Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 697

"Sorry, I didn't stand firm."

Belen helped the girl up, and he asked puzzledly: "Is it because of physical discomfort?"

"No, it's okay." Laya shook her head, and then looked at the girls who came around. She said, "I want to go back and rest first, sorry."

Hearing that, Lumia also quickly said: "Shall we send you back?"

"It's okay, I can do it alone." Laiya shook her head again, then stopped saying anything and walked towards the student dormitory.

Seeing the blond girl leaving, Latier and the others also looked at each other. They didn't understand what happened, and they always felt that Laiya was not in a good mood.

Seeing this scene, Belen also frowned slightly. He said: "I am a little worried about Laiya. I will accompany her. You can continue to play here."

After seeing Belen following, La Tier and others also showed a confused look. Even if they were to continue playing, they couldn't do it, but it always felt that Laya didn't want anyone to follow.

It was dusk, and Laya walked ahead on the winding path, her eyes dimmed, she clasped her hands tightly, as if she was holding back something.

Behind the girl, Belen was trying to get close to her, but he always felt that the girl had a "don't enter" aura, he frowned slightly, and finally couldn't help calling the other person.


Hearing the familiar sound coming from behind, Laiya also trembled and stopped. She clasped her hands tightly, pressed her lips tightly, and then lowered her head.

Belen frowned and looked at the girl, and he couldn't help saying: "Laiya, what's the matter with you?"

"Why are you following?" Laiya lowered her hair and made a low voice.

Hearing what she said, Belen was also startled. He subconsciously said: "Because Laiya seems to be in a bad state, I am a little worried, so..."

Laiya suddenly raised her head and shouted, "I'm not bad!"


Hearing this high-pitched voice, Belen also opened his eyes wide, and he stared at the blond girl blankly. This was the first time he saw Dolaiya like this.

"I'm okay, let me stay alone for a while." Laya lowered her head again, she pressed her lips tightly, and then turned around, but when she took a step, words came from behind. She froze all over.

"Since you don't want to marry, then don't marry."

After a while, Laya turned around again, her eyes dull and looked at the white-haired man under the light over there, she whispered, "What?"

Looking at the girl, Belen repeated it again softly: "Since you don't want to marry, then don't marry."

"Why? Obviously Mr. Belen doesn't know anything." Laya clenched her hands, and she made a painful voice, tears flickering in her eyes.

"I know."


Belen looked at the girl tenderly, and he whispered: "I know you are in pain, I know you don't want to marry, I know you want freedom, just knowing this is enough."

"Why is it so light..." Laya's voice gradually became crying, tears welled up and fell from her cheeks. She wanted to suppress the excitement, but she couldn't do it anyway.

In this regard, Belen just said seriously: "As long as you don't want to marry, even if it is your father's censure, I am willing to accompany you to face it, because we are a family."

"That's it, I don't want to, I don't want Mr. Belém and everyone because of my business..." Laya did not continue to say, her beautiful face was sad, she knew, if Mr. Belén knew She would definitely say such things in her own affairs, she didn't want to.

Belen knew what was not done. He stepped up and came to the girl. He said softly: "It doesn't matter. We will not become enemies with Laya's father. We will persuade his."

"Father won't agree." Laya shook her head, she choked, and then said: "I am the only daughter of my father. I cannot be the "elf king", so I need to get married and give birth to a child. My father came to train the next "Elven King"."

This is a huge pressure for the girl. She cannot go out and play as freely as before, because this fairy forest needs a future path to continue, and the pioneer of this path is the "elven king." .

Belen has also learned about this matter from Emily, so now he is not surprised, but feels distressed for the girl, because this is the key point of this matter.

Belen himself didn't care much about what would happen to the Fairy Forest, but because of Laya and Antelina, he had to care again.

"So, do you understand? I can't choose." Laiya raised her head and looked at the man in front of her, the crystal clear tears constantly falling from the corner of her eyes.

Belen was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "The future of the Fairy Forest is saved by the "Elven King", not by you."

Hearing these words, Laya also suddenly raised her head, with disappointed eyes in those gold patterns and blue eyes, and shouted in a painful voice: "So, Mr. Belen wants me to give up on me. Hometown!?"

In that case, she would be a sinner of the Elves!

Regarding this, Belen was also silent, but Leia said at this time: "It is clear that Mr. Belen hopes to see us grow before he dies, and now I am about to get married. Is it a blessing? Why do you want to persuade me now?"


"Obviously Mr. Belen is just a naive adult." Laiya said this, she looked at the man in front of her disappointedly, and then turned away.

Belen looked at the leaving figure, ripples in his blue eyes, he covered his heart with one hand, it was silently paining, he pressed his lips, a little regretful.

Knowing that the girl is so kind, he still said such cruel words.

Seven hundred and forty second chapters: Are you hated?

That night the girl's words faintly echoed in his mind, and Belen hadn't been so depressed for a long, long time. He was a little regretful, some self-blame, and some loss.

Mr. Belen is just a naive adult.

Thinking of this sentence, Belen turned over on the bed again. He lay flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling, and all the loss in his heart was on his face.

Indeed, just like Laiya said, he was just a naive guy, always not that mature, which really made him a headache.

But ah, there is no time for him to mature.

Regarding what Laiya thought in his heart, he could also roughly think of that girl, not wanting them to be embarrassed with her father, and not wanting to leave the future of the Fairy Forest, after all, this is her hometown.

Compared with the former, the latter puts the greatest pressure on her. The mission on her shoulders is far more important than others imagined. This is an inevitable mission.


In the end, Belen let out a deep sigh, then got up from the bed to wash, and couldn't sleep, so he couldn't stay in bed forever.

After getting up early to wash, Belen left the room. He found that it was still so early, and the sky had just turned blue. After watching for a while, he walked forward and sat down on the lawn by the river with less people.

Seeing the water flowing by the models, Belen's mood was inexplicably better. He just lay down like this, with his hands as pillows, and then looked at the sky. There were faint ripples in his dark blue eyes.

Looking at it now, that matter is really incomprehensible.

The last thought was this. When he closed his eyes, he fell asleep. He occasionally used sleep to ease his mood, although he didn't need to sleep.

After an unknown period of time, Belem woke up, and when he woke up, the sun was already high in the sky. He rubbed his eyes and then stood up. He turned around, before taking a step. A blonde figure came into view, and his heart suddenly jumped.

The blond figure was Laya. She was walking by herself at the moment. Her expression looked calm, but she seemed a little absent-minded. At this moment, she caught a familiar white figure from the corner of her eye. Slightly raised his head and looked, his pupils were slightly rounded.

Just after the two people's eyes contacted in the air, Laya withdrew her gaze. She pursed her lips and continued to move forward, as if she hadn't seen the person.

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