Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 670

"Well! I must remember this time!"

So, didn’t you remember it just now?

Jingu silently glanced at the cat-eared girl in front of him, his gaze fell on the shaking ears, and he blinked. After all, it was the first time he saw the demihumans.

"Now, my name is Shrine, what is your name?"

Latier also tilted her head, and she replied: "My name is Latier."

Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighth: The Shrine Boy is in a great mood

"Latier, Latier."

Jingu chanted the name of the cat-eared girl several times in her mouth, seeming to deepen her memory, and then nodded, as if she had already remembered it.

Ratil looked at the super beautiful girl in front of her curiously, ah!No, it's a super beautiful boy. This is the first time she has seen anyone who can match the appearance of Yi Liya. Although she is a boy, after all, Yi Liya has also been in men's clothing.

"That... did you forgive me?"

"I didn't blame you from the beginning, it's just that you have been blaming yourself, that's why this plan was proposed." Jingu put the gourd candy in his hand and said.

Hearing that, La Tier was also a little embarrassed. She thought about it, and then said cautiously: "Um...I'm lost here, can I trouble you to take me to the student dormitory?"

When he heard the girl's words, the Jingu looked at her, and just when he was about to point La Tier's direction, the crowd suddenly rushed towards the other end of the street.


Ratil was shocked by the crowd, and suddenly lost her sense of direction, and when her balance was almost lost, a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and was pulled over.

"Be careful."

The shrine pulled La Tier in front of her, and then led her out of this crowded place, and took her to the side shop to stand up.

"Thanks, thank you!"

Seeing that this super beautiful boy saved herself, La Tier was also very grateful. The sudden arrival of the crowd made her a little caught off guard. If she fell down at that time, she might be trampled to death!

"Don't thank me, just help me." The Jingu glanced at the fire in the distance, and calmly responded to the girl with cat ears, as if it was really just going to happen.

La Tier shook her head, she bent over and said, "Even so, thank you!"

The shrine didn't say anything about this. He walked out and stood on the street. There was no crowd at the moment, so it seemed much empty.

La Tier also walked out. She stood beside the shrine and looked at the figure in the distance curiously. She asked, "Did something happen there?"

"Summer festival bonfire party." Jingu replied, and then walked forward, but just after a few steps, he remembered something, and then pointed to the direction of the student dormitory, he said: "Go in that direction. Just leave."

"Ah, thank you." Latier also thanked him, but she was not in a hurry to go back. She thought, since it was a bonfire party, maybe everyone would go there. Thinking like this, she gave up. The thoughts of the dormitory quickly followed the beautiful boy ahead.

"That one!"

Hearing the sound coming from behind, the Jingu also turned around. He looked at the girl with cat ears and asked in confusion, "Is there anything else? I'm going to the campfire party, but I can't take you back to the student." Dormitory."

"No, no, I also want to go to the bonfire party, because maybe everyone is there." Latier explained, and then carefully asked: "Yes, can you?"

Seeing the girl with some red cheeks, the eyes of the Jingu were also slightly rounded. He scratched his hair, then shrugged and said, "It just happened to be on the way, so let's go together."

"Thank you!"

On the way, the shrine also looked at the cat-eared girl beside him from time to time. He was thoughtful, and then asked: "Speaking of which, is that man there?"

"That man?" Latier was stunned when she heard the words, and then she seemed to think of something. She said, "Does it mean Mr. Belém? He didn't come with us. Are you looking for him?"

"It's okay, just a question." Jingu calmly replied. The white-haired man and the girls around him appeared in his mind. He couldn't help frowning, he hesitated, and then asked. sound.

"Just ask, what is your relationship with that man?"

Hearing this, La Tier was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's family, whether it's sister or daughter, in short, it's family."

"Sister? Daughter?" Jingu was a little confused after hearing this answer, but after seeing the girl's smile, he also dispelled the strange thoughts, and he responded, "It turns out that it is, family."

Afterwards, the two came to the square of the bonfire party, countless bonfires were burning, and beside the bonfire, there were many elves holding hands and dancing. The atmosphere was very beautiful.


Seeing the view of the bonfire in the square, La Tier’s eyes also brightened. Although I have not experienced a bonfire party, it is the first time I have seen a large bonfire party like this. Countless bonfires are lit and the glow in the night sky flickers. It's incredibly beautiful.

Seeing the girl with cat ears surprised, the shrine was also shocked. Although he was also watching the campfire scenery, he also watched a lot, so he was not particularly surprised, and compared to this, he felt that the girl was surprised. The expression is more interesting.

"You are so funny."


Hearing what the person next to him said, La Tier was also stunned, and looked at the beautiful boy next to him in a daze, thinking that he had misheard.

Jingu shook his head, then looked at the bench aside, he said, "Are you tired from walking? Would you like to sit for a while?" Although he was asking the girl, he himself had walked over and sat down.

"Then, let's sit for a while." La Tier also came to the bench and sat down. Although I thought I should go to La Tisi and the others, I thought that I would meet later, so I should sit here and rest for a while. After so long, my feet are a little sore.

Glancing at the girl next to him, the shrine looked at the bonfire scene, and then asked: "This is the first time you came to the Fairy Forest, what do you think? You are probably the first group to come here in the past few decades. What about foreigners."

"It's really super beautiful here. If it's before, you can probably only understand the story here in the book. I never dreamed that I could get here." La Tier sent out such emotions, this is her true heart. , Even if her hometown was not destroyed, she didn't think she had a chance to come to such a wonderland.

Hearing that, the shrine was also noncommittal. He said again: "I have never been to the outside world, and this is the first time I have seen a foreigner like you. Generally speaking, it is still a little surprised."

"It's also the first time I have seen so many elves! Not only are they so beautiful and handsome, but they are also very magical." Ratil said with a smile.

Hearing the girl’s words, the shrine also looked at her, and he said, “Actually, it’s not as good as you think. Not all of our elves are as good as you think. There are also many bad things. The spirit of the mind, but you haven't seen it."

Although the girl had a good impression of their race, the shrine felt that she should not have such a good impression. After all, even the elves had good and bad impressions.

"That's right, I also understand it." Latier also understood what the boy meant. She turned her head and looked at the boy with a smile. She said, "But yeah, all I met are like you. Such a kind and gentle spirit."


Hearing these words, the eyes of the shrine opened slightly unconsciously, his gaze was a little sluggish, and he looked at the smiling girl in front of him like this, as if something touched the heart, and it took a while to recover. , He turned his head, then looked at the bonfire scenery, the corners of his mouth were slightly lifted, and his extremely handsome face showed a heart-wrenching smile.

"Then your luck is really good."

Chapter Seven Hundred and Nine: Shrine Boy's Feeling Very Bad

"Can I call you a shrine?"

"That's what was required."

On the edge of the square at the bonfire party, a teenager and a girl sat on the bench. It was this shrine and La Tier. Although it was very lively below, they seemed to have companions, so they simply sat here. Look at the scenery.

La Tier glanced at the elves in the square, then looked at the beautiful boy beside her, she asked curiously, "Well, shrine, won't you go dancing with your companions?"

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