Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 672

La Tier was startled, she looked at the few guys who were simply smiling evilly after the conspiracy was exposed, and some images that were almost forgotten in the depths of the memory could not help appearing in her mind.

"you guys…"

After realizing something, Latier also lowered her head. She clenched her left hand on her side, and her body was trembling slightly. Although luck had never happened before, and it had been so long, she still had lingering fears.

Seeing the girl seemed to realize something, the shrine was also a little interested. He smiled and said, "So, do you want me to leave?"

At this time, the shrine saw the girl raised her hand and grabbed the corner of his clothes, and she heard the girl's trembling voice.

"no, do not want…"

Is she... trembling?How could you be so scared?

After noticing the girl's trembling hand, Jingu also trembled. He frowned slightly, then stretched out his hand and patted the girl on the shoulder.

"I won't leave, don't be afraid, stand here and wait for me, I will solve them immediately."

There was some guilt in the shrine's heart. If he was not so nonsense just now, he secretly sighed, is he too sensitive to this girl?

Immediately afterwards, the Jingu gently took the girl's hand holding the corner of her clothes, soothed and patted her on the shoulder, then turned around and walked towards the few people.

Seeing the other person approaching, the thin male elf headed sneered and said, "Heroes save the beauty? Haha, I think it's the beauty who saves the beauty, right?"

Just by looking at the clothes, you know that the other person is a boy, but having such an appearance makes them very jealous.

If you change to normal, Jingu will feel helpless or angry for the other party's words, but at this moment, there are other emotions that override the two.

That is guilt and anger.

The shrine walked forward with an indifferent expression, and purple magic appeared on his body, showing no momentum, just as calm as the sea before the whistling.

Upon seeing this, the four men also grinned. They were not afraid to fight. After all, they had four on their side and only one on the other side.


The four magical powers emerged from them, and they flew towards the oncoming shrine, seeming to want to use their own magical power to crush each other.

But the next moment they were shocked. When their magic power swept in front of each other, a sharp light flashed in those yellow eyes, and the originally calm purple magic power surged like a tsunami at this moment. Rising up, blasted away the magic power of the other four with a force of destruction.


The majestic magic bombarded the four of them, and they flew a dozen meters away and fell to the ground.

The thin male elf struggled on the ground for a while, and then sat up, looking at the beautiful boy not far away with a shocked face.

"This, how is this possible? That magic..."

Their strength is pretty good. If it is an ordinary student of the discipline team, it is absolutely impossible to be their opponent, but the current situation is completely different. The opponent just used magic power to defeat them!

The shrine said coldly: "Go away, otherwise you will have the consciousness of not getting out of bed for three months."

The four elves ran away without hesitation after getting up, they had realized that they and others were definitely not their opponents.

They have seen a lot of students of the Feng Discipline team, but they have never seen this one, but that badge is undoubtedly the badge of the Feng Discipline team.

Turns out, is there such a strong guy in the Fengji team?It's just that magical power made them realize that this super beautiful boy may be no worse than Knight Ji!

After seeing those guys escape, Jingu also retracted his gaze. He turned to look at the girl standing under the light, pursed his mouth, and walked up.

For La Tier to be like this, in his opinion, the main reason is not the four guys, but because of what he said just now.

It's no wonder, after all, it is something that makes girls very disgusted, and he makes La Tier think of those filthy things.

The shrine came to Latier with guilt, was silent for a moment, and then said, "They have been driven away by me, so don't be afraid."


La Tier slowly raised her head, and a very bad smile was squeezed out of that colorless face.

"Thanks, thank you."

Seeing the girl's appearance, the shrine's heart was inexplicably hurt, his eyes drooped slightly, and he said softly, "Don't force it when you can't laugh, it's ugly."

"I'm sorry." Latier murmured and apologized.

"It's me who should apologize." Jingu sighed, and for the girl's puzzled look, he just shook his head, and then said: "Where are you going? I'll see you off."

Latier's eyes lit up a bit, and she hesitated and said, "Yes, can you? You still have a place to go? I want to go back to the student dormitory."

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Jingu said like this, and then stepped out. After a few steps, he turned his head and turned his face to look at the girl, with a faint brilliance in his blue eyes.

"Let's go together."

Seven hundred and eleventh chapters: take a look at this world

On the way back to the student dormitory, La Tier's mood gradually recovered. She couldn't help but feel a little upset. It had been so long, and she still couldn't get out of the shadows.

La Tier looked at the back who had not spoken in front of her, but had been leading the way, and she was very grateful. If it were not for the shrine, her trouble would be great.

"That!" Latier couldn't help but uttered, she bent down very sincerely and said, "Thank you for your help!"

When the girl who had been silent for a long time spoke at noon, the big stone in the heart of the shrine was also let go. He slowed down and did not stop, but he opened his mouth and said something.

"Aren't we friends?"

La Tier was also startled when she heard the words, and then her eyes lit up, and she gave a somewhat surprised "um", and then immediately followed, with her hands on her body, her pace was brisk, and her long tail was shaking.

"Sure enough, even the elves have good elves and bad elves."

After experiencing this incident, La Tier also came to the conclusion that if there is good in this world, there must be evil, but fortunately, most of the people he met are very kind.

When the shrine heard the words, he responded, and he said, "Yes, don't go away with your family again next time, if..." At this point, he stopped talking.

"What if?" Latier looked at the beautiful boy beside him curiously.

I saw the shrine turned my head, as if looking at the moon, but his cheeks were a little red, and he said in a weak voice, "If there is no one to accompany you, you can come to me."

Ratil was also taken aback when she heard these words, and then a bright smile appeared on her face, and she replied: "Then trouble you!"

After returning to the student dormitory, the shrine stopped at the flower bed, and he looked at the cat-eared girl beside him.

"Just separate here."

The dormitory of the Elf Academy is divided into male and female areas, so it can only be separated here, and it is not easy for him to enter the girls’ dormitory.

"Yeah! Thank you tonight!" Latier did not bend down this time, but once again sincerely thanked the shrine.

Jingu nodded without saying anything, then turned to leave, he raised his hand and waved it as if saying goodbye.

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