Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 688

After completing her purpose, Ofer Yinxian stood up and left, she looked very good, with a faint smile.

After the knight Ji left, Latir and the others also looked at Lumia with a worried look in their eyes.

"Lumia, is this really good? What if you get hurt?" Latir was very concerned about this, she didn't want anyone to get hurt.

In response, Lumia smiled and shook her head. She said, "Don't worry, I'm used to injuries a long time ago."

Hearing Lu Mia's words, the girls trembled in their hearts, then surrounded Lu Mia with a very sad expression, surrounded Lu Mia, and hugged them.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Seeing everyone hugging herself, Lumia also showed a look of surprise. She looked at the girls hugging her with a puzzled look, completely unaware of the situation.

"Lu Mia, it's so pathetic."

"It won't hurt anymore."

Hearing what they said, Lumia was also stunned for a while, then realized something, and shook her head with a wry smile: "Don't worry, it's all over, and I won't feel any more pain."

However, after these words came out, Latier and the others felt even more distressed. This night, everyone lay a floor on the floor and then slept together.

In the early morning of the next day, La Tier ran to tell Belen what had happened last night, and the latter was not surprised. After all, the knight girl came to him first.

"Mr. Belén, is it really okay?" Latier was still a little worried about Lumia.

Hearing this, Belen said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will be there when they are going to practice against each other, and I won't let them be too topped."

"That's it, that's good." La Tier was also relieved, but then he was taken aback and asked curiously: "That means, is Mr. Belén's body much better?"

Seeing the girl's surprise look, Belen was also taken aback, then smiled and nodded: "Ah, it's really much better." His complexion has been really good recently, after all, he didn't do anything tiring.

At noon, Belén did not go to eat. He could survive by magic alone. His demand for food was not great. If Latier and the others did not come to eat with them, he would rarely be able to eat alone. Go find something to eat.

Because he didn’t know what to do, Belen walked aimlessly in the academy, but he didn’t go where he had encountered Manson before. If he was hit by that guy again, no one would be there now. Can help me solve that trouble.

After a long time, Belen came to the sea of ​​pink flowers. He sat on the ramp and looked at the sea of ​​flowers blown by the wind. There was a bright brilliance in his eyes. Such a beautiful scenery is really rare.

Looking at the sea of ​​flowers for a long time, Belen gradually walked into a young girl with long blonde hair. He was taken aback, and then called out.


When she heard this call, the blond figure also stopped and turned her head to look over. The blue eyes with gold patterns instantly noticed the white-haired figure on the lawn slope. She was taken aback. Then walked over.

"Mr. Belen, why are you here?"

Belen smiled and replied: "I walked here somehow, and then I sat here to watch the scenery, how about you?"


Laya was also startled when she heard the words, and then she came to Belen's side to adjust her skirt, and then sat down. She looked at the beautiful pink flowers with her golden pattern and blue eyes, and she couldn't help feeling.

"This is probably the most beautiful place in the Elf Academy."

"Yes." Belen also smiled slightly. He noticed the lovers laughing in the sea of ​​flowers in the distance, and couldn't help but smile: "If those lovers can get married here, maybe they can also get the blessing of this sea of ​​flowers? "

After hearing these words, Laiya's face froze, and then gave a soft "um", and then whispered: "But if one of the two parties is reluctant, will he still be blessed by Huahai? ?"


Belen was also stunned when he heard the words. He looked at the girl beside him suspiciously. Some of them didn't quite understand what Laiya said. Could it be the plot of the story?

Regarding his question, Laiya was silent. In the end, she shook her head and showed a smile. She said, "This is a story in a book. What about Mr. Belém's answer?"

"The answer..." Belen thought for a while, and then said seriously: "Of course, you can't get blessings. How can two people who don't love each other get happiness?"


Laya also lowered her head to respond. She pressed her lips in silence. After a long time, she raised her head slightly and said softly: "Mr. Belém, I am very, very happy that you can come to me, but ...I may not be able to travel with you anymore."

Hearing what the girl said, Belen was startled. After seeing the sadness on that side of his face, he also smiled and shook his head. He put his hand on the girl's head and rubbed it, calming her with a soft voice. .

"It doesn't matter. For this, I have been mentally prepared for this. After all, this is your home."

Laya will eventually leave and return to her hometown.

Belem had understood this kind of thing a long time ago, so when the girl said this, he did not have any surprises. Although it was a little regrettable, it was also helpless. After all, the Fairy Forest belongs to Laya. Home.

"I'm sorry." Tears burst into Laya's eyes.

After hearing the words, Belem said softly: "There is nothing to apologize for, as long as you can live happily, no matter where you are, it is the same."

Chapter 731: How can life be without regrets

In the Fairy Forest, confess your affairs to everyone.

Seeing the sea of ​​pink flowers swaying waves after waves, Belen also made up his mind. Although his physical condition has temporarily stabilized, the seal is also weakening day by day, and will eventually disappear. No one can save him anymore.

He also didn't know how long the seal would be able to support. Maybe it would disappear suddenly after a sleep. By that time, he might not even have a chance to say goodbye to everyone.

Just confess to everyone, right?Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Belen took a deep breath, the fresh air calmed his mood a lot, and then looked at the blond girl beside him, he didn't hesitate anymore, so he showed a faint smile.

"Liya, I have something to tell you."

Taking advantage of the fact that Laya is alone now, let's tell her about this first. After all, telling her one by one will also make him feel less stressed.

Hearing what he said, Laiya was also startled, and looked at the white-haired man beside her in doubt. After seeing the smiling face, she also asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

"I, actually..."

The wind blew gently, blowing the sound into the air and drifting far away. The wind was blowing the girl’s blonde hair, and the beautiful face was also dull at the moment, and those golden eyes and blue eyes were shaking slightly , The white-haired man's plain voice came from his ear.

After a long time, Belen finished speaking, and the girl stared at him blankly.

"how come..."

Although I had already noticed that Mr. Belém had something wrong with his body, and it was not such a big deal as he himself said, he had never thought that it was already so serious.

Belen looked at the sea of ​​pink flowers, and he whispered: "I don't know when I will reach the end, so I plan to tell everyone about this in these days in the Fairy Forest."

At this moment, Laya was in a state of confusion. She was unbelievable at this sudden news. She usually looked good, so she was so close to death at once?

This extremely destructive news instantly smashed Laiya's heart wall, tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, and she murmured.

"How can this...how can..."

Hearing the girl's whisper, Belen also turned his head. When he saw the tears on Laiya's face, he was also distressed, so he never dared to say it.

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