Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 685

Seeing the girl's eagerness, the shrine was also taken aback, and then asked: "Don't worry, say slowly, if I can help you, I will definitely help."

Hearing the boy's words, Belen's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a little smile in his eyes. It seems that this boy also has a good impression of La Tier.

La Tier pointed to Manson who was looking at this side curiously, and then said: "Because Mr. Belém is in a physical condition, he can't do anything, and that person has to struggle to the end, so please help me to catch him. Go this guy?"

Looking in the direction that Ratil was pointing, when he saw Manson, the Shrine also blinked. He thoughtfully, then nodded.

"give it to me."

Immediately afterwards, the Shrine walked forward. He looked at Manson, his handsome face was calm, and he said: "I don't bother to care who you are. Leave. I won't let you right. They did it."

"You are..." Manson's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he shook his head again: "Finally caught this opportunity, I won't leave easily. If you want to stop me, just take it out. Your strength."

In this regard, Jingu said indifferently: "I am too lazy to do it with you."

"Then you can consciously retreat." Manson snorted.

And at this moment, the shrine took out a cyan and golden feather intersecting in his hand, rubbing it in his hand, and he whispered: "If you don't leave, I will call the Fengji team, maybe It will also attract high-level attention. After all, you are no longer an academy student. If you do this, it should be a headache for you, right?"

"Do you know who I am?" Manson frowned.

The shrine did not answer this question directly, but said indifferently: "I don't bother to care who you are. I belong to the Decent Team. If you dare to make trouble, even if it is a royal family, I will not miss it."

This boy is really domineering.

Belen's eyes also brightened, and his affection for this teenager has risen inexplicably. If this teenager likes La Tier, he really wants to match it up, but for La Tier’s personal affairs, he has promised before. I didn't interfere, so I was a bit regretful.

"Fair Discipline Team."

Manson's gaze stayed on the blue-gold feathers for a while, then glanced at Belem, and said in a deep voice, "I want to see how long you can hide."

Immediately afterwards, Manson snorted, then turned and left. It was not easy to catch an opportunity, but it was useless, which actually made him a little uncomfortable.

Chapter 727: Worries as a Master

After Manson left, the Shrine also retracted his gaze. He turned to look at La Tier and the white-haired man.

"Thank you for your help." Belen thanked him. After all, he helped himself, and Manson's entanglement also caused him a headache.

"I didn't want to help you, you don't need to say thank you to me." Jingu shook his head, he was quite serious.

Belen didn't care too much about this, anyway, the shrine boy did help him.

Ratil on the side also said, "Jingu, thank you, otherwise that guy will definitely have to do it."

"It doesn't matter, we are friends." Jingu also showed a faint smile.

Seeing the smiles of the two of them, Belen was also startled, eyes drooping, always feeling a little uncomfortable, ah, it's time to admit that he has possessiveness, really bad personality.

No matter how you look at it, the temperature between the two is very high.

Immediately afterwards, the shrine looked at Ratil and asked curiously: "How did you provoke that person?"

La Tier looked at Belem next to him, who also nodded when he recovered. So La Tier simply explained the matter of the Sword Saint Heir.

Hearing that, the shrine also took a look at Belem, and then said: "Since the body is not well, let the girl follow you obediently."

Although the tone is ordinary and it doesn't sound so friendly, there is no doubt that this is his opinion.

Although Belen didn't intend to stay with Ilia forever, he didn't utterly reject the kindness of the young man from the palace, so he simply refused to respond.

"Latier, shall we go?" Belen looked at Latier.

Upon hearing this, the shrine also said: "La Tier, can you accompany me to the shopping street? I want to help our Feng Discipline team gather some things, there are a lot of things."

Hearing what the two said, La Tier was also stunned, and then looked at Belém. She said, "Mr. Belém, I want to help the shrine, okay?"

Hearing what Latier said, Belen was also inexplicably stunned, and then smiled and said, "Go, I'm fine by myself. That guy shouldn't be here again today."

"Then I'm going!" La Tier smiled, then looked at the shrine, she said, "Shall we go?"


The shrine nodded, and after following the girl a few steps, he turned his head and glanced at the white-haired man from the corner of his eye, and the corner of his mouth slightly hooked.

Seeing the departure of the two, Belen also stayed for a while. He scratched his hair, feeling a little strange. He shook his head, then turned and left.

This is a feeling of watching a daughter or a close sister about to get married. This kind of reluctance is definitely not possessive.

When he came to a lawn, Belen thought about what he didn't want to do, so he lay down on the lawn, looked at the bright sky, and started thinking about it.

Having said that, they have been in the Fairy Forest for two weeks. Although the Fairy Forest is not particularly large, the scenery can't be finished in just two weeks.

In the beginning, I just came to see Laiya, but I didn't expect to be able to stay here for so long. This is really thanks to Antrina, but what is she doing now?She herself is very free, because she is only a "sword saint", not the elder's house, or other agency personnel, probably there are not many people in this world who are more free than her?

At this moment, the blue sky disappeared in Belen's eyes, and a beautiful face appeared in his sight, and his cyan-gold hair looked particularly bright and beautiful under the sunlight.

"You little guy, what are you doing here?"

"I am already an adult."

The person who came was the Antrina whom Belen had just thought of. She was bending over, holding her left wrist with her right hand, and she was behind her, smiling at the white-haired man lying on the lawn.

"So, what is the little lord doing here?"

Regarding this, Belen said irritably: "Don't you see that I am basking in the sun? You blocked me from basking."

Antlerina also said without curiosity: "For mother and master, can't you respect it?"

"Then, Master Master, can I give my disciple a ray of sunshine?" Belen sighed.


Antelina walked away with a smile, letting the sun fall again, and she also adjusted her dress, then sat down beside Belen, and then lay down with her hands as a pillow.

When he glanced at the woman lying down beside him, Belen raised his brows slightly, and when he was silent, Antrina took the lead in finding the topic.

"That boy came to see you, right?"

Hearing these words, Belen was also startled, and then sighed: "It's more than just looking for it. It's almost every day to touch him. Fortunately, every time he is blocked by others.

"You have enough perseverance." Antelina couldn't help but laugh when she heard the words, she didn't seem to be surprised by this.

Belen seemed to have thought of something, and then said: "Why don't you go and ask him not to challenge me? As you are, he shouldn't refuse to agree?"

In this regard, Antelina curled her lips. She said: "Do you think I will use my identity to make him give up?"

"That's what it said." Belen also sighed. He knew Antlerina's character very well, and she would not use her identity to oppress anyone.

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