Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 687

"That room is..."

Gradually, someone discovered that the room was the room of the disciple of the "Sword Saint". During this time, many people would rush to stop by. After all, they were the disciple of the Master Sword Saint, and the powerful strength they showed that day It also made countless students in awe.

"Hello there."

Ofer Yinxian also said hello. She did not wear that light armor today. If she looked like a beautiful warrior before, she now looks like a noble princess.

Seeing this girl, Belen was also very puzzled. When he was about to ask the other party's coming, he suddenly noticed the boys gathered from behind and on both sides. They were also a little speechless immediately, and then looked at the girl in front of him.

"If you don't mind, come in first?"

Overtone didn't refuse, she nodded and walked into the room, and Belen also closed the door at this moment, blocking the sight of the other boys from the door.


"How did Knight Ji get in!?"

Many people exclaimed, and some people began to speculate that the noble knight Lord Ji had also been taken by the white-haired man!Sure enough, strength is extremely important in this world!

Countless people are heartbroken at this moment.

However, there are still a lot of sane people who glanced at the guys who were full of thoughts. They really wanted to call them dumb, but they were not easy to speak.

Inside the room.

Belen poured a cup of hot tea and placed it on the table in front of the girl. He said, "Please, I have nothing else here."


Ofer Yinxian responded like this. She took a sip of the teacup with both hands very dignifiedly, and then slowly placed it on the table. She looked at the white-haired man who sat down across the table.

Seeing the girl staring at him, Belen also asked, "Is there anything coming to me?" He racked his brains and couldn't think of what the girl wanted to do when he came to him.

Ofer Yinxian blinked, then lowered her head. She said, "It was my fault to provoked and belittle your Excellency many times that day, and I apologize for that."

"Well, I don't really care." Belen scratched the hair on the back of his head. He really didn't care very much. After all, when he was in academy, he was not less provoked by those guys. If he cares so much, he will be very tired.

"Even so, I have to apologize for my behavior." Ofer Yinxian apologized very sincerely.

Hearing this, Belen also nodded, and he said, "Well, I will accept your apology. Keep your head up. You are the Knight Ji."

He has not heard about the title of a girl in the Elf Academy these days. After all, she is the super elite of the Elf Academy. Naturally, she has an extraordinary popularity in the Academy.

Ofer Yinxian raised his head and stared at the person in front of him, and then solemnly said: "Actually, I have another thing to get rid of you today."

"Perhaps you are here for this, right?" Belen also grinned.

The exposed Ofer's strings were also a little bit ashamed. Her cheeks were slightly red, but she didn't say anything. It was a girl with emotions written on her face.

When Belen noticed this, he couldn't help but smile. He said, "Let's talk about it, but I have some discomfort recently, and I may not be able to discuss it with you."

After hearing this sentence, Over Yinxian's eyes also showed loss, and his face also had unconcealable regrets, and everything was written on his face.

Upon seeing this, Belen also realized what the girl wanted to do. He scratched his hair and felt a little embarrassed. He said, "Are you trying to come to me to discuss it?"


Ofer's strings answered, and after hesitating for a while, she said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, then forget it. After all, you are in a bad condition, and I can't take advantage of others."

"It’s a bit too much while others are in danger." Belen was also startled. He thought for a while, then his eyes lit up and he smiled: "Although I can't fight you, there is someone who may be your opponent. ."

Hearing his words, Ofer Yinxian blinked, as if waiting for the other party to say something.

"It's the first one...my disciple." Belen finally came up with such a name, the person he was talking about was Lumia.

Hearing this, the short-haired girl also appeared in Ofer Yinxian's mind. She asked curiously: "If she is, would you be willing to discuss with me?"

"Although I'm not sure, but I don't think she would refuse. After that time, she seemed to be stimulated." Belen thought of Lumia's words at the time, and felt a little helpless.

"Then I will visit her now." Ofer Yinxian stood up and immediately planned to go to Lumia. She knew exactly where the latter lived now.

For her, Lumia was also a very suitable opponent. At that time, the latter was already exhausted. After all, she had experienced so many battles, but there is no doubt that the short-haired girl 'S strength is indeed very strong.

Seeing the girl's eagerness, Belen was also startled. Perhaps after losing to Ilia and herself that day, this knight Ji was also hit, so she wanted to become stronger, right?


At this moment, Ofer Yinxian suddenly stopped. She turned to look at the white-haired man, then bent down, and said, "If you can, please take time to point me."

"Well, okay, I will be there often when you and Rumia compete." Belen agreed. After all, there is still Manson's entanglement recently. If this knight is present, that guy shouldn't be there. Too messy, you must know that this is the Elf Academy, and this girl is the vice president of the Student Union of Elf Academy.

Although he was a little unwilling to be defeated at the time, Ofer Yinxian had to admit that this white-haired man did have extraordinary strength.

So, after the young girl hesitated for a while, she asked calmly: "At that time, did you not use your best?" She was very concerned about this question.

Hearing this, Belen was also stunned. Under those extremely serious eyes, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "Because of his body, he can't use his full strength."

He is not good at lying.

Hearing what he said, Ofer Yinxian was silent for a while and then slightly nodded, and then went to open the door of the room. There were countless male students piled up outside the door. The proud knight Ji glanced at them and then walked out indifferently. sound.

"Step aside."

Everyone hurriedly backed away, giving way to the beautiful knight Ji, and Overtone also calmly left the male dormitory.

"It seems...we misunderstood?"

I don't know who said this, and everyone around me nodded in unison.

Seven hundred and thirtieth chapter: as long as you can live happily

When Knight Ji came to the girls' room, she made the same request to Lu Mia, and Lu Mia also agreed after being stunned.

"Okay, I agree."

After hearing the girl agree, Ofer Yinxian also showed a faint smile, and she saluted again: "Thank you very much."

Lumia has long been accustomed to competing with others and then learning from it. Moreover, compared with the mandatory training in the past, this method is gentle enough to make people want to be emotional.

"So, when are you free?"

"anytime is fine."

Hearing that, Ofer's Strings also nodded slightly, then took out a coin and handed it to Lumia, she said: "When the time comes, I will use this to notify you, and it will guide you to my side."

Lumia took the coin, she looked at it, and then at the girl in front of her, she nodded.

"Then, I'll leave first, and I'll visit late at night, so I'm sorry."

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