Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 662

Compared to them, Vicro is much better. He looked at the silver-haired girl and said calmly: "You let your brother come out to challenge himself, otherwise there will be many challenges."

But Vicro frowned as soon as he finished speaking. He found that the silver-haired girl had clenched his hands. There was a sense of anxiety in his heart. He vaguely felt that this silver-haired girl seemed to be angry?

"My brother, how can you insult you."

Iliya lowered her head, flames were burning in her silver-black eyes, her face looked like ice, her whole body's magic power was gradually released without being suppressed, and the stones on the ground began to tremble.

Feeling the magic power gradually coming out of the air, All Six of Ofer Yinxian frowned, and Knight Ji made a decisive decision and shouted in a deep voice: "Speed ​​crushes her!"


Six majestic magic powers surged out of the six people. Although I don’t know why they felt a sense of uneasiness in their hearts, this uneasiness made them subconsciously mobilize all their magic power. At this time, huge pressure suddenly Coming, as if the sky had fallen, made my heart palpitating.


At the moment when the magic power of the six people just appeared, a seventh magic power suddenly erupted between this heaven and earth, like the roar of a volcano or the surge of the sea. It was born at an extremely astonishing speed, and then became extremely powerful. Power directly blasted the six magic powers away.

As soon as the magic power that filled the world appeared, the six people on the side of the Elf Academy were shocked by coincidence, and then they were blown away by the materialized magic power, as if they were hit by a tsunami, that power is simply not Manpower can resist!


The silver brilliance wrapped the silver-haired girl like a ball, and a huge pit was even squeezed out by this magical force on the ground, and the silver-black eyes stared at the six people in the distance at this moment.


After seeing this scene, Belen was also shocked. He didn't know what happened below, but after seeing Elia burst out such amazing magic power, he realized that something was wrong, and the girl seemed to be angry. !

Antelina also frowned slightly. She didn't expect this to happen. The Wings of Wind gathered behind her, and when she planned to go down to stop Ilia, she just took a step. Stopped, she gave a cry of surprise.


The magic power that shook the entire Elf Academy suddenly converged at this moment, and the silver brilliance on the silver-haired girl was also dimmed, and she stood silently in the air.

"If you hurt them, your brother will be unhappy."

After whispering to herself like this, Illia raised her head and looked at the six elves who had just gotten up in the distance. Her five fingers on her right hand flicked slightly, and her silver hair began to extend. She calmly said to herself: "But if not I will be unwilling to teach you a lesson."

Ofer Yinxian stood up with the lance supported, she gritted her teeth, and then stared at the silver-haired girl in the distance. The lingering palpitations in her heart had not disappeared, and she did not expect that silver-haired girl would possess such amazing magic power.

This is simply not a level!

The five Victors also realized this fact at this moment. They slowly stood up, letting them overestimate the silver-haired girl before, and finally realized that it was too underestimated, and no one could imagine such a young man. Girl, unexpectedly will have such a shocking power.

But despite this, they have no plans to back down.

Therefore, the six of Over Yinxian came together, and the six of them represented the Elf Academy. In the face of foreigners, they must not back down. This is the dignity of their Elf race!

Now, their goals have changed.

What they are going to defeat now is the silver-haired girl in front of them!

Chapter six hundred and ninety eight: The new master of the earth is a girl


After a while, all the elves recovered from the shock of that amazing magical power, and after seeing the six figures that did not shrink back, they cheered in unison.

The posture of not retreating and forward, this is what the elites of their Elf Academy should have!

Belen was also relieved when she saw that Illya had curtailed her magical powers. Illya was still very mature. She thought that girl would lose her mind and make a big move. Although she knew she shouldn't be so worried, she was her own child. .

"That kid is really incredible." Antelina commented so surprised.

Even the principals of the Elf Academy, Jedsef and Sinyor, looked at the girl below in surprise. They thought they needed to wait for someone to stop them, but they did not expect that the child would suppress his emotions.

It is no longer possible to describe that girl with simple excellence. Such a young human girl actually possesses such amazing power.

In a separate seat on the audience stage, the extremely handsome and beautiful boy also recovered, and then exclaimed with a look of surprise: "Wow, what an incredible girl."

That power, even he was shocked, and the other party is such a young human girl, it is incredible, the title of genius is not worthy of her, right?

Even the few other super elites who did not end up looked at the silver figure with solemn eyes. Is that girl really only a teenager on the surface?

Even the elders in the elders do not have the magic power that filled the entire world before, right?How could it come from such a young human girl?

At this moment, Ofer Yinxian was staring at the silver-haired girl in the distance with a very solemn expression. Unlike the short-haired girl before, the girl in front of me had a different feeling face to face at the time. It was an extremely detached feeling. , It's not like ordinary human beings.

Can human beings really have such a temperament?

Kata felt the magic power in the air, swallowed, and then slapped his lips. He smiled forcefully, "Hey, Hey, Ofer Strings, should we join hands this time? This girl’s power, It's a bit foul."

Knight Ji glanced at him, and then said solemnly: "Let's join hands, now is not the time to consider the guy above, the girl in front of us, none of us can be her opponent."

Join hands!

Even the proud Knight Ji agreed to join forces. The five Velcro members were a little surprised. They had competed with Knight Ji countless times. They knew her temper very well, and they knew now that if they didn’t join forces to fight the enemy. If they retreat like this, not only their faces are lost, but also their entire school!


The six magical powers were not as aggressive as before, but instead they covered the six of them and condensed them to prevent the surging magical power from being blown away again.

Standing in the air, Illya swept her gaze over the six people, and said indifferently: "Come on together."

"Right on my mind!"

The knight Jioff's Yinstring snorted, and then the first one rushed out. The wings of the wind condensed instantly behind him, the magic lines were carved under his feet, and another round of magic runes appeared in front of him, passing through it, His body turned into a cyan light and shadow, and he flew away, completing three magics in an instant, he didn't even need to chant a spell, he already had his own rules for magic activation.

"One ride is a thousand, the wind rides a spear!"

The violent tornado was stabbed with a lance. At the same time, countless silver threads gathered, and finally built a silver shield in front of Ilia, and the lance was pierced in the center of the silver shield. At the place, but didn't move at all, seeing it, Ofer's Strings was also full of strength, and there was a deep shout in his mouth, and the magic of the wind around him became more surging.


The violent wind and waves left deep marks on the ground. Although the tornado did not break the silver shield, it forced the silver shield to the back of Ilia's figure. .

"So strong!"

Many people uttered such exclamations. It is worthy of the knight Jiover's sound, who can actually force people with that kind of magic back!

Although the defense was not broken, it also worked.

At this moment, the brilliance of the sky was suddenly obscured, and a dark thing appeared from the cracked void. It was Velcro's space that collapsed, and it fell towards Ilia.

Ilia raised her head and looked at her, and then moved her fingers on her side slightly, and the silver hair pierced through, like countless meteors and arrows, instantly piercing the dark object, and forcibly shattering the space. Shattered.

"Weapon increase, a hundred times!"

After the darkness, there was another yelling voice. I saw a brawny elf holding a huge warhammer in both hands, carrying incomparable power, and slamming it from the left. He wouldn't have the silver hair in front of him. As a weak girl, a girl will definitely lose if she doesn't do her best!

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