Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 652

In the rustling night breeze, a voice suddenly came from behind, causing the blond girl sitting on her knees to suddenly open her eyes and raise her head.

"Come on."

The voice was so soft, it made people feel extremely familiar and warm, and the blonde girl also looked back suddenly at this moment, her pupils gradually widening, and a snow-white white-haired man came into her eyes, just like memory In the same way.

"Be...len, sir?"

When this figure appeared in her eyes, Laiya had a confused look in her eyes. She couldn't believe that she actually realized it after she shouted in her heart.

After Belen saw that familiar face, he also had an unspeakable mood in his heart, and just now, he also heard the girl's whisper, he knew that Laya must miss everyone very, very much.

"Am I dreaming?" Laya muttered to herself, feeling unreal, how could it happen to appear here, but even if it was a dream, she shed tears.


Belen shook his head, then stepped forward. He squatted down in front of Laiya, with a soft expression on his face, and then entered the girl's heart with a gentle voice.

"It's not a dream, I am here."

Laya’s patient feeling was as if a thread suddenly broke. She immediately hugged the man in front of her and cried loudly. The cry was distressing, and the cold wind sent the cry away, causing all the big trees to start shaking. The branches and leaves came up, as if moved by the thoughts contained in the cry.

Belen also allowed the girl to cry in her arms. All he could do was to let the girl rely on him. He didn't know why Laya had to return to the Fairy Forest, but obviously, she was not willing.

During the time when the girl was crying, Belén never said a word, but lightly patted the girl’s back, making her feel that she was real, and not a scene as she thought. A very real dream.

I don't know how long it took, the girl's tears seemed to run out, and only a choking sound was left, and Belen also spoke at this time, he calmed the girl with a very soft voice.

"Are you more comfortable after crying?"


Laiya replied with a choked voice, she gently lowered her hands, then lowered her head and said nothing.

Seeing the girl who was still choking, Belen also raised his hand and rubbed the girl's head. This was his most accustomed gesture of encouragement or comfort.

"Although I don't know what happened to you, now that we are here, you don't have to worry about it."

Hearing Belém's words, Laya's heart jumped too. She couldn't help raising her head, and asked a little excitedly, "Are everyone here?"

"Yeah, everyone has come to see you." Belem smiled and nodded, and then said: "Everyone is looking for you. I didn't expect to run into it. It's really good luck."

Regarding the reunion with everyone, the confusion and disbelief in Laiya's heart have also disappeared with the drying of her tears, and all that is left is full of excitement and can't wait.

"Let's go find everyone!" Laya couldn't wait, but when she was about to get up, she didn't have the strength, but Belem gave her a hand.

"Be careful." Belen reminded him, and then couldn't help but want to tease Laiya, so he pretended to say with a sad expression: "It's been so long since I have seen each other, Laiya originally wanted to see Latier and the others."

"No...not! I also miss Mr. Belém too!" Leia also panicked and said quickly: "Mr. Belém is also my most important family member. I just want to meet you in a little anxiously! Actually, I too I miss Mr. Belém!"

Seeing the girl in such a panic, Belen also laughed, then patted the girl on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Just kidding, let's go find everyone!"

Seeing this, Laiya knew that she had been tricked. She was stunned, and then shouted angrily to catch up with the white-haired man who had already walked some distance away.

"Ah! Really! Mr. Belém!"

Chapter 686: Really saved

On that hillside, Belen was leading Laya down the mountain. They were going to find the girls who were still looking for Laya. On the way, Laya no longer doubted whether what was happening now was true or false. She was full of heart. Joy and expectation.

"Ah! By the way, Mr. Belém!"

"what happened?"

"How did you find me?" Laya only realized this now. She didn't know how Belen found her, so she cared very much.

Hearing this question from Laya, Belen was also startled, and then he said "Ah", he smiled and pointed his fingers in his eyes.

"The secrets are here."


Laya was dumbfounded, then blinked, and followed with a confused look. She looked at Belen's dark blue and shiny eyes thoughtfully, and her heart jumped slightly.

What a beautiful eye!

Although Mr. Belen did not know what happened at the beginning and turned blue, but the depth is still very different from the current depth, and now it looks more mysterious and very beautiful.

This is a special pair of eyes.

This is Laya's second intuitive feeling, but despite this, she still doesn't know how Mr. Belén found her, only that it has something to do with these eyes.

So, Laya mumbled and shouted: "Mr. Belém! What the hell is it, just tell me!"

"Laya is so smart, you can definitely guess it." Belen said with a smile, but the next moment he panicked and stopped quickly.

Laya was stopped in place at the moment, looking like "If you don't tell me, I'll cry for you." Tears were already in her eyes. She stood in place with her mouth pursed, looking pitifully.

"Ah! Alright, alright! I'll tell you!"

Belen was also taken aback. Looking at Laya's arrogance, if he didn't tell him, he would probably be crying, and it was very accurate to poke his weakness.


Laiya's pitiful expression immediately turned into a smile, her sly gaze fixed on the helpless Belen, she knew that Mr. Belen was the one who looked down on girls to cry most.

Seeing Laya's naughty and cute look, Belen also sighed. He was really naughty as always. He shook his head helplessly, and then explained to Laya what his "half-god eye" was so special. Place.

It was Belém who relied on his "half-god eyes" to find Laiya, only passing through this mountain forest with a fluke. He didn't expect to find Laiya, wherever he looked. Only Laiya's magic is clearest.


After listening to Belém’s explanation, Laya was also very surprised. Unexpectedly, the eyes of the former could be called "eyes of a demigod." As long as they were hooked to the word "god", they must be nothing ordinary. Things.

Belen sighed secretly for Laya's surprise. The price of having such an extraordinary power with a human body is also extraordinary. He is an example.

Laya held her hands in front of her, looked at Belen hesitantly, and then asked softly: "Mr. Belen, you came to the Fairy Forest for..."

Hearing the girl's words, Belen also flickered, and he said in a guilty voice: "Indeed, we came to the Fairy Forest for other purposes."

"This, this way..." Laiya pursed her lips, feeling a little disappointed in her heart, but she was denying this disappointment. She told herself in her heart that she didn't know that everyone came to the Fairy Forest because of her. The premise is something else.

"Then what, are you serious?"


Hearing these words, Laya was stunned. She stared at Belem blankly. Even if she was as smart as her, her brain was short-circuited at this moment. She didn't understand what was going on.

Belen said with a smile: "You are lying, we came all the way from Eloranya to see you, there is absolutely no other reason."

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