Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 661

When the other party reported her name, Lumia also treated her with courtesy. She took a deep breath, and then turned the magic power into action. The six people in front of her should not be underestimated, let alone her current state. Best, so be careful.

"Then I am coming."

Vicro raised a finger and waved his hand, smiling and talking, as if to remind Lumia, and the next moment, his finger was lightly tapped.

When the finger dropped out of thin air, Lumia felt a great pressure in her heart. She raised her head and looked at it, and saw that the invisible void suddenly fell into darkness. Her heart was shocked and she immediately went to the rear. Retreat.


Lumia's original location had been smashed apart by the black magic at this moment, and then, the black magic gradually turned into a light spot and disappeared.

"This magic is..." Lumia frowned slightly, sweat slipped on her cheeks, and if she was hit by that thing, she would always feel bad, even her physical fitness probably couldn't hold it.

Vicro smiled and shook his fingers. He said, "My magic is the collapse of space. Unlike those space magisters, all I can do is destroy."

Space collapsed!

It is a manifestation of extreme destructive power that can directly affect the structure of space. This kind of magic power is more direct and violent than elemental magic in the power attack system.

Lumia was also startled when she heard the words, and immediately laughed, she said: "Then what I can do is very similar to you." Although she can't make the space collapse, she can break the space.

"Your magic is broken, right?" Velcro also said with a smile, he had already judged it when Lumia was fighting other students.

Lumia was not surprised to see that the other party knew her magical attributes. After all, she had already played many games, and she used her magic frequently. If she didn't notice this, she would be too stupid, right?

"Stop talking nonsense! We have to fight the guy above!"

At this time, suddenly a tall figure fell from the sky, and his mouth screamed in anger, then he picked up a warhammer and smashed it down towards Lumia below.

"Weapon increase, ten times!"

When she saw a third party intervening in the battle, Lumia also squinted her eyes. She flew back towards the back, letting the shot miss and hit the ground.


The hammer fell on the ground and the ground collapsed quickly. The dust storm swept away, and the ground was directly smashed into a huge pit by the powerful force.

"Hello, Sebastian, what are you doing!?"

Vicro frowned when he saw the third party intervened in the battle. Although he wanted to quickly resolve the battle against the disciple of the "Juggernaut", he didn't want to join forces with others to bully a girl who was already tired. .

The dust dissipated to reveal a tall shirtless man, who was two meters tall and taller than the previous one. He picked up the warhammer on his shoulders, and then grinned.

"You're haggling here, I can't stand it, so I shot it."

Vicro frowned. He opened his mouth to say something, but at this time, a gentleman in a green shirt opened his mouth and said: "Little girl, just leave it like this, and you can help your teacher. No more trouble, let your teacher personally be our opponent."

Hearing that, Lumia was also silent. Although she wanted to compete with the students of the Elf Academy, she wanted to help Belen because she had always been clear about the physical condition of the latter.

"No, I don't have the habit of retreating halfway."

Hearing the girl's words, the elegant boy had no choice but to say: "Then, we will join forces to defeat you next, because our target is only the one above."

The knight Jiover Yinxian stood behind and did not make a move. She looked at the five people in front calmly, as if she did not intend to work with them. At this time, she seemed to feel something, and slowly raised her head to look up. Go, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.


Five different magical powers suddenly erupted from the five elves. Looking at this magical power alone, it is not like ordinary students can possess, and their sights at the moment are all locked on Lumia. They didn't come here to fight against this girl, their goal was just the white-haired man above!

"Boundaries, lift."

Feeling this huge magical power, Lumia also felt great pressure. She gritted her teeth. Although she was very tired, she had to open the boundaries at this moment. However, when she opened, her whole body was covered. It started to hurt sharply, and she gritted her teeth and endured it. She knew it was a side effect of overuse of strength.

At this moment, a silver radiance sank into Lumia's body. The gentle magic calmed down the restless magic in her body, and the boundary was closed again, and a calm and cold sound resounded in her ears. the sound of.

"Leave it to me next."

I saw a figure radiating silver brilliance stepping through the air. That pure and sacred moving figure fell into the eyes of all the elves. The transcendent beauty made all the elves be moved by it.

With a dusty and ethereal temperament and a beautiful and holy figure, the silver-haired beautiful girl is like a fairy who only exists in the story. However, that beautiful face is now with a cold color on her body, and the air is surging. Very repressive magic.

Chapter 677: The Girl Who Cannot Underestimate

"Does it rely on magic power?"

Xinyor on the stage also widened her eyes when she saw the silver-haired girl stepping down in the air. As a teacher of the Elf Academy, how could she not know how much magic power it takes to do.

Even the head of the Elf Academy, Jedsef, who had been smiling and silent on the side, showed a surprised look. He had noticed that this silver-haired girl was unusual before, but he did not expect to reach this point.

"That girl..."

On the audience stage, the boy who had shaken hands with Ilia before, opened his eyes wide when he saw the silver-haired girl who suddenly appeared in the magic martial arts arena.

When all the elves saw the silver-haired girl who descended from the sky, their pupils were slightly rounded. What a beautiful girl that is, no one can match it in memory. Is it really the present?Isn't this the super beautiful girl that only appears in the story?


Seeing the arrival of the silver-haired girl, Lu Mia also showed a pleasant smile. She called for the former, and Illiya also slightly nodded to her, and then looked at the five people who released the huge magic power.

"Leave it to me next."

"it is good."

Lumia didn't hesitate. She knew Illia's power very well, so she gave it to her with confidence, although she had previously guessed that the latter would appear after her.

When the five people saw this newly-launched super beautiful girl, they were still in a daze. The magic gradually recovered, but soon they came to wake up. The elegant youth in Tsing Yi frowned slightly because the girl looked older than before. That one is even younger.

Have you changed the gatekeeper?

At this time, Ofer Yinxian also came up with a lance. She stared at the silver-haired girl floating in the air, and said in a low voice: "Be careful, this person is stronger than before!"

All five of them nodded slightly. When the strength reached a certain level, the feelings of the strong would be very clear. When facing this silver-haired girl at this moment, they could feel the extraordinary pressure.

When the knight girl came out, Illya looked at her, her delicate face was cold, and she said coldly: "You dare to insult my brother."


The six of them were all startled when they heard these words. Then they glanced at the white-haired man above and then at the silver-haired girl in front of them. They instantly understood what was going on. So these two are brothers and sisters?Such a comparison really seems like it.

Ofer Yinxian understood what the other party was talking about, and she still said forcefully: "It's a student and a sister again. Is it possible that your brother is such a lazy, no, or as I said, a timid Rat people?"

"Obviously he is a disciple of "Sword Saint", but he dared not take our challenge. Is it just that he has this name?"The elegant youth in Tsing Yi also questioned that.

Sebastian was more direct, with a sneer on his big face, and shouted in a high-pitched voice: "It looks like Master Swordsman really missed his eyes. He actually accepted such a cowardly disciple, probably with little strength No, so I can only let you come out to block the knife? It is really sad.

A thin man who had never spoken suddenly smiled and said, "Is it a bit too much to say that? You can't blame him if you are as timid as a mouse? You say so? Mord?"

"Kata, what you said is really too much." Even so, Mod sneered, obviously he thought so too.

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