Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 681

Underestimate her.

This girl is a strong person with a strength equal to that of a beautiful face.

After putting a new label on the match, Manson's gaze changed when he looked at the silver-haired girl again. It was his gaze when he looked at a strong man worth fighting.

"I will beat you here, and then beat the person behind you."

In response to this, Iliya had a very serious expression on her delicate face. She said: "I won't let you trouble with your brother, because you can't beat me."

What a stimulating speech.

Hearing the girl's words, Belen also smiled secretly. He knew that although Illya was usually a silent and well-behaved girl, she still had pride in her bones. After all, she was once the princess of a country.

"Little girl, you are really confident." Manson shook his head after hearing this. He said calmly: "There is always no shortage of strong people in the world. How can you think I can't beat you?"

Hearing these words, Illiya replied calmly: "There are many people in this world that I can't beat, but you are definitely not included here."

Very confident and arrogant.

"In that case, let's try it."

After hearing the other party’s answer, Manson shrugged noncommittal. Although he does not deny that this silver-haired girl does have power beyond his expectations, he does not think that dealing with it will be his opponent. After all, this girl is So young, judging from the age of humans, it is probably only fifteen or six years old.

Although his growth rate is very slow as an elven clan, he is more than two hundred and fifty years old after all. In terms of human age, he is also nearly twenty-six. He has practiced kendo for such a long time to defeat The man known as the disciple of the Juggernaut.

He had accepted the instructions of the Master Juggernaut, and had already regarded himself as the descendant of that adult. However, he has not been recognized yet. Now a true descendant has emerged, and he cannot accept it anyway. To confirm how much the other party has!

"Then, take the move, I will defeat you with a serious attitude!"

After issuing such a declaration, Manson held the sword in his right hand, and the tip of the sword hit the ground. A sharp momentum was achieved, and the posture was very similar to Antelina.

Seeing the other party's posture, Belen's heart also jumped. The other party's posture was very similar to Antrina's starting posture, and it seemed that he had learned some essence.

Upon seeing this, Illiya also said, "Brother, please step back."

"Ah, good." Belen also nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then ran away immediately. With his current state, it would be very troublesome to get involved.

The movement on this side also attracted all the elves in the square. Even La Tier and the others looked over. They were taken aback when they saw Iliya exuding silver magic, not knowing what happened.

On the other side of the square, a beautiful woman in light armor walked slowly. It was the knight Jiover's chord. She also noticed the movement there, frowned and then immediately shouted.

"All students evacuated the square immediately! Quickly!"

Because the name of Knight Ji is also very loud in the Elf Academy, all the students ran out of the square immediately after hearing the words of Ofer's Strings. They also noticed the movement there, as if something was going to happen. thing.

Outside the square, silver hair was fluttering, and the sacred radiance wrapped the silver-haired girl, and those silver-black eyes locked the long-haired man in front.

At this moment, Manson's feet suddenly moved, his figure turned into an afterimage, and he rushed towards the silver-haired girl. The long sword in his right hand was covered by light, and he pierced away like a meteor wearing the latter.

Illiya’s fingers flicked lightly, and the endless silver hair strands poured down towards the streamer, but it was shaken away. She slowly held her right hand, and the silver hair was shaken out. Silk reunited again, then wrapped the streamer and threw it out towards the square behind.


The figure fell on the square and shook a huge wave of air, and the black shadow flew out from it, and then flicked the sword in his hand, setting off the dust, and those brown eyes locked the one floating in mid-air. The silver-haired girl.

Chapter 722: Manson Retreated

When all the students were evacuated from the square, they did not leave directly, but stopped at the edge of the square and looked at the two figures in the distance. Among them, the silver-haired figure floating in the air shocked them.

Isn't that figure the same silver-haired girl who showed extraordinary strength in the magic martial arts field that day?

When they saw the silver-haired girl, some people who wanted to leave stopped. They wanted to see what the silver-haired girl wanted to do, no matter the beauty that was astonishing. , Or that detached and peerless power, can't let their curiosity be suppressed.

The knight Jioff Yinxian was also standing on the edge of the square. She was locking the two figures in the center of the square. She glanced at the silver-haired girl, and then at the long-haired man holding a long sword on the other side. , Her eyes also narrowed slightly at this moment.

"Why is he here?"

At the same time, Latier and the others also fled the square and came to Belem. They looked very anxious and asked: "Mr. Belem, Ilia, she had a fight with that person! What happened?"

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal." Belen soothed the girls, and then he fixed his gaze on the man named Manson. For the man Antelina had taught, he Also very curious what kind of strength the opponent has.

The girls were also relieved when they heard Belen's words. Since Belen has said so, it must not be a big deal, otherwise the latter would have stopped it.

Laya, who was on the side, also looked at the long-haired man. After seeing the other person clearly, she was also taken aback for a while, and then murmured, "What are you doing here?"

Belen, who was standing on the side, also heard Laiya's words. He glanced curiously at the blonde young girl beside him. Although he was a little concerned, he was more concerned about the battle in the field.

At the moment in the square, one of the two figures stood on the ground and the other was floating in mid-air.

Manson lifted the sword in his hand, and then tilted his body slightly. He took a deep breath, then smashed the stone slab under his feet, and his body turned into yellow lightning and shuttled away.

At the same time, Illiya also raised a hand, pointed her palm at the oncoming yellow lightning, and the khaki magic power rippled.


The ground of the square was suddenly distorted, and countless mud and rocks rolled around, encircling Manson like a tornado, and then gathered at an extremely fast speed. There were still countless mud and rocks rising and gathering on the ground.

Seeing this scene, all the onlookers opened their eyes wide. This is the second time I have seen the power of the silver-haired girl. The shock in my heart has not diminished in the slightest, even more shocked, the last time. The feeling is that dream is not real, and what I feel this time is the reality after the dream.


The flying figure was sealed into the huge mudstone sphere. After being imprisoned for a few breaths, the huge mudstone sphere burst out with amazing brilliance, and in an instant it divided the sphere into countless numbers. Of squares.

Bang bang bang!

Countless cubes fell, and the moment Manson landed, he jumped up suddenly, holding the sword, and the spirit of the whole person climbed to the top.

"Sword Skill Meteor!"

The brilliance that came straight in was very dazzling, but Illiya's expression was still as calm as before. She raised a hand, and the silver hair was rolled in front of her, and the ocher magic pattern covered the silver shield.


The sword slashed onto the silver shield, and it made a sound like a bell ringing, but this sword only left a deep sword mark on the khaki magic pattern, and then the silver hair that was curled into it. It flew out.


Manson's figure made a long mark on the ground. Everywhere he went, he knocked out a big hole on the ground. He was in severe pain, but it didn't hurt the roots. , He stood up again, looking solemnly at the silver figure in the distance in the air.

The power of that girl was not only beyond his expectations, but also beyond his imagination, but how could a teenage girl possess such terrifying power?

Ilia looked at Manson in the distance, and did not continue to do it, but the silver hair floating around seemed to be about to move. As long as the other party had any changes, she would launch an attack.

Looking at Manson in the field, Belen also knew his magic power, which turned out to be a "decomposition" equivalent to Lumia's "broken", but the former of the two was even more unreasonable.

The opponent’s kendo is a very strange "combination", and Belen rarely sees anyone possessing such kendo, but having said that, there is now a young man named "Kathy" in Flozarno Academy. He also has a "shenhe" kendo.

Casey’s magical swordsmanship is the most interesting and charming of Belen so far. Even Belen is slightly behind in Shenyun. The young man’s sword is out of its own artistic conception. , And his, and Manson's deliberate integration into the environment is different.

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