Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 691

"Laya?" Belen was stunned. He looked at the blond man on the other side in a puzzled manner. After all, this "elf king" was really young enough.

Belen suddenly stunned when he thought of this place. He looked at the blond man with a weird look. Could it be that this "elf king" liked Laiya and misunderstood what he and Laiya have?

At this time, Eliya was also a little confused. She looked at the white-haired man and asked, "Brother, can I still beat him?"

"No, no, it's not a misunderstanding..." Belen was also a little helpless. The "elf king" was indeed attacking himself with his own will. This is definitely not a misunderstanding.

Hearing that, Illiya also glanced at the blond man on the other side, and then, the magic power on her body slowly condensed, she stood beside Belem, wary of the people on the other side.

The blond man also looked at the silver-haired girl. He said: "Unexpectedly, Lingmei has such a powerful force at such a young age. This talent is indescribable, and he is willing to be so angry for you. You have a good sister. It."

"I think so too." Belen also smiled and nodded. He couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing gently on the silver-haired girl's head. The latter didn't mind, but blinked. Looks like a good bunny.

Immediately afterwards, Belen stared at the blond man again, and he asked: "Then, with the sister-in-law, Lord Elf King can't hurt me, so I want to ask if there is anything else besides teaching me. What?"

He didn't think that the "elf king" really came here just to teach him, there should be other things.

Upon hearing this, the blond man also said calmly: "Take me to find Laiya."

Hearing what he said, Belen was also startled. He scratched his hair, and then said embarrassingly: "She probably went out to play with my family. She shouldn't be in the student dormitory now."

"Then wait there."

"Okay... OK."

Chapter 734: Have a good sister

At this moment, outside the girls’ dormitory, Belen and Ilia are standing in front, while the leader of the elves, the "elven king", is now wrapping himself up in a sneaky manner, The students passing by all around couldn't help but point their fingers. Probably they would never have thought that this mysterious person who can only see golden eyes is the "elven king", right?

Belen also looked back at him helplessly, and then asked: "Aren't you the "Elven King"?Why do you want to be so sneaky when you enter the Elf Academy to find someone?"

In this regard, the leader of the elves said: "I am here to find someone. If my identity is revealed, even finding someone will become very troublesome."

"Is it?"

Belen was also a little confused. He could send Laya to see him with an order. Although Laya was a royal clan, this man was the "Elven King", and this power naturally existed.

You really like Laiya, right?

Since then, Belen came up with such an answer. He couldn't help but smile to himself. Sure enough, a beautiful girl who is as sunny and cheerful as Laiya is also super likable, even this young "elf king" Of admiration.

Belen looked at the silver-haired girl next to him, and he asked, "Ilia, did you bring the key?"

"Yeah." Illiya responded, and then walked in first.

The girls around were all curiously looking at these three. They had seen the white-haired man and the silver-haired girl in the lead many times, but the latter...what is it?

After a while, Illiya brought the two into the room. As expected, the girls hadn't returned yet, so there were only three of them in this room for the time being.

"They haven't come back yet."


Taking down the black robe and rolling it up, the blond man looked at the tea set calmly, then poured himself a cup of tea, sat down on the ground, and closed his eyes and said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Belen also scratched his hair a bit. He didn't know what to do for a while. He turned his head and looked at Ilia. He found that the latter was sitting there with his eyes closed. The two of them looked like Meditate in general.


Belen, who didn't know what to do, simply closed his eyes. He also wanted to learn the two of them to meditate, but at this moment, the blond man in front of him suddenly spoke.

"Has Antelina handed you all the Elf Sword Dance?"

Hearing his question, Belen was also stunned, and then said: "Yes, I learned everything from one to seven."

"All taught, it seems that Antelina is serious about you." The blond man did not open his eyes, and then he said, "Your name is."

Hearing what he said, Belen was also startled, and then responded: "Belen Grean."

"Soest Santa Felia."

The "Elven King" reported his name, and Belen was stunned for a while. He didn't expect the "Elven King" to tell himself his name.

Soest opened his eyes at this moment, and his golden eyes stared at the white-haired man in front of him. He said, "If I guess right, you should be the "white-haired swordsman"."

Seeing that the other party knew his identity, Belen was also a little surprised, but there was nothing to hide. He nodded and said, "That's right."

"Sure enough, it was you." Soest did not seem to be surprised. He had this judgment when he saw the other person at first glance. He was very clear about what happened to the outside world over the years. The rumors of "Sword Saint" are naturally very clear, after all, they are people with the name of "Sword Saint.

It's just never thought that the "White-haired Sword Saint" turned out to be the disciple of "Sword Saint" Antrina. This is probably something that the world can't think of.

According to rumors, in the Northwest Campaign, the "White-Haired Sword Saint" killed dozens of demon warriors and countless demon kings by oneself, as well as the one mentioned in ancient books. Sad, also repelled an ancient creature black dragon.Later, in Eloranya, he intercepted the "natural disasters" with some powerful men and fought against the ice maiden alone. The sum of all these deeds can be imagined, how much this "white-haired sword saint" is. Is stronger.

Although the rumors mentioned that the "White-haired Sword Saint" is a young white-haired man, it has never been confirmed. Those who are interested in this strong man will fill up their guessed image in their minds. .

"The Elf King" Soest hasn't left the Elf Forest for decades. He also didn't expect that the disciple of his good friend "Sword Saint" Antelina had already gained such a reputation.

Immediately afterwards, Soest said again: "But your state seems to be very bad. Sure enough, you have injuries as Antelina said."

"Well, the root cause of the disease." Belen nodded slightly.

"So that's it." Soest closed his eyes again, and he said calmly: "Then you have to be careful, but I will trouble you at any time."


Belen's mouth twitched slightly. First there was a Manson, and now even the "Elven King" has to come to join him. Now he has nothing to do with the two of them. what.

After hearing the words of the "Elves King", the silver-haired girl on the side opened her silver-black eyes, and the killing intent appeared in her eyes. She said solemnly, "If you dare to hurt my brother, I will kill you."

"You really have a good sister." Soest said the same after hearing the words, without expressing anything else.

Belen had discovered this point that Ilia would change her name when she got angry. Although she felt that the remarks from her mouth were quite majestic, Belen changed his mind after thinking about it. The girl was so cute inexplicably, she reached out her hand and rubbed her head.

"Ilia is so cute."

After hearing these words, the frost on Illiya’s face melted instantly, and her cheeks became slightly rosy. She glanced at the white-haired man beside her, then closed her eyes again and lowered her head slightly, always feeling Somewhat embarrassing.

Where is this?

After that, the atmosphere in the room fell into silence again, until in the afternoon, the girls laughed inside the door, and then the door was opened, and several figures walked in. At this time, the three people in the room too Opened his eyes.

"Illya, and..."

Lumia saw Ilia and Belem, and then turned her gaze to another blond man. She was a little puzzled, but at this time, Leia's murmur came from her side.


Chapter 735: Laya's father?

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