. Don't go into the room and do something shy?"

"Old woman, what are you thinking about?"

"Smelly boy! You owe it again!"

Ever since, Belen turned his head and ran away, because Antrina was angry at the back. What she hated most was that others called her an old woman, although it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

After running a long distance, Belen also slowed down. He glanced back and found that Antelina was standing above him looking at him. Upon seeing this, he also smiled and waved to her.

"I'll be back soon."

With such a whisper, Belen turned his head and walked forward. Since Latier and the others have gone together, he should look for it in another direction.

Having said that, did Nite find the person he was looking for?

Looking at the white-haired figure going away, Antrina also smiled with her hands on her hips, then stretched her waist, turned and walked into the tree hole. Before everyone came back, she had nothing to do, so she still Go to sleep.

Chapter 685: Reunion with Laya

On a small hillside, surrounded by trees, and at the forefront, a girl with long blonde hair is sitting there, her slender legs are hanging outside, she is holding her hands behind her, looking up Night sky.

This blonde girl is Laiya.

It seems to be late at this point in time, but despite this, she didn't want to return to her residence, which was not as warm to her as before, and now she wants to escape as much as possible.

Today, she saw the other side of the Elder Emily, who is currently the longest-lived elf among their elf clan, but when she saw that man, she would cry like a rain.

What is the relationship between her and him?

Laya didn't know this, but it was obvious that there was an unimaginable bond between Emily and the man, and it was a feeling that could not be wiped out by time.

How long has Elder Emily waited for that man?

Although I don't know, I can imagine it must be a long time, but then again, that man should be a human being?She looked like she was only in her twenties, but she couldn't understand it again.

Because of the sad atmosphere between the two at that time, Laya did not stay any longer. She understood that she should leave time for her and him now, and she could not be a light bulb.

So, Laya, who had nowhere to go, came to this place. She sat here for a long time, looking at the night sky blankly. She didn't know what to do or what to think, so she just thought about it. Get up, take this to pass the time.

Elder Emily has already waited for the person she was waiting for, and how long will she wait?Will it be as long as Elder Emily?Or, they don’t come back...

Thinking of this, Laya couldn’t help feeling that the night wind was a bit cold. She sat on her knees and buried her head in her arms. She didn’t keep thinking about it because she knew that everyone would come to her, even though she had already She couldn't travel with everyone anymore, but despite this, she still wanted to see everyone again.

Everyone...How's it doing?

Mr. Belem should have returned, right?

During the time in the Fairy Forest, Laya didn't know anything happened outside, but she believed that Belen would return to everyone. This was her instinct and her confidence in him.

There were scenes of travel days in her mind. She pursed her thin lips, trembling slightly, and a teardrop fell from her cheek. It was obvious that this was her hometown, but after a series of things, she found that it was still It's warmer around everyone, even if you just sleep in such a small room, it feels more secure than that big bed.

"You haven't come yet...?"

The girl whispered softly in her mouth, and then pressed her lips tightly. She couldn't help making a choking sound. She was a little sad and complained. She finally knew the pain that Elder Emily had been waiting for so long, and she was also It had only been a year, but even so, she couldn't wait anymore.

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