Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 667

"Brother and sister..."

A ripple appeared in Iliya's eyes, she was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Brother, can I ask you for a simple reward?"

"Of course you can! You can get any reward you want." Belen also promised Ilia's request boldly. How could he refuse his lovely and kind sister?

"I want..." Illiya pressed her moist lips, then opened her mouth slightly. She raised her eyes and stared at those dark blue eyes, and then said: "That, the same as when she was in Sister Hill's house. Reward."

Hearing this, Belen was also a little puzzled. He thought about it seriously, and gradually recalled what happened between Borgiacorti and Ilia in his mind. After a while, his pupils gradually widened, and then Some stiffly looked at the silver-haired girl, her expression was very unnatural, and she started to flush.

"You, are you talking about...then, that?"

Seeing some hesitating white-haired men, Yi Liya nodded with a calm expression. She raised her hand and nodded her forehead and lips.

"Either way."

Belen's throat rolled slightly, looking at the position pointed by the girl, and finally he set his eyes on the incomparably alluring cherry lips, just looking at it, he felt very soft, he shook his head repeatedly in the bottom of his heart, Ilia. Children are too attractive for boys.

"Why, why do you want this reward?" Belen was very concerned about this question.

In response to this, Illya tilted her head with some doubts, blinked her eyes very cutely, and then asked innocently, "Can you give me other rewards, brother?"

Other rewards...

Belen began to think about it seriously. After all, the reward Ilia wanted was too exciting for him. At the beginning, it was really useless, but now, there are other options.

However, Belen looked at the silver-haired girl in front of him, unable to think of any rewards that would satisfy the latter. It seemed that the rewards that would be useful to Latier and Latis, did not seem to have any effect on the girl in front of me effect.

"Brother?" Illya couldn't help calling out when she saw Belen who was a little tangled.

But this fell in Belen’s ears but it was like a urging. He was immediately discouraged, and then quickly responded: "I see, just a moment!"

So, Belen put his hands on the girl's shoulders, his gaze paused for a moment on the incomparably alluring place, and then lifted the flowing sea in front of the girl's forehead with his hands. He closed his eyes and lips. On the top like a dragonfly.

"Okay, done!"

Belén took two steps immediately, his cheeks flushed like a fresh apple, and the top of his head seemed to start to breathe, his expression was extremely unnatural, his eyes were moisturized, and he felt sick.

No, no, this is really exciting!

After receiving the reward, Illiya's face was also a little red, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and then her lips moved slightly, which seemed to be very satisfied indeed.

All in all, thanks for the hospitality.

Chapter 704: Almost...

After the girls wandered through most of the Elf Academy, the night came quietly, and everyone was able to stay in the Elf Academy for a few nights with the help of Antrina. This is a very happy thing for them. After all, this academy has a lot of natural beauty and blessings.

Ever since, after having dinner, the girls left together again, and today Illiya was very excited, and the pace when she left was very brisk.

As the only student in the Elf Academy in the group except for the busy Antrina, Laya naturally became a tour guide and started the night tour with everyone.

Tonight in the Fairy Academy is also holding the usual activities of the academy, which is the so-called summer festival. From time to time, you can see the sparkling fireworks in the sky, which is so beautiful.

Belém came under a big tree. There was no one passing by. It seemed relatively leisurely. However, because of the sound of fireworks, he didn't feel lonely. He leaned against the tree and was a little bored. .

After a long time, Belen looked at the dazzling fireworks, wondering if the scenery from the heights would be better, thinking about this, he planned to get up and leave here.

But just when Belen was about to stand up, his pupils suddenly shrank, his energy began to collapse gradually, and the seal inside his body began to loosen. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he began to concentrate on compressing the magic power back.

The blue brilliance began to drift from his body, and because of his efforts to compress, the rate of magic overflow began to slow down, but the situation did not get any better, because he found that he could not bring back all the magic power.

Ah, it really is because you steal too much magic power, right?

Belen realized this. The magic power he extracted and used today was already the limit he thought he could reach, and it was precisely because of this limit that the seal became less firm.

No way!If this continues...

He will die.

Belen was panting, his expression was very ugly, and his pale face also made him appear very weak. Because of the dissipation of magic power, his body was gradually weakened, and it was even difficult to move his body.

No!You can't leave here!

He kept crying in his heart, and his weak body seemed to have regained strength. He held his breath and gritted his teeth to help the tree trunk stand up. Although he was a little scared, he still wanted to see everyone.

In any case, he couldn't leave without saying goodbye!

However, Belen, who had just taken a few steps, once again softened his feet, and fell directly on the lawn, his magic could no longer be suppressed, and his own light bloomed like countless fireflies.

As the line of sight in front of him gradually blurred and his eyelids became heavier, his uneasy feeling turned into fear, fear that he could no longer open his eyes or meet with everyone.


Just as Belen was about to close his eyes, a cry of exclamation suddenly passed through and fell into his ears.


I saw a man with chestnut hair running over. It was Nit who had disappeared for several days. He frowned when he saw the magical light drifting across the sky. At this moment, his emerald-colored eyes burst out with an astonishing brilliance. The mysterious magic rune was engraved in the void from the brilliance, and the brilliance that radiated from it wrapped the sky full of blue magic power, and then gathered it back.

However, those blue magic powers stagnated on Belen's body and did not return to his body, as if he did not want to go back.

"The death energy in his body has accumulated a lot, and his magic power is not enough to compete with it, so he was rejected."

A voice came from behind, and saw a woman with gray hair slowly approaching. It was Emily, who had a thousand-year agreement with Nit, and she spoke of the state of Belém's body.

After setting foot in the "Demi-God Realm", Belen relied on the magic power of the entire world, but his own magic power was not even as good as that of Lumia, and the death energy in his body had grown since his birth and had already swallowed him. Being angry, so he needs magic power to maintain his function, but now, death is enough to swallow his magic power, so that magic power will be repelled.

Nit's eyes were tightly locked with the blue magic power he had gathered back, and then he frowned and muttered to himself: "You guy, did you use magic power?" He had noticed that the seal he had set was loose.

"I'll help you."

Emily took a step forward and stood beside Nit. She raised her hands, and a soft cyan magic power was released. If Belen was still awake, she would find the magic power possessed by this elf woman. It turned out to be the magic of life!

"Life Magic, God's Gift."

The magic of life was immense, but under the control of this elf woman, it all gathered in the white-haired man on the ground.

Although Belen fell into a coma, he still felt a heat flow as if flowing inside his body, spreading all over his body, and the feeling of comfort could hardly be expressed in words.

"Death... is reducing?"

Feeling that the obscure breath weakened, Nit was also a little surprised to look at the woman beside him.

After feeling his gaze, the white-haired Emily turned her head to look at him, with a playful smile on her face. She said, "For more than a thousand years, even this fool of me can change It’s amazing, Master."

Although her face is very mature nowadays, and even some wrinkles appear to be old, in Nit's eyes, Emily is still the naughty and cute little girl.

"Ahhhhhh, it's really become amazing."

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