Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 665

The sword skill of drawing a sword just now has been imprinted in the minds of all the students. With such a simple action, it has exerted such a sword skill, and even the magic of Knight Ji has been broken. It is incredible!

Is this the strength of the disciple of "Sword Saint"?

"Mr. Belém... so awesome."

La Tier made such an exclamation, and the girls on the side also nodded. They seldom saw Belem fighting with others.

Even Sinyol stared at the white-haired figure below. She was always curious about the strength of that man, so she revealed his identity on the spot. She didn't think this man was a weak person, although she had always expected , And after seeing his performance at the moment, there is no surprise.

The disciple of "Sword Saint" should have such strength.

Moreover, she could see that the white-haired man had not exerted his true strength, and Xinyol, who was very sure of this, was also very curious about his strength limit.

"Antelina, you have accepted a good disciple." Jedsef stroked his beard and said with a smile. The young boy was very pleasing to him in every aspect.

At the moment Antlena showed a gentle smile on her face, and she smiled when she heard Jedsef's words and said, "Of course, that stinky boy is my most proud disciple."

Are you proud of it?

Hearing what Antelina said, Jedseyf was also stunned, and then laughed blankly. This "Juggernaut" really had confidence in his disciple.

Laya was also standing behind Antelina at the moment, her gold-patterned blue eyes were shining with brilliance, and she looked at the white-haired figure below in amazement.

"Mr. Belen, he is really amazing..."

Also at this moment, Laya's mind couldn't help but see the scene of the first encounter with Belen, and the unforgettable figure when she rescued herself later.

On the magic martial arts field.

Ofer Yinxian held a spear and looked at the white-haired man not far away. She said: "You are very strong, I hope there will be a chance to compete again later, I lost today."

After accepting the failure very calmly, Ofer Yinxian also bowed slightly, then turned and left. She did not go to see Vicro and the others.

Seeing the departure of this knight Ji, Belen also looked at the five Vicro on the other side. He smiled and said, "If you don't continue to challenge, I will be very grateful."

Because he is also very tired, after all, he steals the sealed magic power to use, he can't concentrate on the battle, so it's still quite tiring.

Vicro turned his head and looked at the Departing Ofer Strings, then looked at the white-haired man, and said, "We will fight again next time. We will stop here today."

He also consumed a lot because of the previous battles. Since Ofer's Strings had surrendered, he couldn't fight this one in his current state, so let's retreat temporarily.

The Sebastian trio beside Vicro also gave up the challenge. From just the fight between the opponent and Ofer Strings, it can be seen that the opponent's strength is very strong, and it is very likely to be better than them. Now They are not in their heyday, and they have to admit that there is still a gap between them and Knight Ji. Even the latter has lost, then their result is beyond doubt.

Seeing that they did not continue to challenge, Belen was also relieved. If it hadn't been for the six people who had consumed too much after fighting with Ilia, he would definitely have a lot of trouble to face.

So, is it over?

Belen turned around, and he felt an extremely sharp line of sight just after he walked a few steps. He raised his brow slightly, and then turned his head to look away without having to look for it. He found the line of sight in an instant.

There was only a single seat in a certain part of the audience stage. There was a beautiful boy with short blond hair sitting there. Under the scattered flowing sea, there was a pair of blue-yellow eyes, which were as brilliant as gems, that is, those pairs looked very The beautiful eyes were staring at the white-haired man in the field, and a light smile appeared on his delicate face, as if saying hello.

That boy?

Belen glanced at the beautiful young elf, and then withdrew his gaze. He could feel that the young man was extraordinary, perhaps even stronger than the knight girl, but since the other party did not come down to challenge him, he didn't care much.

After returning to the stage, the girls smiled and greeted his return. Kitten Latis hopped up to Belém, and then hugged him with her small face in his arms. Rubbing around.

"Brother is amazing!"

"Of course."

Belen smiled and rubbed the kitten's head, and then, he looked at Antelina and grinned: "Isn't you ashamed?"

"Well, it's okay." Antelina responded with a smile with her hands on her hips. Then she seemed to think of something and asked, "Is your body okay?"

Belen shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "It's just this level, it's still acceptable."

"Don't force yourself to go down and fight them." Antelina said.

In response to this, Belen shrugged noncommittal, and then said with a smile: "I'm a disciple of "Sword Saint"."

Antelina also chuckled, then patted Belen on the head, which also made the latter cast a bitter look.

In the battle just now, his sword was already at his current limit. Fortunately, the next five people did not continue to challenge, which made him look more relaxed.


Lu Mia's apologetic voice came from the side, she was standing aside with her head down, and seeing the girl like this, Belen also helplessly reached out and patted her shoulder, then smiled softly.

"What can I apologize for? I should say thank you."

Hearing that, Lumia raised her head and glanced at him, and then she said nothing. If she is strong enough, she doesn’t need Illia to take action. As a disciple, she has always won the battle, so there won’t be any. The next thing happened.

"Okay, okay, you have done well." Belen calmed down the girl in a soft voice, then his eyes lit up and said with a smile: "If you don't feel happy anymore, I will use that little wolf cub as a food ingredient. Up."

Lumia felt a chill in her heart when she heard the words, and then vomited: "Belen, you are cruel!"

"No, look, it's time to make a contribution if you raise it for nothing, right?" Belen said righteously, he was very serious.

"No!" Lumia stuck out her tongue at Belen, and then smiled again.

Chapter 702: Shrine Boy

Magical martial arts activities are still going on, and the challenge to the disciple of the "Juggernaut" is just a foreplay, although this foreplay is more exciting than the main one.

After witnessing the performances of many outstanding students, Belem was also thoughtful. Although these young people are not bad at the moment, they are much worse than the previous ones.

"Do the students here need to accomplish anything in the outside world?" Belen was a little concerned about this question, and then curiously looked at Antelina beside him, because the latter also came from this school.

However, in response to his question, Antelina shook her head and said, "The students here are much more comfortable than you, because generally speaking, they will not leave the Fairy Forest. Of course, there will be some exceptions. ."

"That's it."

Belen blinked his eyes when he heard the words, no wonder he couldn't feel the fierceness from these young elves, although even so, their strength was very good.

At this time, Xinyor also snorted, and she said: "Of course this also shows that the talent of the elves in magic is generally higher than that of humans."

Hearing that, Belen also laughed and didn't say anything. He didn't admit or deny this. He didn't bother to fight this kind of thing with this woman. Whether it was an elf or a human, talent was important, but it was not all.

After the magic show event, Belen also got up from his seat and stretched out. Although it was not very interesting for him, it was very interesting for Latier and the others.

The head of the school Jedsef stood up, then smiled and said, "Then, just see here, it’s boring to want to sit here all the time, so why don’t you just stroll around in our school. Maybe you can still make friends."

Immediately afterwards, Sinyol left the seat with Jedsef. The two saw the blonde girl standing aside at the exit. Jedsef smiled and nodded slightly, while Sinyol also walked towards the girl. Yili, and then left here.

Laya watched the two leave, then bowed slightly and bowed, then turned and walked towards Belén and the others. She smiled.

"So, are you going to have a look at the academy?"

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