Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 669

With the sound of fireworks resounding in the night sky, Nit and Emily just remembered that tonight the Elf Academy is holding a summer festival.

Mentioning this, Belen also asked: "Did you meet again in this quiet forest?"

In response, Nit shook his head, and then smiled: "No, just to stroll around here, after all, Emily is also the founder of this academy, so I am also a little interested."

"So." Belen couldn't help but sigh how lucky he was.

Nit thought of something again, and asked curiously: "Where are the little girls?"

"They...I guess they are having fun."

Belen answered with a smile, and then looked away, looking at the starry sky, the brilliance in his eyes gradually became deep, and he was a little confused in his heart.

Chapter 706: Shrine Boy and Cat Ear Girl

"Ilia! Come and see this!"

La Tier was looking at the paper lanterns that were constantly rising into the sky, with amazing colors blooming in her eyes. She had never seen anything like that before.

When Ilia heard Ratil's call, she also looked away from a doll and walked in the direction of the latter. She raised her head and looked at the paper lanterns that lifted into the sky, and her eyes brightened. stand up.

"so beautiful."

"Yeah yeah!"

Lumia and Hill were so amazed, how many paper lanterns were there?One hundred or five hundred?Or is there a thousand?All in all, there are very, very many, all of which come into view, and they are more moving than the stars in the sky.

At this moment, Latis is eating out on a snack street. She has been a greedy cat since she was a child, and now it is even more so. Although the summer festival is an event in the Elf Academy, it also requires compensation. Where to eat and drink?Therefore, it is the elf girl behind him who pays for the kitten.

"Lattes! Slow down!"

Laya called out behind her, but she was smiling. She has always been fond of the kitten, treating her like her own sister.

At this time, Lattes bought two gourd candies, came to Laya hopping around, and handed a gourd candies in her hand to Laya with a big smile on her face.

"Sister Laiya! This is for you!"

Seeing the gourd candy that the kitten handed over, Laiya was also taken aback, then smiled and took it. She said, "Thank you." Although she gave the money.

Immediately afterwards, Latis fluttered with her big eyes and said, "Shall we go find sisters and them?"


After Laya responded, Latis walked forward with big strides like a small adult, while Laya looked back at the long food street and blinked.

This kitten eats this way, won't it become a chubby cat?

Thinking of this, Laiya's mind came to the appearance of Latis after getting fat, and she smiled unconsciously. The little fat cat is just a little fat cat!It's still so cute after all!

Cuteness is supreme!

At the other end, La Tier and others also visited the beauty of the paper lanterns. After thinking about it, she looked at the three girls behind her. She said, "You guys go and play first! I will go to Latis and Laya. ."

The three of Lu Mia nodded their heads, and then continued to walk forward. The Elf Academy of the Summer Festival has many interesting and beautiful things.

So La Tier went to look for Latis and Laiya alone, however, she underestimated the summer festival of the Elf Academy. There are many streets like this, and they will change the terrain after being connected. It became intricate and made La Tier lost for a while.

"It seems... lost?"

La Tier glanced back at the unimpressed street, feeling a little helpless, she looked around, and then thought about walking like this first, maybe she could meet everyone.

Obviously he came out to find Latis and Laya, but now he became the one who was lost?Sure enough, he shouldn't leave the team alone.

Latil, who was a little annoyed in her heart, sighed and walked forward, but at this fit, she suddenly ran into someone, and she was also bounced back. She quickly apologized to the person in front of her.

"I'm sorry! I didn't look at the way because I was thinking about something, so sorry!"

"It's ok."

After hearing the other party's forgiveness, La Tier also raised her head, and what caught her eye was a beautiful face, which was even more beautiful than Ilia.


La Tier was stunned. She looked at the dress and the prominent Adam's apple in front of her. Even if she was startled, she said to herself in surprise: "Is it a boy?"

"It's a boy."

The person in front of me also responded when he heard the cat-eared girl's murmur. There was a bit of helplessness in her voice. The blue-yellow jewel-like eyes were looking at the cat-eared girl in front of her.

"Hug, sorry!"

Seeing that the other party heard what he said, La Tier was also flustered, and quickly began to apologize. It always feels impolite to talk about the gender of others!

Standing in front of La Tier is the shrine boy who wants to challenge Belém in Pink Flower Overseas. He is now looking curiously at the cat-eared girl in front of him. He knows that this girl is also coming to them with that man. Guests of the Forest.

"It's okay, I'm used to it too." Jingu sighed. He grabbed his hair. He had always been helpless with his face. It would be nice if he could be more masculine. He was always misunderstood as a girl. , He is still very distressed.

So La Tier bent down again and apologized: "Extremely sorry!"

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize." Jingu said like this. He suddenly noticed the gourd candy shop next to him, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Then, please have me eat a gourd candy?"

La Tier raised her head and glanced at the gourd candy store on the side, and then took out her own pocket. She still has a little change that Laiya gave her. It should be okay to buy a gourd candy?

"Then, then I will buy you a gourd candy!"

Responding to the request of the beautiful boy, La Tier hurriedly ran to the distance to find the gourd candy store, and this also made the shrine on the side feel speechless. Isn't the gourd candy store right next to the girl?

"Here is it."

"Huh? Oh!"

La Tier also noticed the gourd candy shop nearby. She blushed a little embarrassedly, and then walked to the gourd candy shop to buy a gourd candy with her last change, returned to the beautiful boy, and handed the gourd candy. he.


"Thank you."

After receiving the gourd candy, the Jingu also blinked his beautiful big eyes, then dropped one, chewed it in his mouth, and subconsciously showed a satisfied look.

Seeing the contented smile of the beautiful boy, La Tier was also fascinated by it. She stayed for a while, and then muttered to herself: "So beautiful..."

"Huh?" Shrine made a startled voice.

"Huh!? No, it's not! It's just..." Latier also recovered violently, and then waved his hand to explain, but couldn't find a reason, so he blushed and said, "It's just. .. You look so good, so, unconsciously..."

Being praised by a girl for being "beautiful" made Jingu feel very weird. He scratched his cheek with his index finger a little embarrassedly, and then coughed up dryly. Why is he shy?

"I'm a boy, you have to remember!"

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