Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 683

After hearing this, Illiya stopped saying anything. She turned her head and looked at the white-haired man beside her. She asked, "Brother, is your health better?"

"Ah? Ah! Okay, it's better." Belen was also startled, and then responded with Ilia. Then, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

The two were walking down the path, while Illiya was lowering her head. She seemed to be hesitating. After a while, she suddenly stopped and stood in place.

Upon seeing this, Belen also turned around to look at the girl in confusion, and asked curiously: "Ilia, what's the matter?"

The silver-haired girl's silver-black eyes were more beautiful under the stars than the stars, and now she was staring at the white-haired man in front of her, as if she wanted to see him through.

"Brother, can I take a good look at you?"

Hearing the girl's words, Belen also asked in confusion: "Isn't Ilia looking at me well?"

Yi Liya calmly said: "I want to see my brother in the magical dimension."

Magic dimension...

Belen also trembled after hearing the words. He looked at the silver-haired girl with a calm but serious look before him, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

Because of the existence of a "half-god", his body was already different from a human being. Even if Ilia had the "half-god's eye", she could not see through the magical dimension he was in.

Why would Ilia want to watch it?

"Illya, why would you want to see..." Belen stopped at this point. Although he had vaguely sensed something in his heart, he still had to confirm it.

Yi Liya said seriously: "Because of my brother's physical condition, I want to know about it."

"In fact, there is no big problem, don't worry too much." Belen said like this.

I want to let Ilia dispel doubts, if she opens her magical dimension, the girl can see his condition at a glance. Although it is not as desperate as before, it is still not optimistic. If it is not for that seal, He may die soon.

However, Ilia did not blindly believe Belem's answer, but asked: "Brother, how bad is your physical condition?"

"Ah? So, it's not really bad." Belen was also very nervous.

But Illiya calmly said, "If it's not terrible, it doesn't matter if you let me take a look, right?"


Belen was also speechless, he looked at the silver-haired beautiful girl in front of him, the pressure on her body even felt pressure on him.

"Brother, is your body..." Illiya's eyes were drooping, and a sad color appeared on her beautiful face. She whispered softly, "Why doesn't my brother want to let me know? Is it serious?"


Belen hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If your brother shows it to you, can you keep it secret for your brother?" He was already mentally prepared for Elia's awareness of this kind of thing.

"I keep it secret." Illiya nodded.

Now, it is impossible to keep hiding from Ilia, otherwise it will make her sad. This is not something to be done as a brother.

Although he can no longer use magic power, his current realm is mysterious, and the fog covered by his body is also removed. With the eyes of a demigod, he can clearly see where he is under the magical dimension.

When Ilia’s silver-black eyes shimmered, she saw the white-haired man in the magic dimension. The magic in his body filled the whole person, and every inch of nerves was supported by magic circuits, even blood. Flowing needs magical power to maintain, and in his body, one can still see a seal constructed by life magical power.

"how come..."

After seeing this scene, Illiya also widened her eyes. She looked at this scene in disbelief. Isn't it necessary for witches to use magic to stay alive?But Belem is just a human!

"After the first battle with Sisia at Flozarno Academy, I gradually mastered the "Demi-God Realm", but my body has also been going downhill, and this seal is between Nit and His friend helped me set it up, otherwise I might..." Belen was silent for a moment, then whispered: "I can't see you anymore."

"Brother... why don't you say it?" Illya murmured. She stepped forward and stood in front of Belém. She is now the height of Belém's nose, tall, with silver and black eyes. To those deep blue eyes.

Belén re-concealed the magical dimension of his body. He grabbed his hair with his hand, and then whispered, "How could I say it? Whether it is when everyone is happy or sad, this is not always the case. Shouldn't it be mentioned?"

The girl had already understood his tenderness.

Ilia stretched out her hand and grabbed Belen's two hands. The silver and ocher magic power was introduced from her body into the latter's body. With her demigod eyes, she could also see the obscurity of death. Although she didn't know what it was, she could see that what was sealed by the magic of life must be something bad for the latter.

Feeling the magic power pouring into his body, Belen also warmed his heart. He smiled and shook his head, then embraced the girl with his arms, and embraced her in his arms.

"Don't waste magic power, it's useless." Belem gently rubbed the girl's head, and he looked down at the girl who seemed to be holding onto something.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. As long as the seal is still there, my brother and I will be able to live healthy and there will be no accidents." Belen comforted softly.

The girl raised her head and whispered: "Brother, you are really not suitable for lying."

"Really?" Belen chuckled lightly.

Seven hundred and twenty-fifth chapters: so be it for now

The two sat on the bench under the light, and Belen told Ilia about the changes in his body along the way, and now he can't help it.

Elia is a mature girl, which also relaxes Belen a lot.

After listening to the process of physical changes, Illiya was silent for a long time. Finally, she asked softly: "Brother, how much time is there?"

Regarding this question, Belem thought about it, and then replied: "I really don't know about this. If you don't open the seal, it will probably last a long time."

As a result, it is extremely rare for Yiliya to show a serious look. She said seriously: "Then, brother, please never open the seal, under any circumstances, absolutely not!"

"I know, you are there anyway, I don't think I need to use magic anymore." Belen smiled and responded, then let out a long sigh.

"Brother's physical condition, who else knows?"

Hearing this, Belem replied: "Apart from you, then only Antrina, Lumia, and Latir who only knew about it a few days ago."

"So I wasn't the first."

Illia lowered her head, and finally her eyes flickered. She raised her head to look at Belem, and then asked: "Brother, it costs me a price to keep it secret."

Belen was also stunned when he heard it, and then his heart jumped and his cheeks became hot. Although Illya would not mention that kind of thing when he felt so serious, he still couldn't help but remember.

"Ilia...what do you want?"

The girl raised her head to look at Belem, then raised her finger to her lips. There was a sly color in those silver-black eyes, and a smile bloomed on her face. Such an expression is extremely rare in Ilia. , And Belen has never seen such a little devil's posture, some inexplicably...

, , .

The heartbeat speeds up inexplicably, and Belen is blushing. This is a last resort. After all, Illia is such a beautiful girl, and a normal man will be heartbeat, right?

However, he definitely viewed her with a very pure mentality. No matter how he said he was also Iliya's elder brother, how could he have dirty thoughts.

Realizing that something was wrong, Belen also took a step back, and was afraid to look at Ilia's eyes for a while. She was so charming with such a playful posture.


Seeing Belen took a step back, Illiya also called out with some doubts.

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