Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 679

"Nothing will happen!" Belen quickly replied, a little ashamed.

Laya looked at Antelina, and said with a serious expression: "Master Juggernaut, you are the pride of our elves. If other elves find you naked on the bed with a man, wouldn’t you lose face? ?"

"I'm not naked, some wear underwear!" Antelina was also shocked by the girl's aura, but she still explained with a pouting mouth.

Upon hearing this, Laiya said in a loud voice: "I don't want to listen to the explanation! Isn't wearing underwear much better than naked!? Master Juggernaut's approach makes me very angry!"

"An La An, nothing happened, no matter how you say it's a teacher and student." Antelina said helplessly, she didn't think about what would really happen, just continued the original habit.

"What if!?"

Latier yelled. She grumbled and looked at the two people in front of her. She said, "Senior Antlena, but Mr. Belen is a boy and is already an adult. You must know Ante Senior Lena is so beautiful, if Mr. Belén can't help it, maybe..."

"I will resist!"

"No, Senior Antelina will definitely obey!"

Hearing Latier’s words, Antrina also said helplessly: "Hey, hey, why do you think so? I'm a single person for more than three hundred and eighty years. I still have some self-control. ."

However, Latier and Laya who heard these words had a look of disbelief, which left Belen and Antelina with nothing to say, how did they seem to have no self-control Where's the beast?

Chapter Seven Hundred and Nineteen: Have trouble visiting?

Unconsciously, everyone has stayed in the Elf Academy for seven days, and in these seven days, Belen, Ilia, and Lumia have almost become the stars of this academy, from time to time Someone will come up for a handshake request, especially in the student dormitory. This situation is even more common.

Belen is also a little uncomfortable with the enthusiasm of the elves, but it is better than being rejected. Among the information he learned before, most of the elves are very proud, but now they don’t feel that way. To.

Probably, this is because of the extraordinary power that was revealed during the magic performance of martial arts, right?

After that, Belen still had a conflict with La Tier. Although he reconciled afterwards, he still paid much attention to the relationship between La Tier and the shrine boy, but he would not speak too much, just in case. Ratil is angry again.

While having breakfast, Belen looked at Latier sitting in front of him. After thinking about it, he couldn't help asking: "Latier, haven't you met the shrine recently?"

"Jingu? He seems to be busy lately." La Tier blinked, and then she seemed to think of something. She said, "Jingu seems to be a member of the Fengshi team."

"Feng Ji team?" Belen was also startled, he thought, probably with the strength of that young man, he also has a high status in the Feng Ji team?

At this moment, Antelina suddenly remembered something. She put down the tableware, and then looked at Belem. She said: "Belen, come with me later, I think I have something to tell you. ."

Hearing this, Belen was also startled, and then he realized something after seeing Antelina's calm look. He nodded, and then quickly finished his breakfast.

"Don't wait for me, just do what you want to do." Belen said to the girls, and then walked out with Antelina who had already stood up.

Seeing the two leave, the girls were a little confused, but they didn't ask about it. It's probably a very important thing, after all, Antelina showed such a serious look.

After leaving the student cafeteria, Belen followed Antrina to a garden bench and sat down, curiously looking at the elf woman beside him.

Antelina also looked at her disciple, and she said: "Actually, I went to your room last night to tell you this, but I saw you fell asleep, so I didn't wake you up."

"What's the matter?" Belen looked at Antelina curiously.

Antelina sighed, and then said: "Remember what I said to you, the boy I taught some days?"

"Of course." Belen nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Antelina said: "He, I have also come to the Elf Academy recently. It is probably to trouble you, so you have to be careful, you can't use too much magic recently, right?"

"That's it."

Belen was also stunned. He thought about it, and then said, "Is that guy very strong?"

Regarding this question, Antelina said: "It doesn't matter if you were before, but now, maybe, because over the years, I don't know how much he has improved."

Is it just that the power displayed at the time was not enough to defeat the elf?

Belen couldn't help frowning, and he asked curiously: "Isn't he a student of the Elf Academy?"

"He has been graduating from here for a long time. If you calculate it proportionally, he is probably two years older than you now." Antelina said to Belem, "If he finds you," You must be careful. Although I don't think you will lose, that boy is also very strong."

"So that's it." Belen nodded, thinking, maybe that is also a very talented elf, even Antrina has such a high evaluation of him.

"I understand, but..."

"But what?"

Belen scratched his hair, then smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I may not be able to use magic recently. If I run into that guy, I'm probably doomed to lose."

"What are you talking about?" Antelina was stunned. After a moment, she looked at her disciple who didn't seem to be joking before her, and sighed: "So, is there something that you haven't told me yet?"

Belen hesitated for a moment, and then told Antelina about his current situation and what Nit and Emily had saved him. Anyway, Antelina knew his physical condition.

After listening to this incident, Antelina also showed a solemn expression. She looked at the white-haired man in front of her, and then said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, you should not use magic power, even if the young man comes to the door, You absolutely must not do it. This is an order from Master Master and Master Mother, you know?"

Seeing such solemn Antelina, Belen was also startled, his heart warmed, and then he smiled and said, "I know, even if I just think about it, I won't be able to use magic."

Finally, I was able to live longer, and I couldn't kill myself anyway.

Seeing Belém smiling, Antrina was pursing her lips. She opened her arms and pulled the former into her arms, and then whispered: "Sorry, if I was by your side at that time, there would be no such thing. Too much trouble."

Hearing what she said, Belen sighed. He gently pushed Antlerina away, and then said with a smile: "When is this hypocritical? Am I not dead yet?"

Seeing the cheerful white-haired man, Antelina also laughed. She stretched out her hand and rubbed her disciple's head, just like he did when he was a child.

"That's right, you can't be so hypocritical."

For such an intimate move, Belen did not stop him. He remained silent and did not speak. Although he usually quarreled with Antelina, for both of them, each other was the most important family member.

Immediately afterwards, Belem said silently: "Okay, can you stop touching it? It's shameful to be seen by others, I'm already this old!"

"Yes, yes, listen to you." Antelina smiled and retracted her hand.

Belen thought for a while, and then asked, "Speaking of which, what's the name of that elf?"

Hearing this, Antrina also remembered that she had not mentioned the name of the teenager. She said, "The name of the teenager is Manson."

"Okay, I get it." Belen nodded.

At this time, Antelina remembered something again. Her eyes lit up and she immediately said: "Ah! That's right! You can let Ilia be your grass protector! That boy must not beat Ilia's !"

"The grass protector or something..." Belem's mouth twitched slightly.

Seven hundred and twentieth chapters: Manson's arrival

When Belen and Antrina left the garden, they parted ways. The latter had other things to do, while the former was looking for the girls.

Belen is also considering the proposal that Antelina said before. He thinks it is a very good proposal. As long as I ask Ilia for it, Ilia will definitely agree. In this case, that think There is a solution to the troublesome guy.

Although he didn't really want to trouble Ilia, he has no other way now. He really wants to mobilize his magical power to fight the guy named Manson. That would risk his life!

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