Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 673

After watching the departure of the shrine, La Tier also turned around, but when she was just stepping out with a smile, she suddenly noticed a person standing in front of her, and her white hair came into view.


It was Belém standing in front of Ratil. Nit had already left with Emily. In his opinion, he was probably going to spend his honeymoon again. After all, he hadn't seen each other in a thousand years, and only spent a few days together. This is obviously not enough.

At this moment, Belen took a curious look at the purple-haired boy who was going away. He recognized it at a glance. Isn't that the boy named Jingong who was blocked by Ilia today?

"Mr. Belém!" Latier also called out. She smiled and said, "I met a very kind elf today, which helped me a lot!"

"Well, I have to thank others." Belen also responded with a smile. You don't need to ask him to know that the shrine boy helped. He just saw the difference between the two.

"Yeah! I have to thank him very seriously!"

"That's fine." Belen also smiled and nodded, then looked around and asked curiously: "Has everyone not come back?"

Hearing this, La Tier also explained: "I'm separated from everyone." So he told Belen about the experience tonight, but she only took the last experience tactfully.

"So that's the case, then you go back and see if everyone has come back, if you don't come back, let me find it, you should be tired too." Belen said.

Immediately afterwards, La Tier ran back to his bedroom, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Lu Mia and others who were about to go out.

"Latier! Where have you been?"

The girls were relieved when they saw La Tier came back, thinking that they were lost, they were planning to go out together to find La Tier.

Seeing everyone worried, La Tier also apologized. She said, "I'm sorry...I'm lost. Someone helps me so I can come back."

Just when La Tier was about to explain to everyone, she suddenly remembered something, and immediately said: "I will report to Mr. Belén first, he is still waiting outside."

So La Tier ran out again and came to the flower bed outside the dormitory. When he glanced over, he noticed Belen's figure.

"Mr. Belen!"

Belen, who was sitting on the edge of the flower bed, turned his head when he heard the girl's call. The sorrowful expression on his face was not put away for a while, all fell into the eyes of the cat-eared girl.

"Latier, are you all back?"

"Ah, I've already returned." Latier came to Belem. She stared at the white-haired man in front of her in a daze, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Belem, did something happen? I always feel that Bei Mr. Lun seems to have some troubles."

Belen was also stunned when he heard the words, and then showed a smile. He shook his head and said, "Nothing happened, go back and rest quickly."

Ratil looked at the white-haired man in front of her strangely. She hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Belém, if there is any trouble, I can help you share it. After all, I have even done that. Got it."

Hearing what the girl said, Belen was silent for a moment, and finally he shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, nothing happened."

Immediately afterwards, Belen stood up, stretched his waist, and then said with a smile: "Alright, go back and accompany everyone. I am also a little sleepy, and it is time to go back to rest."

"OK then."

Latier nodded. She watched the white-haired figure leave. After a while, she muttered to herself: "If you rest, shouldn't you go back to sleep?"

Obviously the direction you are going is not the bedroom.

Belen, who left first came to a small park, found a bench casually and sat down, then he took a long breath, raised his head and looked at the night sky, and found that it was late.

But even though it was late at night, Belen was not sleepy at all. Rather, he no longer needed sleep like ordinary people.

But the reason why he didn't go to rest was not because he didn't need sleep, but because his mood was a bit complicated, and the reason was what happened today.

If Nite and Emily hadn't just arrived, he might never see the stars of this world again.

It was precisely because he understood that life was short, that he wanted to take another look at the world.

Chapter 712: The Kendo Club of the Wizard Academy

Because Belen is a disciple of the "Juggernaut", he is very popular. He also experiences the feeling of being a public figure. From time to time, there are girls approaching him, but there are not many boys.

And on this day, Belen spent most of the time in the Kendo Club of the Elf Academy. As for the reason, it was because of a girl.

"Sir white hair! Can you please come to our Kendo Club for advice?" The girl with the ball head bent down in front of Belen, begging.

Seeing this scene, Belen was also stunned at the time. He had never resisted the girl's request, so he grabbed his hair and agreed.

"Thank you, Lord White!" The girl thanked her very excitedly, with the mentality of trying.

Belen didn't know how to spread the term "great-haired adult". In short, all the students I met recently called him.

At this moment, Belen is in the Kendo Club. He is a little nervous at this moment, because all the Kendo Club members are watching him, and he is not good at being watched by so many people.

"Well, I was invited by your minister, so please give me some advice." In order to break the silence, Belen said hello first.

At this time, a girl asked, "Excuse me, the white-haired sir... are you here to teach our swordsmanship?"

Regarding the girl's question, Belem said: "Ah, well, it's not an advice, it's just learning from each other."

After getting this answer, all the Kendo club members present laughed. Most of the members were girls, so the laughter seemed very pleasant.

For this white-haired adult, everyone's impression was very deep, after all, he defeated the knight with such a relaxed attitude.

But now, it seems that he is an easily approachable person. Even looking at his appearance, he does not have the oppressive feeling of a strong person, and he is very humble.

The person who invited Belen was the president of the Kendo Club. The name was Su Lisha. She was a pretty girl, but she seemed to have extraordinary talents in swordsmanship. If calculated proportionally, she would be 18 years old. Girl.

"Lord White Hair, let's start now." Su Lisha said, after all, inviting others to hone everyone's swordsmanship, can't you waste time?

"Ah, well, just follow your rhythm." Belen replied. Now that he is here, let's solve everyone's problems.

The atmosphere of the Kendo Club is very similar to that of the Sword House where Belen once lived. However, the Sword House does not have any fixed practice, and there are not so many members. But seeing everyone's happy appearance, Belen also feels a little emotional and can't help but recall. Started the past.

After a long time, Belen came back to his senses, he looked at the two girls who were practicing, thoughtfully.

The girl on the right is very good at offensive, and the successive attacks made it difficult for the girl on the left to resist, but it was barely blocked. The two were practicing with pure swordsmanship.

Seeing this scene, Belen also felt a little strange, he looked at Su Lisha curiously, and the latter also felt his gaze, a little confused.

"What's the matter, Lord White Hair?"

Hearing this, Belem was silent for a while, and then said: "Can you please practice against me?"

After all, it's just a discussion on the sword, he doesn't need to use magic power, and his own sword and "qi" are enough.

After hearing Belen's words, Su Lisha also opened her eyes wide, and then hurriedly responded.

"It's a great honor!"

Most of the elves were dissatisfied with the fact that the "Sword Saint" accepted a human as a disciple, but when the "Sword Saint" disciple came to their Elf Forest, they showed that on the magic martial arts field. Strength, all dissatisfaction turned into wonder.

As long as it is an elf who learns kendo, it can be seen how strong the opponent's kendo is, it is not at the same level.

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