Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 678

She left the bewildered him because of her anger, obviously he didn't have much time, but she still hurt him because of such a small matter.

Seeing La Tier ran out, Laiya and the others also looked at each other and smiled. There was no need to think about it to know that she must have gone to Belen to apologize. They had no doubt that the two could get back together.

All the way out of the dormitory, La Tier ran towards the park. She was physically strong, but she was too tired after running for a few streets. Her legs were as if lead was poured into her legs, but despite this, she was still moving. With both legs, she wanted to apologize for her childishness to the man who has been caring for her.

On the bench in that park, Belen’s white shirt was folded over his lap. He glanced at the pale sky, and it was daytime unknowingly. He put the white shirt in his handbag. Then stood up and walked forward.

On the trail scattered with leaves, Belen's footsteps suddenly stopped. He looked at the cat-eared girl who was panting in front of him. He was startled and couldn't help calling out the other's name.


Hearing the familiar voice calling her name, La Tier also raised her head violently. Although the weather became cold, she was sweating at this moment, and she did not know how far she ran.

Seeing the girl who seemed to be exhausted, Belen couldn't help but stepped forward, but he stopped just after walking a few steps, eyes drooping, and hesitated, because the girl was still angry with him last night.

Latier saw Belen stopped and her head tightened. She walked forward with a heavy step and came to the latter with great effort, and she bent down.

"Mr. Belén, I'm sorry! I shouldn't be angry with you!"

Hearing the girl's apology, Belen was also startled. He recovered, and then quickly said: "No, I should be the one who should apologize. I shouldn't interfere with your private life."

personal life?No, without you, I can't even have a normal life.

Just as Latier was brewing courage in his heart, Belen suddenly smiled and said, "I'm sorry, because I am running out of time, I am so eager."


La Tier was stunned.

"I, there are actually a lot of things I want to witness. For example, I want to see Latis grow up to be self-reliant, I want to see Rumia can have more friends, or I want to see you And Ilia can find someone to rely on, or something..."

Belen’s face showed emotion. He raised his hand and grabbed his hair. He smiled and said, "Sure enough, I was too anxious. You should all have your own pace. I just wanted to understand this at night, I also have..."

But the next moment, Belen stopped. He stared blankly at the girl who was crying in front of him. After he recovered, he said in a panic, "No, don't cry! What did I say wrong? What? Yes, I'm sorry!"

"No, it's not Mr. Belém's fault." Ratil raised her hand to wipe away the teardrops, she murmured: "Mr. Belém always thinks of us, but I gave birth to Mr. Belém for those naive reasons. I'm so angry, I'm still too immature."

"There is no such thing, you have done well enough." Belen shook his head, and then took a step forward. He raised his hand on the girl's head and said with a smile: "If you really So mature, then I can leave without worry."

After hearing this, La Tier was also pursing her lips. She opened her arms to embrace the man in front of her, and buried her head in his chest. Tears couldn't help falling from the corner of her eyes, desperately suppressing her choking.

Sure enough, I was too anxious.

That's wrong. It's strange if you don't worry?Because there is not enough time.

Chapter seven hundred and eighteenth: All adults!

After reconciling with La Tier, Belen's mood was suddenly clear. After carrying La Tier's clothes to send him back, he took a shower happily, and then put on that white shirt and went to bed. .

In the middle of the night, Belen vaguely felt a little heavy on his body, his magic power has been sealed, for the sake of his own life, he stopped mobilizing magic power, and this also weakened his perception a lot. , Didn't care too much about the heavy source, so he didn't wake up.

In the early morning of the second day, Belen’s consciousness gradually became clear, and the weight on his chest also made him frown. He slowly opened his eyes, and there was still some itching on his face, and he was a little confused. When I caught it, it turned out to be golden hair.

"This is...hair?"

Belen looked up slightly, and then noticed that a person's head was actually leaning on his chest, and after seeing this familiar face, he suddenly sighed.

"Hey, hey, wake up."

While calling, Belen also squeezed the woman's cheek with his hand, and pulled the latter with a slight force to wake the latter from his sleep.

This woman is Antrina, who also woke up after being torn a few times. She opened her eyes in a daze. Then, she lifted her head from Belém's chest and sat up. Later, it made the latter face red.

"You, where's your clothes!?"

At the moment, Antelina is only wearing a black lace underwear, and her snow-white skin is exposed to the air. This is her habit of sleeping. Wearing clothes to sleep will make her very uncomfortable.

After seeing her disciple's flustered look, Antrina also glanced at her underwear, she yawned calmly, and then rubbed her eyes.

"You guy, did you see less when you were a kid? What's so shy now."

Hearing this, Belen covered his eyes and shouted: "I am already an adult! You are an old and disrespectful fellow!"

"Is old and disrespectful?" After hearing this word, Antelina's eyes also flashed a dangerous edge. She leaned down and leaned against Belen's chest, and said with a sly smile: " Am I that old?"

After Belen took his hand away, he saw the delicate face in front of him. He blushed and shouted, "Quickly let me go! There is no end?"

In this regard, Antelina felt something and said with a smile: "The grown-up children are really different. Will they also react to Master Master?"


Belen opened his eyes wide, then snorted, pushed Antrina away, and immediately rolled out of the bed. He stood up and saw the jade-like skin, his heart was hot, he turned his eyes away , Pulled the quilt up and threw it on Antelina's body, covering her body.

Seeing the quilt on her body, Antelina curled her lips, she couldn't help but laughed: "You guy, you must be a virgin in the end."

"You can control it!"

Belen snorted, then glanced at the clothes scattered on the floor, his face turned red again, this scene, no matter how it looked like...

For the old and disrespectful guy!

After a brief wash, Belen was planning to leave the room, and the moment he opened the door, two girls caught his eye.

One is Laya, and the other is Ratil.

After seeing these two girls, Belen froze, because at this moment in his room, there is an Antrina who only wears underwear, if he is found...

Laya, who was about to knock on the door, was also startled when he saw Belém just opening the door, and then smiled and said, "Mr. Belém, are you going to have breakfast together?"

"Well, of course, let's go, immediately!"

Seeing a little eager Belen, Latier and Laya were a little confused, and just at this fit, they suddenly saw a blond woman walking out of the room behind Belen, bending over to pick up clothes.

That person is...

At this time, Antrina also felt her gaze. She picked up her clothes, and then turned her head to look away. She also smiled after seeing the two girls outside the door.

"Yo, aren't these Laya and Lattier? Come in and play?"

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Belen was also shocked, his face suddenly stiffened, and then he felt two cold eyes. He looked at the two girls in front of him, and his expression suddenly changed.

"You guys, you have to listen to me explain!"

Immediately afterwards, the breakfast was gone. The two girls had already arrived in Belem's room. Belem and Antrina were both sitting on the bed looking at the two girls in front of them.

When Belen hurriedly explained the matter, both Latier and Laya's expressions recovered a lot, but they still looked at the two people in front of them very seriously.

Latier stared at the white-haired man and said, "Mr. Belém, you are no longer a child! In case...in case something happens, you will be responsible!"

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