Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 690

Illiya was standing on the road above the ramp, her silver-black eyes locked on the opposite man, and her entire body was roaring like the sea, surging up and shaking the earth.

"How dare you shoot your brother."

The man stared at the silver-haired girl who had arrived. Although he had known the news that the girl was very powerful, he could only feel how unfathomable the silver-haired girl was when he confronted him.

"By your side, there is really an incredible existence."

Hearing what the other party said, Belem frowned and asked, "Who are you? Why are you attacking me?"

"I said, just want to teach you." The man responded calmly.

Eliya didn't care what the two said. She raised a hand, and the earth-yellow magic power wrapped around her arm, and the earth shook suddenly at this moment.

The earth elements between the sky and the earth are boiling at this moment, as if they have been affected by something.

"This magic..."

Perceiving the boiling earth element magic power between the world and the earth, the man also frowned slightly. He raised his head and glanced at the sky, then his eyes fell on the silver-haired girl.

"You actually master the law of elements."

To his surprise, Yi Liya looked indifferent, and launched an attack as if she hadn't heard her, and the jade hand that was raised lightly waved, and then shook it suddenly.


Under the man's feet, the land collapsed, and all the mud and rocks swept away, surrounding the man like a whirlpool, and then rapidly contracted to annihilate him in it.

Seeing this unceremonious hands-on, Belen beside Iliya did not stop, but narrowed his eyes, he didn't think that the other party would fall easily like this.

Sure enough, in the next moment, a deafening sound suddenly resounded through the sky.


A blue-violet thunder light descended from the sky, directly smashing the countless mudstones to the tiles, and in the air, the blue-violet magic power appeared quietly like flashing electric flowers, and then gathered in the smoke and dust, like Something floated out, the man's figure stood in the middle of the air, and the surrounding thunder lights flickered, and even crossed the barriers of space to connect from left to right.

"He actually..."

Belen was also aware of the magical power of the thunder element converging in this world, and he couldn't help feeling a little shake, and he couldn't help but start to guess the identity of the other party.

One of the elves actually exists, mastering the mantra of Thunder!

Chapter 733: "The Elf King"

"Earth Mantra... It's really incredible."

The figure shrouded in electric light stood in the air, and there was a ray of golden arc flickering in the golden eyes, and the man calmly looked at the two people on the other side.

Thunder Mantra.

Belen also sensed the magical power of the thunder element in the turmoil that day, and his dark blue eyes emitted a faint brilliance, staring at the man in the golden robe.

Who is this guy?

But even if the other party possessed such power, Illiya didn't shrink in the slightest, her beautiful face was covered with frost, her eyes exuding an icy edge.

She only knew that the other party had just done something to her brother!

Illya's expression was cold, and she muttered to herself in a low voice: "How can my brother be hurt?"

When the left hand suddenly lifted, the ground behind that immediately collapsed, and a giant hand made of mud and rock fell towards the blond man below.

However, the blond man raised his head and glanced at the giant hand that covered all his sight. He raised his hand and stretched out a finger. The magic power gathered between the fingers and turned into a circular magic pattern. With amazing electric light.

In the next moment, a terrifying lightning flash broke out on the magic pattern and rushed away, and the terrible destructive power directly blasted the great sky giant hand away.

At this moment, countless silver hairs flew up and wrapped the blond man at an extremely fast speed. On that day, a huge sword was hung on the sky, exuding ocher magic power, with extreme speed. The oppressive force.

"The Words of the Earth·The Sword of the Earth."

The girl's mouth groaned so softly, her right hand stretched out and swung down slightly, and the sword of the earth that day fell at the same time.

Upon seeing this, the blond man's eyes were also slightly squinted, and a golden arc burst from it. He just looked up at the sword of descent, and a round of golden halo appeared on him, and the golden arc appeared. Emerging from the mysterious rune, it turned into a golden thunder dragon and rose into the sky.

When the blade came, the golden thunder dragon was not afraid, and after issuing a terrifying roar, the power of the thunder was troubled, as if weaving a net of thunder.


When the two collided, the vast magic power exploded, shaking the world, and there was something like a barrier in that sky, that was a barrier!

The sword of the earth collapsed, and the golden thunder dragon turned into fluorescent light and drifted away.

After seeing the enchantment, Belen was not surprised. He knew that it was not the enchantment of the Elf Academy, and it came from the handwriting of the blond man.

Belen also looked at the blond figure in the distance with some curiosity. The latter probably didn't want the movement here to affect the outside.

In the Forest of the Elves, there are strong people who are on par with Ilia. This kind of thing is not surprising. After all, there is already an Emily before, so who is this one in front of you?

Could it be...

It’s not surprising that there is a strong "demi-god" in the Forest of the Elves. After all, Antelina is, and Emily will be there afterwards. This is an existence beyond Belen’s expectation, and apart from these two, One was in Belém's expectation.

That is... "The Elf King"!

At this moment, Illiya still stared at the other side coldly. She didn't care how strong the latter was. She only knew that the other side wanted to hurt her brother, which was unforgivable.

She knew how far her brother's body had reached, how could she still hurt him?

The blond man's eyes flickered, and then he put away his magic power. He slowly fell from mid-air and stood on a rock. He glanced at the mess around and sighed.

"It's a mess."

Hearing what he said, Belen also grinned, but he wanted to say, isn't it your fault to make this happen?

Immediately afterwards, Belen asked: "I don't know, is there anything wrong with the "elf king" coming to me?"

He has almost determined the identity of the other party, the other party's hair color, eye pupils and clothes, and this amazing power have all hinted the other party's identity.

Seeing that the other party knew his identity, the blond man didn't have many surprises. He calmly responded: "I said it at the beginning, just want to teach you a lesson."

"So...why do you want to teach me?" Belen was also very puzzled, did he make this "elf king" unhappy?

"It just depends on you."

That's right, such vulgar words really came from the "elven king".

When Belen heard this answer, his mouth twitched. He couldn't help saying, "Even so, there is always a reason, right?"

The blond man said calmly: "Because Laya."

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