Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 684

Belen took a deep breath, and then began to calm his ups and downs. After adjusting his mentality, he looked at the silver-haired girl again.

"Illya, there are some things that I must tell you."

Hearing that, Illiya also nodded, and then calmly looked at the white-haired man in front of her, as if she already knew what the latter had to say.

"Ahem, that's it." Belen cleared his throat, and then said seriously: "It's okay if it's just the forehead and face, but the lips alone won't work, because we are brothers and sisters!"

In this regard, Ilia looked at the person in front of her with a gentle expression, and said softly: "My brother really treats me like a sister."

"Of course! I'm very, very serious. Illya has always been so mature, which makes me feel relieved." Belen nodded very seriously.

Although I am very happy, I will be very troubled if I am so serious.

Illiya opened her mouth and sighed slightly, shook her head very slightly, then raised her head to look at Belem, and said, "Brother, if I don't want to be my brother's sister, can I?"

"No... I don't want to..."

Hearing what the girl said, Belen was also hit hard, his heart hurt, and then he asked stiffly, "Illya, is it why I didn’t do it well? I don’t quite understand what girls are thinking about. What, so I can't understand many places, but I will try to do a good job."

I thought it was Ilia who thought her elder brother was not competent enough, so she was a little tired.

When she saw the white-haired man in such a panic, Ilia couldn't help but smile. She shook her head and explained softly: "Brother, it's not what you think."

"So, what is that?"

Belen was also startled, looking at the girl in front of him with some doubts.

It's the last moment.

Illiya took a deep breath, she seemed to be cheering for herself, her hands clenched on her sides, her cheeks slightly rosy.

"actually, I..."


Hearing the call, Illiya was also taken aback. She raised her head and looked at Belen, who also put her hands on her shoulders, with a faint smile on her face.

"Actually, I am stupid. Whether as your brother or the elder of this family, I have always been clumsy, but fortunately, you are here. As long as you are here, I believe I can do better."

When these words fell into Illya’s ears, she was silent. This is a very young child’s speech, because for them, Belem has done very well, even so good that they are all To the point of distress, the person in front of him is very gentle to everyone, gentle enough to force himself to this point.

"I still know that my brother is a fool."

Hearing that, Belen was also a little embarrassed to scratch his hair, but still smiled and said: "I'm really sorry, your brother is a fool."

"But, because my brother is an idiot, I would like it." A moving smile bloomed on Ilya's beautiful face, which eclipsed all the flowers, brighter than the moon in the night sky.


Belen's heart jumped heavily, his face turned red, and then he shook his head secretly. He probably misunderstood. The "like" Iliad said must be the kind of like among family members. He really thinks too much. It.

Seeing Belen's loss of consciousness, Illia also tilted her head with a smile, then stood on her toes and tapped the former's cheek lightly.

The softness of that moment made Belén's whole person sluggish in place, and he couldn't even tell the left and right winds for a while. He stood there blankly, staring at the girl in front of him blankly, and even thought he was dreaming for a moment. , But the moist and cold feeling on his face after being blown by the wind made him realize that this is not a dream.

"Sure enough, it's better for older brother to be older now." Illiya took a step back, holding her hands behind her, her silver-black eyes softly looking at the person in front of her.

How beautiful is the gentle color that blooms on the girl's face. This is the most beautiful girl a man has ever seen. Fortunately, this girl is a close person and his sister.

Chapter 726: Manson who missed another opportunity

After confessing to Ilia, Belen's mood was a little different. Looking at it now, even if he confessed his situation directly to everyone, it seems that there is no big problem.

After all, La Tier and Ilia have already accepted it, so everyone should be able to accept it, but La Tisi alone does not know what to do.

Latis is now twelve years old. Belen can't guess what kind of mental state a child of this age is. If the kitten knows that she may not be able to accompany her, what emotions will she have?

Thinking about it this way, Belen didn't intend to confess to everyone, but let the matter continue to be concealed until he could no longer hide it.

On this day, just as Belém was walking on the trail, a surprise sound came from the side, and this also made Belém an instant headache.

"Hey! I finally caught you, let's fight!"

Belén turned his head and saw a handsome man with long yellow hair running over, his hands already on the scabbard, it was Manson who wanted to challenge him every day these days.

"Are you annoying?" Belen was also getting his head big by this guy. In order to fight him, he was really persistent.

"Now fight with me, as long as I get the result, I will retreat immediately!" Manson said. He mainly wanted a result. He wanted the Master Juggernaut to see that he was better than the disciple she personally collected. Not bad!

Belen was taken aback when he heard the words, then waved his hand and said, "As a result? Then I give up, can I stop bothering me?"

"Hey! So perfunctory, are you still a disciple of Master Juggernaut!?" Manson's eyes were also open. He didn't expect this guy to be so faceless and skinny, so he stopped talking nonsense and wanted to draw his sword to force him to do something.

At this moment, a cat-eared girl suddenly came to the court, it was Latier, who was shocked when she saw Manson's gesture of drawing his sword, and immediately ran in front of Belen.


Belem was also startled when he saw the person who came.

Latier stared at Manson ahead and shouted nervously: "Mr. Belém is not feeling well, can you not trouble him?"

"Is not feeling well?" Manson was startled when he heard the words, and then sneered: "This is not an excuse for a swordsman to avoid fighting. If he doesn't do anything, then I will come!"

Latier couldn't help but shouted, "How unreasonable you are!"

"Whatever you say, I finally wait until the girl is gone, I won't let this opportunity go!" Manson also shook his head.

Thinking of the silver-haired girl, Manson got a headache. He had to admit that after having handed it a few times, that girl was really strong enough to foul the rules. No matter what tricks or sword skills he used, it was nothing to that girl No effect, he already knew that the other party didn't intend to hit him hard, but he couldn't break through the opponent's defense anyway. This also made him very depressed. How could there be such a wicked girl?

Belen was also a little confused about the fact that Ilia was not around today. He knew that Ilia hadn't come out in the room today, and he didn't know why. Could it be because of yesterday...

"Okay! If you don't do it, I will do it!"

Hearing Manson’s shout, Belen also frowned. He put his hand on Latier’s shoulder and said, “Latier, you will get hurt if you step back.”

"But, Mr. Belen, you..." Latier looked at Belen very worried.

At this moment, a purple-haired figure suddenly passed by. It was a beautiful young man with an incomparably gorgeous face. It was the good friend La Tier had made a few days ago, the shrine young man.

"The Shrine!"

When she saw this beautiful boy, La Tier also called out in surprise. She knew that the shrine was very powerful, and she was a member of the discipline team of the Elf Academy. Maybe she could help herself solve this trouble.

Hearing the call, the Jingong boy also heard his reputation. When he saw the cat-eared girl, the brown eyes were a little brighter, the pace under his feet turned, and then he walked over, his eyes again It was the white-haired man who fell on the side, frowning slightly.

The shrine came to the two of them and asked suspiciously: "Latier, you... why are you here?"

"Ah? Compared to this, Shrine, can I have a favor and need your help?" Latil eagerly asked the boy in front of him for help.

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