Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 680

At this time, in a square, Belen saw the silver-haired girl, he blinked, and then walked forward to the girl's side and stopped.

"Ilia, why are you here alone?"

Ilia turned her head to look at Belem, and then pointed to the figures in the square playing beach balls. She said, "Everyone wants to play that."

Belen also looked in the direction she was pointing, and when she saw the girls playing beach balls, she was also taken aback. In addition to Latier and the others, there were also a few elves girls who seemed to be having fun. Look like.

Therefore, Belen asked curiously: "Illya won't go play?"

"Because there is one more person." Illiya replied with a calm expression. She looked at several figures over there and pursed her lips. Obviously, she wanted to play too, but for everyone, she retired. .

Seeing this, Belen also smiled and stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl's head. He said, "Thank you so hard, Illya." He naturally saw that the girl wanted to play too.

"It's okay." Illya said like this. Then, she turned her head and looked at Belem again, and found that the latter was eager to speak but stopped at Angzi. She asked: "Brother, what do you want to make with Did I say that?"

Seeing the girl see it, Belen also scratched the back of his head and nodded in embarrassment. He said, "Ah, there is something I want to trouble Ilia."

"Brother, please." Illiya said calmly, but there was a faint brilliance in the silver-white eyes, full of interest.

Belen hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Actually, there seems to be a fairy who wants to trouble me recently. I don't want to do anything with that guy, so can I trouble Ilia to help me get rid of him?"

"Trouble with brother?"

Hearing these words, Illiya's white eyes flashed with cold light, her face gradually became cold, and her body began to surging with magic.

Seeing Ilia’s appearance, Belen also panicked, and quickly said: "No, no, no, because of some things, the elf probably just wants to challenge me, not really wanting to make trouble, just treat me It's just a troublesome thing."

Hearing this explanation, Illiya's magical power gradually calmed down. She looked at Belem and said: "I understand, I will help my brother avoid the trouble."

"sorry to bother you!"

"Brother don't need to be so polite with me." Illiya fluttered with beautiful big eyes, then thought for a moment, what she thought of, immediately said: "If my brother is willing to give me a little reward, I will be very happy. "

"Reward? Of course! What reward does Ilya want?" Belen agreed without hesitation, after all, he was going to trouble Ilya.

Hearing that, Illiya also blinked and pointed to her lips, her eyes flashed with light, and she said, "I want this reward, can I? Brother."

"Huh?" Belen was stunned. Then he remembered the previous few times. His face was flushed instantly, and he said in a flustered expression: "Ilia, this is not allowed!"

"Why not?" Illiya tilted her head and said curiously: "Big Brother Mingming has kissed several times, why not this time?"

Obviously, I have kissed it several times.

Belén blushed, and smoke started to rise above his head, like a boiling kettle. He opened his mouth, but was shaking, unable to speak for a while.

Seeing Belen's appearance, the corners of Iliya's mouth were slightly curved, and her beautiful face revealed a heart-warming smile.

"I like what my brother looks like."

Hearing these words, Belen blushed even more intensely. When he saw the smiling silver-haired girl, his heart jumped, and he subconsciously said, "Ilia, you have also become naughty."

"Don't you like it?" Ilia smiled.

Hearing this, Belen grabbed his hair and blushed and said, "It's not that I don't like it."

I have to say that when I grow up, Illya is so beautiful, like a cold and glamorous snow princess, but when she shows her attitude as a little girl, she is too easy to be heart-warming, even Belen can’t resist. This charm.

"Brother likes it." Illia said with a smile, and at this moment, her eyes suddenly looked behind Belen, her smile gradually closed, and a faint brilliance appeared in her silver-black eyes.

Seeing the change of Illiya, Belen was also startled, and then he felt something. He immediately turned around and saw a handsome man with a waist saber sheath walking slowly.

The handsome man has long yellow hair draped behind him, his sassy, ​​heroic posture and romantic temperament are probably the type that girls prefer, and with the saber hanging around his waist, he looks even more heroic.

Although it was the first time I saw this person, Belem reacted in the first time. This man was probably the guy named Manson that Antelina said.

The handsome yellow-haired man came five meters away in front of Belen, his sharp brown eyes stared at the white-haired man, and he asked calmly, "Are you the disciple of Master Sword Saint?"

It really was him.

Hearing the other party's question, Belen immediately confirmed his guess. He nodded, and then said: "Yes, I am Antelina's disciple. Are you Manson?"

"Yes, it's me." Manson didn't care how Belen learned his name. He admitted and said calmly: "In that case, draw the sword, I will defeat you here." Put his hand on the hilt.

Hearing this, Belen was also startled, and then frowned slightly. He didn't expect the other party to be polite and would fight him when he came up. It was really straightforward.

At this moment, the silver-haired figure suddenly came to Belem's face, and the silver-haired beautiful girl stared at Manson indifferently, speaking slowly with an icy voice.

"You are not qualified to be my brother's opponent."

Chapter 721: Young Girl's Confidence

Seeing the beautiful silver-haired girl standing in front of the white-haired man, Manson's brown eyes were also slightly squinted, and the hand holding the hilt of the sword was not released, he spoke indifferently.

"Get out of the way, the only person I want to challenge is him."

In response to this, Illiya said calmly: "I will never allow anyone to hurt my brother." As she said, the silver-black eyes gleamed with a faint brilliance.

"Then I will cut with you." Manson's eyes sharpened, but the hand holding the sword didn't move.

Ilia looked at each other calmly, and didn't care whether the other party would make a move.

Perceiving that the other party was very slow, Belen couldn't help but was taken aback. He looked at the long-haired man curiously, thoughtfully, could it be said that this is a type that is not easy to do with girls?

"Will you let me go!"


Seeing the other person's determination, Manson was also very distressed. He took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice, "Then you will do it first. After defeating you, I will go to the person behind you. "

Hearing what he said, Belem's expression also became weird. Is this man really the type who can't do anything to girls, as he thought?Thinking of this, he quickly looked at Yi Liya. Since it was of this type, it was enough for Yi Liya not to take the initiative!

However, before Belen could speak, Ilia raised her hand with a calm face, and the silver hair shot towards Manson, to restrain the latter's actions, in her opinion , As long as the opponent is subdued, the problem can be solved.

A step slower!

Seeing that Ilia had started, Belen also slapped his forehead, and then sighed, forget it, although he wanted to avoid the fight, since it is now at this point, as long as Ilia can suppress the opponent.

"Ilia, just suppress it."

When I heard Belen’s words, Illya did not respond, but she remembered it in her heart. Her fingers flicked slightly, and countless silver threads were wrapped around Manson, and then she shrank quickly to restrain him. .

Seeing such a strange magic, Manson frowned slightly, but just before the silver thread wrapped him, he suddenly drew his sword, bursting out with an extremely amazing power, and wanted to cut all the silver hair. Off.


When the sword slashed on the silver hair, it exploded with great energy, and directly sent the silver hair out, and Manson also took two steps back, he looked shocked. Towards his own sword, under such a sharp sword, the silver hair was not cut off, and it was countless times stronger than steel!

Seeing the sword cut by the opponent, Belen also flashed his eyes. He also had a preliminary understanding of Manson's strength. He was indeed a very strong swordsman. How high is his combat power? It's not known for the time being, because he doesn't even know what his magic power is.

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