Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 664

If that's the case, let's show yourself a little.

For my most beloved teacher.

Chapter Seven Hundred: A Little Show

"that person…"

All the elves looked at the white-haired man walking down the stairs. Although they had not yet woken up from the shock of the silver-haired girl’s power, when he saw this man walk into the field, the elves of the Elf Academy They all opened their eyes wide.

The disciple of Master Juggernaut, is on the stage!

Ilia also noticed the arrival of Belen. She was stunned for a moment, and then fell to the ground from mid-air. She walked lightly to the front of Belen.


Belén raised his hand and patted the girl on the shoulder, then smiled and said, "I'd better show my hand on the stage. It's not a good role model to stay behind."

"I understand." Illiya fluttered with big eyes, then nodded and flew back towards Latir and the others.

Immediately after that, Belen walked towards the six elites of the Elf Academy who were staring at him, and he greeted him with a smile. Since they are all down, relax.

After stopping ten meters away in front of the knight Jiover Yinxian, Belem smiled and asked, "Is there any strength? I'm down now."

Ofer Strings asked calmly: "What made you change your mind?"

"Well..." Belen thought thoughtfully, and then smiled lightly: "Because I think, if I don't get off the court, probably many people will talk about my teacher later, right?"

"That's it." Ofer's eyes flickered slightly.

"My name is Belen Grean, which is the disciple of your respected Master Juggernaut." Belen's gaze swept over the five young people who also came forward, and he smiled and reported his After the name, blue light gathered in his right hand, a long sword appeared in his hand, he shook the sword in his hand, and then smiled.

"Now, I will be your opponent."


The audience cried out again, thinking that after the silver-haired girl strongly defeated the six elites of their Elf Academy, there would be no chance to see the gray-haired man take action, but he did not expect that he would still take the initiative to end with the six elites. Fight again.

On the stage, Xinyol stared at the white-haired figure below. She had also heard the conversation between the latter and Antrina just now. Probably, this is a fight for her teacher, right?

Seeing the six people stunned, Belen also remembered something. He smiled and said: "I know you consume a lot because of the battle, so I will use three swords, just simply fighting with you, regardless of victory. negative."

"Okay, then you can make a move."

The knight Jiover's strings answered without hesitation, and then raised her lance. She was curled up in the violent wind, and her long hair swayed with the wind. She took a deep breath, and the magic power increased by another level.

Although there was a disciple who had looked down upon this so-called "Juggernaut" before, when he really came to the court, the contempt in her heart disappeared.

Looking far away, I didn’t notice any difference between this man, but when confronted with this man, I could feel a peculiar temperament. Compared with the deep sea, I couldn’t see what's on the bottom of the sea. It was more like Can clearly see the blue sky, but never see the end.

Belen took a deep breath and used all the magic power he could mobilize, increasing it to the level of "50%", his breath surged wildly, and a round of energy spread from his feet.

Seeing this scene, Ofer Yinxian's beautiful eyes also shone with a faint brilliance. Sure enough, the disciple of the "Juggernaut" could not be a weak person.

When they felt the surging aura of the white-haired man, the five of Vicro's eyes also condensed. The breath released by the other party alone cannot be underestimated.

"Aren't you four together?" Belen looked at the four of Vicro in the rear.

"You don't need them, please fight with me one-on-one." Ofer Yinxian said indifferently. She wanted to fight the man in front of her, so she turned her head and looked at the five Vicro, calmly. Said: "Please don't intervene in my battle."

Vicro's expression was calm and nodded slightly, but the other four snorted, but did not refute the words of Ofer Yinxian. They also wanted to wait and see the strength of the white-haired man. After all, the silver-haired girl before was that They still paid much attention to what they said so seriously.

Immediately afterwards, Ofer Yinxian turned her head and looked at the white-haired man. She took a step forward with her left foot, the lance in her hand turned into blue light and dissipated, and then a slender spear appeared in her hand, full of magic power. Ripples up and enters an extremely serious state.

"Please." Belen nodded slightly.

As soon as the voice fell, Ofer Yinxian's figure disappeared from the place instantly, and he slanted away from the fierce gust of wind. The speed increased several levels on the way, as if it had turned into a wind, and launched a continuous attack on Belen.

Keng Keng Keng!

When countless assaults struck, Belem's expression remained calm and unwavering. Those dark blue eyes swept across several directions in succession. The sword in his hand also turned out the afterimage at this moment, and the assassinations were extremely precise. It was blocked, if he hadn't had these "half-god eyes", he might not be able to deal with it so easily.


Seeing the white-haired man standing in the same place so easily coping with the attack of the knight Jioffer's strings, countless elves outside the court exclaimed. Is that the disciple of the "Sword Saint"?


When a sword cut across the tip of the spear accurately, the figure of Ofer Yinxian was also shaken out. She hit the ground on her toes, jumped a few meters back and stabilized her figure. She stood sideways and held the spear. Behind him, the tip of the gun released a green magic power, and a huge magic pattern was imprinted on the tip of the gun.

"Wind Magic·Shot Break·Breaking Spear."

Since she chanted the name of the magic, at the same time, the magic pattern was shining with an astonishing brilliance, burning like a red flame, and then the spear horizontally behind the waist was lightly moved forward.


A spear shape was engraved on the magic pattern, and then an astonishing brilliance broke out, and the violent wind filled with the aura of destruction rushed away. The power contained in it is also enough to explain how powerful this knight is. , It's just that she couldn't play when facing Ilia.

Very powerful magic.

Belen praised him in his heart, but he couldn't really let the opponent hit him. An empty scabbard appeared on his right waist. He inserted the snow lion into it, and his spirit reached its peak at this moment. .

Vientiane created life, cut instant.

"Elves Sword Dance·Second Sound·Instantaneous."

Those dark blue eye pupils flickered slightly, and the body had the ultimate sharpness, and the hand holding the hilt suddenly protruded at this moment. Even if the sharpness flashed in the field, it penetrated the entire field and accompanied With the piercing sound of swords.


Chapter 701: Disciple of "Sword Saint"

The blue brilliance split the breath of the wind with a force of destruction, and then hit the magic pattern, which was smashed like glass by a stone, and the Orpheus strings were also like a He hit hard, retreated back and forth, but didn't suffer any injuries, but the magic in his body was boiling with hot water and couldn't calm down.

"That sword skill..."

Ofer Yinxian gasped, and then raised her head to look at the white-haired man in the distance, her eyes condensed slightly, she had to admit that this man was indeed very strong, but it was far inferior to the silver-haired girl before.

If it was the heyday, she might be able to fight.

Thinking of this, Ofer Yinxian looked at the smiling white-haired man in silence again, and then shook her head. She straightened her body and let out a long sigh of relief.

No, the man didn't fight her seriously.

That sword skill just now, should it be correct?

When the sharp edge penetrated the audience, all the elves felt a tingling in their eyes and squinted, but the next scene made all the elves widen their eyes.

Knight Ji, did you lose?

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