Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 698

Seeing this scene, Belen was also stunned. He looked at the figure who didn't look back, feeling a little bit inexplicably aching in his heart, and immediately showed a wry smile.

It seems that I was hated.

No wonder, after all, what I said was very excessive for Laiya, who loved this forest, and it was also unreasonable, and it was normal to be hated.

I'm so sorry.

Belen still didn't call out the girl's name. He wanted to apologize, but he always felt that Laya would not forgive him at all, so he didn't have the courage to apologize.

Let's go back.

When Belen left with a look of loss, the blonde girl also stopped. She turned her head and glanced at the figure full of loneliness and sadness, pressed her lips and squeezed her hands, then turned her head and continued walking.

At noon, when it was time for the meal, Latier and the others didn't know what happened that night, but they also realized that Laiya seemed to be in a bad mood.

In the park, La Tier suddenly looked at the blond girl in front of her. She smiled and asked, "Laiya, shall we prepare a picnic together tonight?"

"Picnic? Well, good." Laiya was taken aback for a while, then nodded.

Lumia also smiled and said, "Then call Mr. Belém over tonight, I haven't seen him these days, and I don't know what else to do."

Hearing these words, Laiya also trembled, and she subconsciously said, "No."

The girls all looked at Laiya curiously, wondering, they thought they had heard it wrong, what did Laiya just say?

"Laya? What's the matter with you?" Latil looked at the girl beside her with some worry.

Laya held her hands together, she hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, "Could you not call him?"

"Laya, do you... mean Mr. Belém?" Latier was also startled, she looked at the blond girl in disbelief, and at the same time was puzzled.


Laiya nodded, then lowered her head and said, "I don't want to see him now."

"Why? Did Laya quarrel with Mr. Belém?" Latier also opened her eyes wide. No wonder that Laya's mood is not so good recently, there is a reason!

The girls on the side looked at Laya in confusion. They hadn't had much contact recently. How could they quarrel for no reason?Thinking of this, Lumia and Hill were startled again, no, that night...

It should be what happened that night, right?

"I don't want to see him." Laya shook her head, and her mind couldn't help but echo what the man said that night, and she was a little angry again, and she said again: "I hate him."

When Latier heard these words, she was also stunned. She muttered in disbelief: "How can you say this, Laiya!?"

Seeing the girl's sluggish appearance, Laiya also opened her eyes wide. Only then did she remember that the man really meant eyes for the girl in front of her.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Latier, I just..." Laya pursed her lips and didn't know how to apologize. She was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "But, I can't forgive him anyway."

The girls looked at each other, and Ratil asked after a moment of silence, "What happened? Laya hates Mr. Belém so much?"

If it weren’t for something serious, it’s absolutely impossible for the girl in front of her to hate that man. Not only she, but they are also the same. I can’t think that I will hate Belem. After all, the relationship between everyone is already So deep.

Laya hesitated for a while, and then asked softly: "If he wants you to abandon your hometown, will you agree? It will be good for you to do it though."

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned, and then fell into silence. Although the two sides had a definite dialogue, if it was such a question, their answer would not be entangled, that is, they would never give up.

At this time, La Tier's eyes flickered slightly, and she suddenly said, "Laya, what Mr. Belén meant, is this really?"

"That's what he meant!" Laiya replied very confidently.

"That's it." Latil nodded slightly, and then let out a long sigh of relief. She raised her head and looked at the sky, as if she could see the man's smiling face. She slowly asked again: "Then, Mr. Belen So what's the reason for that?"


Laiya's eyes gradually became dull.

Chapter 743: Heartache

When she heard Latier's words, Laya was also stunned. She sat motionless, her mind became extremely complicated for a while, and her hands were also tight.

"What kind of person is Mr. Belen? Laya is so smart. It should be clear." Latier looked at the girl. She couldn't empathize with all of them, but she didn't want Laya to continue her disgusting attitude towards Belen. Go down.

The reason for saying that?

All the thoughts in Laiya's mind were like being knocked over to the ground. She was in chaos, but no matter how chaotic she was, there was always a thought lingering in her heart.

Ratil looked at the girl in front of him calmly. She said: "Mr. Belém, he is such a gentle person, but even if he wants to say something that hurts Laya, he also said, why is he? Don’t Laya understand?"

Laya lowered her head sluggishly, her heart trembled slightly at this moment, she actually knew, in fact, she understood everything, but she couldn't accept it.

Even if it is to fight her father, even if it is to abandon her cherished hometown.

The reason for doing that is actually just for her.

"Mr. Belém is a foolish person. He may not be aware of the girl's mood, but that must be his most direct thought and the thought that best expresses his heart." Latier said softly. She already knew the gentleness of that man.

Give up your hometown and go high?

Laya must not be able to do it, she knows it, he must know it too, but the latter may just wish her freedom and happiness.

In that man's heart, she is far more important than this forest.

Because, that's his greatest expectation, hoping that the family around him can live happily.This is the man's last and greatest wish.

The familiar face and lonely figure that I saw this morning suddenly appeared in Laiya's mind. For a while, endless regret came to her heart, and she was distressed.

However, she still had no choice, she could not choose, for the future of the elves, she had no choice anyway.

After Laya spent a long time calming down, she bowed her head to the girls in front of her, and apologized with a guilty heart: "I'm sorry, I said something that makes you hateful."

In this regard, the girls looked at each other, and then laughed unanimously. They were not angry about this incident, and more wanted to help the two restore their friendship.

Latier also smiled and shook her head. She smiled happily, "It's okay, as long as Laya can reconcile with Mr. Belém."

"Sorry, I worried you." Laiya did not respond to Latier's words, but said so.

Although she was no longer angry, Laya still couldn't go to Belem to apologize. She didn't dare to do that, because only in her current state could she welcome the wedding with peace of mind.

After the evening came, La Tier and the others prepared a lot of meals and came to the lawn, while Ilia was notified by Belen.

The girls gathered on the lawn, they were waiting for the arrival of the two.

At this moment, Laya was a little nervous. Although she felt guilty for Belem, she could not reconcile with him now, so she was also a little afraid of meeting the man.

After a long time, the silver-haired girl and the white-haired man walked over from a distance, and their figures looked very similar under the moonlight, just like brothers and sisters.

When the two came to the crowd, they sat down, and Belem was a little nervous, because he didn't know what was happening between the girls today, so he felt that Laya was still angry with her.

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