Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 668

Nit also smiled and praised, and then his expression gradually became serious.

"In that case, as a master, I have to work harder."


When the voice fell, the robes on Nit's body were swaying with the wind. He took a deep breath, and his whole body was full of magic power, and the turquoise brilliance became more and more dazzling.

At this moment, all the blue magic power gradually returned to Belém's body under the turquoise brilliance. After completing this move, he raised a hand and squatted down, his palm patted Belém's body. On the back.

The turquoise magic power was imprinted on his back with a mysterious magic rune, which was a new seal cast by Nit, and the reduction in death made him a lot easier.

After the return of the magic power, after a while, Belen also gradually recovered his sanity. He slowly opened his eyes, then sat up and looked at his palm, and found that he was not dead yet. He was also stunned. In place.

In his memory, he seemed to hear someone calling his name just before he was unconscious, so he slowly raised his head, and when he saw the two people standing in front of him, he was stunned.

"Nit? And..."

Chapter 705: The relationship between master and apprentice?

"Hello, my name is Emily."

Seeing the white-haired man who had awakened, Emily also smiled and stretched out her hand. Although she didn't know who it was, she seemed to be someone Nith knew.

"Um... hello, you can call me Belen."

Belen froze for a while and stretched out his hand to shook it, then slowly stood up with Nit's support, he looked at the two of them and smiled relieved.


Just seeing the arrival of the two of them, he knew that these two had saved himself, and he came to life from desperation, and he was really moved.

Nit sighed, and then said, "You guy, you have already told you, but it turned out to be like this."

"Sorry, I thought I could handle it well, but I was reckless." Belen felt a little guilty.

Upon seeing this, Nit also shook his head. He said, "Forget it, probably you are also in trouble."

He still knows Belen's temperament well. If it weren't for something troublesome, he wouldn't do anything endangering.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at the white-haired middle-aged woman. He looked at your Nit again, and gradually understood that this was probably the one Nit was looking for.

Nit also fell short of Belen's sight. He smiled and said, "Yes, as you think, this is the one I'm looking for."

"Ah! So..."

Belen looked at Emily, feeling a little shocked. If it was probably the one Antelina was talking about, since he was still the person Nit was looking for, then that means...the one in front of him is already over a thousand. Years old.

For more than a thousand years, this person in front of me has witnessed an era, which is really shocking. Even the elves are really amazing, right?

Seeing Belém's shocked eyes, Emily also forced a smile, and said very sadly: "Sorry, I am a weird guy who is not even an old man."

"Huh!? No, it's not! This is obviously super awesome!"

Seeing Emily's loss, Belen also opened his eyes wide and quickly explained.

"Really?" Emily's eyes lit up, and then she said nervously, "But... after all, living so long is something that will scare people."

"Maybe some people will think so, but it will also make people enviable." Belen shook his head and said so, then lowered and said bitterly: "Like me, but I am so envious, I really want to Live a few more years."

"Uh... how come you are lost."

Nit on the side looked helplessly at the two people in front of him. The emotions of these two people were really rich.

After a while, Belen also recovered. He could feel that the seal in his body was no longer loose, rather, it was stronger, which made it difficult for him to mobilize his magic power.

But that's okay, it's better not to use magic, otherwise he may have something wrong again, it is impossible to be so coincidental every time.

Seeing Belen was meditating, Nit also seriously warned: "No matter what happens, you must never mobilize a lot of magic power. Next time, you will definitely die, and I can't save you."

"Ah, I understand." Belen nodded seriously, since even Nit said so, that is to say, this is the last chance.

Even if the magic power can no longer be used, Belén is not very so-called, except that Hill does not have much combat power, even Latiel and Latis have the ability to protect themselves. Needless to say, Lumia, but there are still among them. Illya is here, so there shouldn't be too much worry about security.


Belen looked at Nit again and asked curiously: "Have you been with Emily...senior these days?"

"Well, sorry, I left without telling you." Nit apologized to Belen, after all, he left the team without permission.

"This is not something that requires an apology." Belen waved his hand, not caring very much, and immediately looked at the two thousand-year-olds thoughtfully.

"Don't you plan to have a baby?"

When these words were spoken, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and the faces of Nit and Emily turned red at this moment, and the tops of their heads began to gasp.

"You, what are you talking about?!"

"Huh? It's been over a thousand years. Isn't it a pity not to have a baby?" Belen looked at the two of them in confusion.

The completion of the agreement across the millennium is enough to prove each other's hearts, right?Since they are two people who love each other, should they think of something like this?

Nit was speechless, blushing and standing aside, shaking slightly, his eyes lost, and he didn't know where to look.

"Have I misunderstood something? Are you not lovers?" Belen looked at the two in confusion, could it be that he was wrong?

"It's not! We, we are masters and apprentices!" Emily responded quickly, her expression a little flustered.

Master and apprentice?

Belen blinked, then his face flushed, his expression a little embarrassed, no wonder the expressions of Nitt and Emily were so unnatural.

"Hug, sorry! I misunderstood your relationship."

Emily glanced at the sluggish Nit beside her, then blushed and shook her head: "It's okay, it's not a big deal."

Afterwards, Emily patted Nit on the shoulder again, and the latter also woke up, and then looked at Emily blankly.

"What are you stupid! Stupid!" Emily also cursed with a smile, seeming to think of something, and her mood has unexpectedly improved a lot.

"Ah, yes!"

Nit also recovered, and then remembered something. He looked at Alan and asked curiously: "By the way, what are you doing here, Belen?"

Belen recovered, blinked, and said, "I am here to watch the fireworks."

"Look at the fireworks..." Nit was startled.


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